I’m exhausted. I’m trying to reclaim my stamina through exercise after slacking off last fall right. Wait a minute slacking off implies I cut back but that’s not what happened, I totally put it on the back burner. What’s made my exhaustion worse is nerve sensitivity causing multiple spots on my body to be very sore. I finally decided to it’s time to have this checked out. My doctor referred a neurologist, so I’m waiting for them to call me to set up an appointment. I promise, I will survive! I’m doing a double feature today. First let me share with you the results of last week’s Mr. Blue Sky showdown.
The battle between Postmodern Jukebox featuring Allison Young and Pomplamoose with lead singer Nataly Dawn went back and forth. Twice the contenders tied and I thought for sure on the second tie that was it for the showdown but then Mike Spain broke the tie with his vote.
This is how everyone voted: Brian, Sandee, Debbie, Stephen, Birgit, Kim, Mimi, and Mike S went with Allison and everyone else Tom, Janet, John, Lee, Myke, Eugenia, and Mary picked Nataly. It was a very close race with PJ with Allison Young winning the battle (8 to7)!
I wanted to find a YT vid with PJ and Allison when I came across her Fever cover with Josh Turner on guitar. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Allison replicates the vintage singing style beautifully and I hope she keeps at it. We need to see more young people revitalizing the lost sounds of yesteryear for a new generation to learn to appreciate.
My next battle is February 1st and I invite you to join me for the next showdown.
The last time I shared a revamped illustrations from my 2019 AtoZ Challenge Little Mermaid series was in November. I think it’s time to present another ‘in-living color’ Procreate design.

Speaking of the A to Z Challenge,Li is anyone considering going at it for another round? I’m sitting on the fence but I know I’ll do it. I just need to get working on my sketches. I have a theme picked. Now to see if I can execute it without getting frustrated when I can’t get something quite right.
Link up below!
Please read: With Aces being wild, this idea gave birthing to my new mid-week hop WILD WEDNESDAYS (#WildWednesdays). All personal bloggers are invited to promote one’s posts. Share your photos, artwork, music, musings, randomness, or more because we want to connect with you. Warning… please NO CRUDE CONTENT and spammers will be DELETED without prejudice. Thank you!
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This morning I noticed DH sent me a mews article during the night. It was about Knoxville’s record cold set in 1985 and I remember it. It was a brutal -24! That’s horrible to think about and it was terrible having to drive to work that cold, cold January morning long ago. It’s no where near that this morning, thankfully but plenty cold enough with it bottoming out around 19º and about the same yesterday. I guess I shouldn’t complain about these temps as it could be worse, right? I’ll see you tomorrow for Rain’s Thursday art date with another art sketch. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
, Cathy
I participate in these Wordless Wednesday Communities:
- Comedy Plus(Sandee)
- Wordless Wednesday
- Wordless Wednesdays(Natasha)
- Xmas Dolly (Marie)
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Sorry I am so late. Beautiful sketch.
Such a spirited contest this came to be. Excellent…
Let;s do it again!
The battle went down well. I thought it was going to end in a tie but it didn’t.
Let’s do it? Are you referring to the A to Z Challenge? If so, I just started working on my sketches for April as that’s the only way I keep my sanity with these blog fests.
It was a great battle, Cathy. Hey, your sketches are so cool, my boogieing friend. A to Z challenge not for me. I’ve got enough on my plate. Feel better soon!
Dear Cathy,
I’m still fence-sitting with A-Z. Not sure I’d like to pull off an entire month, what with work up my sleeve and my other hobbies and interests. But then I also belie it puts you on track with the discipline of writing/creating every single day. So let’s see.
Feel better soonest. Do take time to relax and unwind. Sending you happy, healing vibes.
And yes, I’ve always loved you A-Z mermaids.
Have a peaceful week ahead.
Big love and hugs xox
The A to Z Challenge does help to keep me focused on my art every day but generally I do it beforehand to keep things from getting too wild in April. Some like the thrill of that daily rush but I don’t. Thank you for your well wishes. I’m making progress toward feeling more like I did before this flare up but I will go the doctor even if I’m not at my worse because this needs addressing now instead of waiting. Have a good day, dearie!
Glad you are attending to it. Heal timely, heal well. Much love.
Thanks, Natasha! I’m making good progress.
I like your mer-people. Hope you feel better soon.
The Little Mermaid characters was a fun art project last year. I liked having a theme to draw from such as this series.
Nice mermaid art! Good luck with the health issues!
Many thanks for your well wishes and kind remark on my art.
I am in planning for A-Z but only going to do 1 blog. Review of books.
A neurologist, i hope, will help, and i am praying you get an appointment and good answers soon. Congratulations to the battle winner, and i do enjoy your drawings.
It’ll all work out, I’m sure. Thanks, my dear!
I hope the neurologist has an answer for you and it’s an answer that will lead you to a good treatment, because chronic pain is so hard to live with. I don’t have any drawing talent (maybe I just need to learn how to draw) so I enjoy seeing others and their sketches. By the way, I remember the -24, too. I didn’t live in Tennessee – I lived in Northwest Arkansas and we were hit by the same cold wave. It reached -15 at our house. I think that next day it only got to 1 above, which may be my personal low high temperature record (yes, even living in upstate New York for the past 30 plus years we’ve always topped out higher than 1). Finally: I’ve done A to Z several times, as you know. I’m a bit on the fence, too, but if I do it, I already have a theme picked out.
I believe there’s an artist in all of us. It’s just a matter of how much do you want to pull that side forth. I say, if you’re yearning to do it then go for it! With the many resources available online to guide a beginner to train the eye and hand. It’s amazing how useful the Internet is in our lives. I had forgotten you used to live in Arkansas. That was some kind of crazy weather. I’m happy we don’t get much sub-zero temps. I can’t imagine those who have to put up with it every winter.
Terrific Battle, CATHY! Lots of really close contests this time around!
I sure hope you get that medical issue worked out very soon. I will say a prayer for you.
~ D-FensDogG
Thanks for checking out the battle stats and for your prayers. We can never get too many of those, can we?
I hope the neurologist can help. It is very wearing to have constant pain.
I love your Little Mermaid sketches.
I made it girlfriend, but I have to hurry off because today is grocery shopping day. Anyway, I love you picture sweetie. You should have a book of them and keep them all together. Are you going to play that A to Z? I’m thinking of doing it, but I had forgotten all about it. Can you send me the information? I sure would appreciate it. When is the dates? Thanks sweetie and have a great day. BIG HUGS!!!! LUV YA Oh do we have anyone for February??? If not I guess I’ll check around.
Marie, I keep all my sketches on my computer and a backup stored on an external hard drive. My illustrations are mostly for musings and it if others enjoy my drawings then I’m doubly happy.
Yes, we have an honorary co-host for February, Robin from Songbird’s Crazy World. However we don’t have anyone yet for March. Heading to bed now. Have a good evening!
Hi Cathy! Love our mermaid art, and the cool music. Sorry you are not feeling so good, hope the doc can help you. Hugs, Valerie
I like this song much better than the battle one. I’d have voted for her this time. I am going to do the A to Z this year and am really happy that I have picked my theme and have started putting things together. Hope you join again too!
I featured Buddy Guy last week, and he did one of the best versions of “Fever” I’ve heard…
Exercise? What’s that? Actually I need to get more exercise, but I’ve always been rather a static sort of soul which is something I should change. Old habits are hard to break.
Great Battle! So far all the Battle results that I’ve looked at so far have been similarly close. We all did pretty good in this round.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I’m sorry to hear of your pain, dear Cathy! Hope the Neurologist helps you feel better soon! You are so talented…that sketch speaks volumes! Keep at it.
Thank you for joining our Blog Hop.
Wish you a happy #WordlessWednesday. See you around.
Much love,
Pain is a good reason not to exercise. Don’t push it. I hope that’s resolved soon.
There is a contingent of younger people who like to dress in vintage styles, too. A few years ago there was this one girl at the high school that every day looked like she stepped out of a ’40s movie. She has graduated since then, but I bet she maintains the same style.
I have decided not to do A to Z this year. I may be convinced otherwise, but at the moment I’m thinking I should pass.
One thing I know is to not push myself. In years’ past I was all too guilty of doing just but nope no matter of that silliness. That’s so cool to read about the girl dressing in vintage style fashion. I wish the modern woman would take more pride in her appearance. You don’t have to dress like a vintage housewife but it’s a shame to see how far women have fallen. I thought about passing on A to Z, but sure I’ll keep with it. Only time will tell the tale. Whatever happens I won’t beat myself over it.
Cathy, I hope the neurologist can resolve your health issues! Feeling exhausted and in pain all the time must be so wearing.
You had a good, close battle, and I was happy to see PJ come out the winner. Allison’s version of Fever was enjoyable. Thanks for sharing that!
Your sketch is excellent, as always!
Good luck with the A to Z Challenge. I’ve retired from that frenetic pace and can’t imagine doing it again, but will visit others, here and there.
So sorry about your health issues. Hope these are resolved soon.
Hooray for Allison! Your mermaid art is super nice and I hope all goes well with the neurologist.
I’m not surprised Allison won, but it was tough to choose. That makes it even more fun.
Love your sketch. You’re so talented.\
I’ve never done the A to Z Challenge. I just don’t have that kind of blog. Just saying.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love and hugs. ♥