
26-03-2025 Vol 19

Mulberry Tree#AprilA2Z

Mulberry Tree by Dave Clark Five

Although, I did not remember this song by DC5, they do have tons of good music I do remember. Did you know they sold more than 100M records, including 24 hit albums and 30 world-wide singles? That’s pretty impressive and the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame inducted DC5 in 2008.
In keeping with life through music, that’s just wanted I’m doing. Earlier in the month, I shared Daddy’s Little Girls sitting in a mulberry tree.  It’s a fabulous climbing tree. The girls loved doing this (with a little help) when they were small and DS did, too. If that ole tree could talk, I’m sure it would say to our kids, “Your papa climbed every branch of me straight to the top!”.

Everyone loved picking (more like eating ’em) mulberries so Mamaw could make a fresh, home-baked Mulberry Cobbler. NumNum!

Mulberry Cobbler


  • 4 c. ripe mulberries
  • 1 C. white sugar
  • 1 C. sifted flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 C. stick butter, melted
  • 3/4 C. milk


Mix all the ingredients, except mulberries, by hand. Heat mulberries on the stove (sweeten to taste) and be careful to not scorch fruit. Pour half of the batter into a greased square baking dish (8″x8″ or 9″x9″). Add fruit, then pour the remaining batter over the fruit. Bake in a preheated, 400º oven for 40 minutes or until brown.

You can serve vanilla ice cream on the side for an added treat, but with or without the ice cream it’s a delicious!

DH spent many boyhood years beneath that old tree staring across the blue ridges of the Appalachian mountains daydreaming about all the what ifs and pondering the mysterious of the universe.

In our dating years, we took many walks along his parents’ property and our journey always took us to this ole tree. I always imagined its sturdy limbs as the perfect cradle for a tree house fortress, but none was never built upon its weight. Instead, birds and squirrels called it home.

This tree is a favorite of ours and many picnics enjoyed beneath the shade of her foliage. In fact, I made sure that my illustrator depicted the mulberry tree in my children’s book, The Tale of Ole Green Eyes.

Local artist Leann Vineyard Copper used this photo for inspiration…

This is the backside of the barn and the mulberry tree is in the upper left corner of the picture. Unfortunately, you can’t really see it as I thought but the it’s a great shot of the old barn and small orchard!
This was taken with an old film camera in 1997 and it’s a photo scan of a poor image. Either, I did it or something went wrong at the photo lab. I don’t know what went wrong but to help it a little, I converted the picture to B&W

Underneath the mulberry tree’s cover now is where my sweet Mother-in-law is laid to rest. This is what she wanted. The place of fond memories and the beauty of God’s world surrounding her. Although, she is unaware I like to think the change of the seasons dancing to where she lays covering the earth with autumn’s warmth, or the blanket of winter white, or the sunny buttercups carpeting the ground makes her smile from above. That ole mulberry tree is a little haven, a piece of heaven on earth.

Do you have a favorite tree to sit beneath? Have you ever had mulberry cobbler?

Why not join me while I visit some merry bloggers taking part in this marvelous A2Z Challenge!

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10 thoughts on “Mulberry Tree#AprilA2Z

  1. I’ve never had mulberry cobbler… I am not even sure we have those trees up here?? But I definitely love the big red maple tree in our front yard. Two of my children are very fond of climbing it almost daily. My grandparents had an ancient oak tree in their big farm yard, and it was a perfect spot to climb up and read comics when I was younger.

    1. When I was a kid, our neighbors next door had some amazing cherry trees that we loved climbing in, but the man was grumpy and I’d swear he must have hated kids. His mother lived with him and his wife. She was a real sweetheart. She didn’t mind at all that us kids would not only climb in the tree, but steal ripened cherries from the tree. lol

  2. I remember DCK Love the song Catch Me If You Can.

    Stephen Tremp
    A to Z Cohost
    M is for Movies

  3. New tune to me… but too cute! Lovin’ the old pics too! Thanks for sharing. Luvin’ your M word. Going to Post mine now too! HUGS

    1. Rosie, thank you for the shout out! I would love a sweet taste of my MIL’s mulberry cobbler again. You can adapt that recipe for just about any kind of berry cobbler that you want, I would think. I won’t turn down a good cobbler!

  4. I didn’t realize that DC5 had been inducted into the R&R Hall of Fame. I liked them a lot back when they were big. Now I very rarely hear anything by them except occasionally on Sirius Radio on the 60’s station.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

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