Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! February is the month of love, and we typically think romance with Cupid sporting hearts to pierce with his arrow. But, heart breaks are also found in February and we all know nothing hurts like a romantic break up, but a band breakup?! Well…that’s a double heart breaker ~ for the group and their fans. This morning, I’m sharing hits of a one the messiest band breakups mentioned in Rolling Stone’s 2013 article in my addition of Breaking up is hard to do series part I with…
Don and Phil The Everly Brothers.
Before Don and Phil were “The Everly Brothers”, they sang as a family with mom and Dad called, The Everly Family. The family lived in different places, but interestingly moved to Knoxville, Tennessee in 1953. It is here that they gained attention from family friend Chet Atkins. Soon, the brothers became a duo and moved to Nashville to pursue their career.
The boys spent more than two decades together before the era of the best of The Everly Brothers came to an end. Addicted to speed in the early 60s became a problem, Don’s problem was worse with the added use of Ritalin.
Don collapsed on stage in Britain, leading him to hospitalization and treatment for his addiction, but by the mid-60s The Everly Brothers took back seat to The Beatles in the British Invasion and as the decade closed they were no longer known as hit-makers.
Tension between the brothers escalated in the early 70s. Don told a reporter he was tired of being an Everly Brother. Their last performance in July 1973, Don showed up drunk and unable to sing properly. An angered Phil broke his guitar on stage and stormed off leaving Don to finish the show alone closing this chapter of their lives for good.
They parted ways for a time, and reunited for come back tours, but things were never the same again. In memory of Phil Everly who died a year ago this month (1939-2014), let’s listen to 20 songs found on The Everly Brother’s Platinum Collection.
What memories do you associate with your favorite Everly Brothers’ song ~ love or heartbreak?
Thanks for sharing a dance with me. Let’s keep the party going, link up and join the fun at XmasDolly. I hope to see you tomorrow for Cat Chat. Have a tunetastic week!
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You have me dancing down memory lane. Such wonderful music as a child.
That’s the famous song I know from them, but I don’t always recognize them in music.
Thanks for sharing Cathy.
Have a great week! *HUGS*
Breaking up sure is hard to do. Listening to the Everly Brothers make me think about how much music has changed over the years.
Great call in going old school. Love the tunes.
These tunes are from my brother’s era. It brings back memories of me hiding on the basement steps and watching the boys & girls dancing… and him yelling at me to go upstairs. hehehehe I’m bad! Well, at least in this era you can understand the words. Great memories there girlfriend. Thanks much.
Their early years were before my time – and I had to go look up their reunion years from the 80’s and 90’s to see if there were any songs I remembered from them…sadly not. But they do have a great sound, and I know my mom was a big fan of them!
Great background and vintage tunes!
Have a great week, Cathy! Thanks for the dance!
let’s Start A Band with Somethin’ Bad – Who Says You Can’t Go Home when it’s All About That Bass?
Thanks for that interesting history of the Everly Brothers. My musical interest started around 1963, so I didn’t know that much about them. “Wake Up Little Suzy” sticks in my mind, because I remember thinking about how much trouble that would cause. LOL
Late 70’s my youth group went to an amusement park. I’ll never forget meeting Neil Sadaka. Strangely I only new his newer music, like “Solitaire.” Told my Mom I we met him and got to ride the roller coaster with his group – she went nuts. I told her she should have chaperoned!
Now, that had to be super cool to meet Neil Sadaka. I would like to have an opportunity to meet someone famous. I sorta know how your mom feels. When our daughters worked near the University of Tennessee, they were privy to meeting athletes, sport figures, musicians, local TV personalities,… On a few occasions they even got autographs for their daddy, which was sweet of them. Maybe one day, I’ll get a surprise in meeting a favorite celebrity.
Funny you should post this since my BOTB choice was “Bye Bye Love”. One stand out Everly song for me was “Cathy’s Clown”. My first wife was named Cathy and this song used to be on my mind a lot right after we broke up. When I was younger I used to like the song “Dream” a lot, though I always listened to the version by Jan and Dean.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out