Good-morning! Do you have your coffee or other hot beverage of choice in hand? If not, grab a cup to settle in to visit with me for a bit.
I’m joining Joyce first thing today. Here are my responses to this week’s Wednesday Hodgepodge Q&A session.
1. Something little you are loving right now? Something little I’m loving would have to be my little granddaughter. She’s an adorably sweet and I was reminded how much she looks like her mommy when DD1 sent me a picture of LA wearing the same Christmas sweatshirt that I made for her when she about the same age.
2. Red roses or pink peonies? Red wine or pink lemonade? Red lipstick or pink polish? A cotton candy colored sky or a fiery red sunset? A book-movie-song you love with the word red or pink in it’s title? Red roses, pink lemonade, cotton candy colored sky, and The Woman in Red.
I must confess, I wouldn’t say that I love this movie or song but it’s the first thing that popped in my head. The 80s was a stellar decade for music and movies!
3. What’s something you currently have your heart set on doing-going-seeing-or experiencing? I have my heart set on getting into a new home and I hope we find a place this year. I also have my heart set on going to New England. We’ll see how things go with Covid this year. Maybe, we can plan a late summer or early fall trip northeast.
4. Who would you most like to have a heart to heart with right now? Is that possible? No one comes to mind at the moment.
5. Write an acrostic for the word L-O-V-E.
- L – Linger frequently in each others arms
- O – Over do every little moment
- V – Value every second of your togetherness
- E – Easy peasy no complications the way love is meant to be
I’m not sure if an acrostic is meant to be just a single word for each letter but I felt each needed a little explanation to why I picked the words to represent each letter.
6. Insert your own random thought here. The weather has been miserable lately and with DH working from home then we don’t get out to drive the cars like we used to but on Saturday we managed to do just that at least for our Avalon. We drove the west end of the Foothills Parkway which is part of the Smoky Mountain National Parkway. The temperatures wasn’t bad but I wished it had been sunny. I did snap a photo where you can see snow on the mountains.
We drove the entire west end of the parkway. From there, we took a different route and on our way home we swung by to look at a house. Unfortunately it’s situated on a road that gets a lot of traffic with foreseeable problems with getting the mail or pulling in/out of the driveway. The search continues! Here’s a map of most of the route we traveled, which stops in a proximity to the house we looked at, then from there we headed home not before tanking up the car and driving just a short while longer. We spent four hours in the car.
Once we got home, we showered then settled in to have a movie night with home-made pizza.
Join my #WildWednesdays linky party where just about anything goes! The concept for this mid-week blog hop was conceived as I found myself moving farther away from photography and more toward art. Of course, that’s not what this party is about. You’re invited to share anything – artwork, DIY projects, photos, music, musings, randomness, recipes, and more!
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I’m linking with these Wordless Wednesday Communities… Sandee, Natasha, Marie, & Wordless Wednesday!
Let’s start hump day with mewsic. Mary from JingleJangleJungle is the hostess’ a mid-week song challenge. She tosses out three prompts and then you’re to build a playlist. Sounds fun right?
I found the Bread acoustic cover of If which reminded me of our wedding and our friend who played this song for us. The first movie that came to mind is You’ve Got Mail which featured Stevie Wonders’ Signed Sealed Delivered I’m Yours. The third song challenge is cheating. Nothing came to mind so I did a quick search. The first song to catch my eye was Marvin Gaye’s I Heard It Through the Grapevine. That’s an awful way to find out that your significant other is stepping out on you! Hit play to enjoy my short playlist consisting of these song choices for this week’s song challenge.
Click link below to listen to my playlist!
I’m taking a lackadaisical approach to posting daily because I’m beginning to feel burned out again, so I’ve given myself permission to just go with the flow. If it happens, it happens and if not, just know everything is alright. Tomorrow I will link up with Thursday Art Date with Rain. DH is off on Friday and Monday for Presidents Day. Although I won’t be around, you’re welcome to boogie to ‘songs about leaders’ on the Monday’s Music Moves Me dance floor. Have a wonderful day! XX
, Cathy
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Wonderful post, Cathy! You cover a lot of ground in your posts so take a break every now and then so you don’t get burned out. Good luck with your house hunting.
You granddaughter is very sweet and it must bring you joy to see her. I love what you wrote and I wish and hope…and will go back to Europe. I would like to have a heart to heart with my dad. It’s my mom’s birthday today but I would love to talk to my dad because he died just before I turned 24 and there are so many things I would love to ask him. I like your song choices and actually joined in on the fun.
Wonderful post, and i agree you post what you want, when you want, so you don’t just walk away from burnout.
Such lovely pics. So very nice. Thanks for sharing them.
Your daughter and granddaughter are lovely. I would love to go out for a drive across the moors but because of lock down only essential travel is allowed.
We should have been going to Canada and New England on a cruise in October for our 50th wedding anniversary. We went a few years ago and had 3 days pre-cruise in Quebec. I was really looking forward to returning but because of the pandemic restrictions all stops in the US are banned on cruises over 7 days. The cruise is 26 days but they have added extra stops in Canada instead. I will be cancelling, but not just because of the change in itinerary. Health problems make 7 days non stop at sea too much of a risk. There will be cruises closer to home instead.
I forgot to put my url. People automatically go to my cat blog otherwise.
Darling photos of your daughter and granddaughter ! That was quite the road trip- your new home will eventually show up!
Love me a Smoky Mountain view! Your granddaughter is a cutie. I love littles in clothes their mamas wore, so special! Good luck with your house hunt.
Your girls are adorable.
Love the sweatshirt! I see you’ve added a blog to your repertoire. I can’t imagine handling three sites and I’m in awe of your talents, Cathy! Doing too much will definitely lead to burnout though, so it’s good you’re pacing yourself. Songs by the band Bread hold many memories. Thanks for posting IF.
Those pics of your daughter and granddaughter are adorable. WOW, that was quite the road trip and good luck house hunting!
If is one of my favorite songs. Thank you for sharing that!
Your daughter and granddaughter are adorable!
love the pictures of your daughter and granddaughter in the same shirt!
Grands are fabulous and great grands are even more fabulous. You’ll see.
Love all your answers and thoughts. We’ve pretty much given up on traveling. To the boat for us.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
Ohh your grand daughter is adorable. I liked reading the answers to the questions. Nice scenic photo too. Oh, we are having homemade pizza tonight. LOL have a great day.
Bread…wow…yes, I loved them…
It’s good to go for a drive and see nature. We took a walk on Monday and it was really wonderful
Those photos are precious. Your daughter was a cutie and so is her daughter. XO