
15-03-2025 Vol 19

My Dear Mother

This week, Leslie’s Hoo Are You questions have a focused theme – motherhood!  How appropriate with Mother’s Day approaching.  I hope you’ll decide to linger over my answers and share yours with me in the comment section.  Enjoy!


1. Are you a mom and if so how many kids do you have?  I am the proud mama of three kiddos.  They are practically all grown up.  Our oldest daughter, 23, is married, our youngest daughter (soon-to-be 21) lives on her own, and our son just turned 17.  My baby isn’t a baby anymore standing over six feet tall.  He’s like a giant compared to me. LOL

2. List 3 qualities that you love about your mom!  First, my mother is lovely, Christian woman.  She loves the Lord and has shared Jesus with us when we were growing up.  Second, my mother is a wonderful housekeeper.  She does a marvelous job keeping their home clean despite all the foot traffic it sees with mainly her grandkids and great-grandkids parading through the house. Third, my mother has always worked hard her entire life.  Bless her, she’s had to work outside the home most of her adulthood and is still at it. Hopefully, she’ll be able to retire soon.

3. What is your favorite thing your mother cooks?  Hmmm, maybe biscuits and gravy!

4. What do you love about being a mom?  Just about everything, really.  I love most of all being a SAHM. This summer will make it 23 years.  It’s been super nice being here every step of the way with my kiddos from seeing them grow up to homeschooling them to watch them spread their wings.

5. What are your plans for Mother’s day?  Usually, I’m kept in the dark pretty much what my family plans to do.  As for my mother, I made her a hand stamped card and bought her a fresh-water pearl bracelet.  Psst, don’t let my secret out, okay? She lives in another state, so I’ll be giving her a call to let her know she means the world to me.

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