
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Movie songs 80s & 90s

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

Howdy-hi, folks!  I hope y’all had a lovely Mother’s Day weekend. 

This week’s Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me theme is In honor of the debut of the Sony Betamax recorder (1975), songs from movies from the 1980’s and 1990’s.   The 80s was particular good decade for some awesome movies and music.  It won’t be hard for me to find enough songs to build a playlist.  Are you ready to boogie?  Hit play to enjoy 10 movie songs, mostly from the 80s decade and finishing the set with one lone 90s tune. 

80s & 90s Movie Songs playlist tracks:  1. I’m Alright  Cadddyshack ~Kenny Loggins  2. Theme from Rawhide  The Blues Brothers ~Dan Aykroyd & Jim Belushi   3. Ghostbusters ~Ray Parker, Jr.  4. Holiday Road  National Lampoon’s Vacation ~  Lindsey Buckingham  5. The Power of Love Back to the Future ~Huey Lewis & the News  6.  Ready To Take A Chance Again  Foul Play ~Barry Manilow  7.  Easy Bound and Down  Smokey and the Bandit ~Jerry Reed  8.  Rhythm Is Gonna Get You  Stakeout  ~Gloria Estefan & the Miami Sound Machine  9.  Everytime You Go Away   Planes, Trains, and Automobiles  ~Paul Young   10.  Bird On A Wire (movie name the same)  ~Neville Brothers


This month’s honorary co-hostess is John from The Sound of One Hand Typing


This is a mewsic linky party. Every other week we have a suggested mewsic theme (see side menu) to build your song set around and all participants share YouTube or Vimeo videos for our mewsic enthusiasts.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.

That’s a wrap for now. Have a boogietastic week!  X💋X💋, Cathy






















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35 thoughts on “Movie songs 80s & 90s

  1. Oh, the 80”s. It figures, I knew all the 80’s songs and didn’t know the last (90’s) song, but I liked it. So anyway…The original Rawhide theme, I believe dates from 1959. I’m old enough to remember the original show, with Clint Eastwood in it. And all the fuss about the lyrics “hell bent for leather” because they used the h-e-double hockey sticks word! The Power of Love will always mean “Back to the Future” to me, definitely one of the best movies ever! (Now I want to see it again.)Ghostbusters is another great one. Very nice choices, Cathy!

    1. Alana,

      You made me laugh. I remember spelling hell h-e-double hockey sticks. I haven’t heard that in a long time! lol This week’s theme really rocked and I’m glad you enjoyed my picks. 🙂

  2. All sweetness in the picture, CK…awwdorable 💗 Your movie playlist is just wonderful, and I wonder how a movie would like when there wasn’t any mewsic in it. Fantastic how they work together…MOL… Pawkisses for a wonderful day and let’s swing it out girl🐾😽💞

    1. Binky,

      Music and movies go hand in hand. A good movie is made better because of the music and good music is made better because of the movie. I can’t help to think of a movie scenes when I hear certain songs, can you?

  3. Ok, I am a total Caddyshack fiend. I have Funko Figures of Carl and the Gopher. Such a cool choice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that your week is good.

    1. Patrick,

      Carl and the Gopher while goofy was a fun part of the movie. Those were the days when good comedy ruled the big screen! 🙂

  4. That has to be the sweetest Mama cat! And Caddy Shack is one of my fav movies! Cheers Xoxox

    1. Kathe,

      The first Caddyshack was great! The comedians in this film were top notch in the 80s. You can’t find that kind of talent out there today, nor screen writers!

  5. you really outdid yourself with this one, Cathy! Kenny Loggins soundtracks could be an entire post by itself 🙂

    1. Mary,

      I agree Kenny Loggins’ music could be an entire post. He did a number of movie songs to chart. Thanks for dancing with me, girlfriend!

    1. Ellen,

      Back to the Future was a funtastic trilogy! That was Michael J Fox’s golden days. He’s such a good actor. It’s always nice to see him appearing in TV shows. I hate that he was stricken at such an early age with Parkinson’s. Christopher Lloyd was fabulous in it but then I loved him in Taxi. 🙂

  6. Lovin’ your set my girlfriend! I didn’t finish my blog until just now. I need to start earlier if I’m going to figure this bugger out. Hope you like what I’ve done. Hugs and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help! SENDING HUGE HUGS TO YOUR DOORSTEP!!!! Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. Saw your pics they were phenomenal! Every one of my kids called yesterday and that’s highly unusual cuz either one calls the day before or the day after, but they all called yesterday! I was very happy! SENDING BIG HUGS!!!! THANK YOU AGAIN & AGAIN!!!

    1. Marie,

      Alrighty, you’re not using the blog I created. That’s okay. I need to change your web URL on linky tool. I’m happy to help anytime if I can.

      I’m glad you had a nice Mother’s Day. I had a good one, too. Thanks for coming by to dance with me, darlin’! Let me scoot off to fix the linky.

    1. John,

      That was quite by accident but it was a nice start to the playlist. It just worked out that way when I was going through the movies from the early 80s. 🙂

  7. Awww on that precious mom cat hugging her kitten. A huge Awww.

    Loved that movie and love that song. Made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I created the kitten and mom meme after seeing another that wasn’t quite as cute. I’m glad you liked the image. 🙂

  8. Over the years I’ve bought a lot of soundtrack recordings. Some of those albums have some really great collections of songs.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      As I said before the 80s was a great decade for music and movies. We own a few soundtracks, as well. When even got the Miami Vice TV series soundtrack which is fantastic!

  9. Bummer I can’t go past Rawhide as the video for Ghostbusters is unavailable but I know the songs well and love the 80s. I have not seen Stakeout in years and would love to see it again. Funny, I always thought Smokey and The Bandit was from the 70s but…who cares. I have to look it up though 🙂 I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. My mom would agree with that Minion comment 🙂

    1. Birgit,

      You’re right “Smokey and the Bandit” is from 1977. Yikes! It wasn’t until after we got married that I saw the film and I thought it was 1980. That being said, the sequel did release in 1980 and that’s probably what I was thinking. roll eyes Thanks for popping over, my friend!

    2. Birgit,

      That’s too bad my video player for Rawhide wouldn’t play. You said it wouldn’t go past the song, did you try clicking the next song in the lineup? You’ll find a pull down menu in the upper right corner. It kind of looks like a list with a number at the bottom which tells how many songs are on the playlist. I’m curious to know the answer.

  10. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Awww-some 4M Monday to you, dear friend! I hope you had a nice Mother’s Day weekend.

    I just wanna smooch that kitten and its mommy. So cute!

    I enjoyed your set of hit recordings used in the OSTs of hit movies of the 80s. That dancing gopher, the pest of the country club golf course in Caddyshack, is one of the most familiar and iconic scenes of 80s films, and Kenny Loggins’ cool song is a perfect fit for the persistent little critter. From 1959 through the early 60s, I watched the Western TV series Rawhide every week with my dad. I found a tremendous cover of Ray Parker’s “Ghostbusters” that I will be presenting at Shady’s Place in a future post. Surely one of the most recognizable movie themes of the period is “Holiday Road” from the zany Chevy Chase movie Nat’l Lampoon’s Vacation. I’ve seen it at least a half dozen times over the years. I used the then current Huey Lewis hit “The Power Of Love” as the music bed in a video presentation I produced in the mid 80s to promote our new MTV style television station to potential sponsors. All of our sales execs were equipped with dubs of the video and it made me proud to help the cause. Foul Play was another good movie from the period when Chevy and Goldie were both at the top of their game. I’m peeking at the rest of your songs and realize that I have seen every one of these movies, some of them multiple times. I loved Jackie Gleason and Sally Field in Smokey And The Bandit. I fell madly in love with Madeleine Stowe when I saw her in Stakeout. She came to my town for location shooting of her 1994 noirish romantic thriller China Moon.

    Once again I hope you had a nice Mother’s Day catching up with your children. Have a wonderful week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’m glad you enjoyed my music set this morning. I’m curious now to listen to the Ghostbusters’ cover. We saw many of these movies multiple times back in the day and most if not all of them are in our video library. I believe we saw China Moon many years ago but I don’t believe its in our video collection. Richard Dreyfuss and Emilio Estevez are so funny in “Stake Out”. Madeleine was the spicy mix that made the movie all the more fun when Dreyfuss’ character falls in love with her from afar but getting tangled up with while on stake out. Did you see “Another Stake Out”? That was fabulous. Every time I hear the Partridge Family song, “Come On Get Happy” I think of the scene in the film with Rosie O’Donnell singing it and her dog howls along with her. lol Thanks for joining me on the 4M dance floor today, my friend. Have a boogietastic week!

      1. Yessum, I saw both – Stakeout and the sequel Another Stakeout, along with several other Madeleine movies including Worth Winning, Unlawful Entry, The Last of the Mohicans, Short Cuts, Blink and 12 Monkeys. Have a great day, dear friend Cathy!

        1. Tom,

          “Blink” is another great movie! Thanks for the reminder. I believe we saw “Unlawful Entry” but it’s been so long. I need to find it on streaming. She has some great male co-stars in the film, too. Ray Liotta does creepy stalker real well.

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