Hello, Kittens & dawgs! Last week, I shared Hearing Problems humor with ya. Did you know ear problems have plagued me all of my life? It’s true. When I was a child it was far worse than it is now but the last three weeks my right ear is somewhat blocked (it drains, too) making it challenging to hear. It’s doing better but I’m not out of the woods yet. I thought I’d continue the laughs with More Hearing Problems for Laughs.

Disclaimer: These funnies are on loan from various web sources, when possible I give credit, thanks to Google search.
Let’s continue the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins with Annie and Ellen. Every Thursday four fun and easy blank statements are posted for us to borrow, complete, and share on our site. The point is to simply have fun linking, reading, and meeting others who enjoy this sort of thing.
Here’s my response to this week’s fill-ins:
- Sometimes the cold makes me feel old.
- With the return of spring weather, it makes me feel young.
- I have to MAKE myself STOP eating the wrong stuff if I want to lose the post-Christmas weight.
- Every other Friday off from work is DH’s new schedule and today is his first Friday off, too. Yipee!.
I adjusted Friday’s post. I now roll out Skywatch Friday and Celebrate the Small Things on Thursdays. Let me ask, What did you think of having all of my Friday memes tied together with my Friday Sillies edition or was it too much? Do you like the way I’m doing it now with the two posts or would you like for me to go back to the way I did it?
Let’s begin celebrating with Friendship Friday and Friday Features linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration!
I may be slower than usual to make my rounds. DH and I have time together today. Who know how our day will unfold, what we will do, or where we might go. That’s a wrap for now but I’m gonna leave you with a little more comic relief that Ramona from Create with Joy shared Monday.
Please join me tomorrow for Saturday Songsuasion. Until next time, have a fototastic weekend!
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That James Taylor update of FIRE AND RAIN was a hoot. What a great, great song… in its earlier incarnation.
~ D-FensDogG
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(Link:] Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…
Stephen, James Taylor has one of those voices and styles that never goes out of style. I’m glad you enjoyed his comic remake!
James Taylor is amazing. I used to fall asleep to his music while in my university dorm… because it was so loud all the time and his voice was just sooo soothing.
I am finding I do not like the cold very much these days either. Mind you “cold” is relative; for me it’s fine up to about minus 20 … after that I’m like, um no. my face hurts out here. ha.
Les, is that -20 Celsius or Fahrenheit? Either way, you’re talking about sub-zero temps and that’s way too cold for me. I don’t like being outdoors when the temp is at freezing and anything lower then I’m like, “You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me! You ain’t gonna get me out in that!” lol I don’t get along too well with cold conditions. James Taylor is amazing. He has a soothing voice. So, I can see why you liked listening to him fall asleep during your college years.
Very nice. Always put a smile on my face
Thanks for the visit this Friday, my friend. Have a gr8 weekend. I’ll hop to see you soon!
Thanks for stopping by for a visit, Patrick! I’m glad to put a smile on your face. I can say my work is done!
Oh my, I hope the nurse didn’t use a spoon:) The Van Gogh one is pretty funny. My brother suffered with ear problems but i have been spared. I hope you get some comfort with the ear aches. I believe I am losing my hearing and have heard the darndest things and when I repeat them, I have had people laugh. I also loved that James Taylor segment-so funny. Funny, When it’s cold, I feel bold:) I like the cold. Right now, we have a high of 6C and it is too warm for this time of year. It does a number on my joints so i wish it would get to be -10 and snowy as it is so pretty when it snows
Birgit, I think failing ears is just the norm as we get older. I’ve always tried to protect my ears because of the damaged down from ear infections as a kid. What’s this, you feel BOLD when it’s cold?! Seriously you like it -10c? I had to Google that to learn that’s 14ºF. That’s too cold for me! But, you sound like my kids. They love the cold and I’d swear they didn’t belong to me if I weren’t the mother, you know? I never cared for the cold even when I was young. It’s a good thing you live in Canada, huh? Have a good day, my friend!
Loved the Far Side and the Nurse cartoons. Hilarious. I remember going into the doctor’s for ringing in my ears and the nurse pulling out a large plug of wax. Yikes plus embarassment! Seems this is not uncommon for those with long hair. Turned out the ringing was part of a problem with clenching my jaw in my sleep though.
I don’t get a lot of ear wax built up. It’s usually trapped water or me monkeying around with my ear that causes problems. I think it was a little of both this time. Ooo, if you’re clenching your jaw then you’re probably grinding your teeth. You might want to get a mouth guard to prevent any damage to your teeth and it may help with your ears, too. You might want to ask your dentist about this.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit!
Morning, Cathy!
I enjoyed this batch of Sillies. The last cartoon, with the hard of hearing OR nurse, is every man’s worst nightmare.
The one with the animals in the waiting room of the eye, ear, nose and throat specialist is also cute. On a serious note, I am sorry that your ear is still acting up. I know from experience how aggravating it can be not to hear properly especially when you want to listen to mewsic. I hope better days are ahead for you in that regard.
I laughed all the way through the clever rewrite of James Taylor’s signature song “Fire and Rain.” It was a great idea to remind us of all the changes and innovations that have come into our lives since 1970.
I hope you and DH have something special planned for today and enjoy yourselves. Happy Friday to you, dear friend, and have a safe and pleasant weekend!
I knew that last comic would make most men gasp in horror but it was hilarious. Thank you for the kind words about my ear. It’s a real dragging having my hearing muffled and I can’t wait for it to clear up. Unfortunately, the rate of self-healing is rather slow but I’m not ready to throw in the towel to go to the doctor. One, we don’t have insurance and two, this sort of thing reoccurs every little bit and it would be so wonderful to figure it out for next time. James Taylor’s rewrite to “Fire and Rain” was cleverly done and I knew you would like it. Anyone who loves mewsic will get a chuckle out of it and you’re right, Oh the changes we’ve seen since 1970! Thanks for stopping by and I’m sorry for not getting back to you before now. I’ll hop over to see you next. Have a good week, my friend!
The cold here over the past few weeks has given me some days of feeling old. Sometimes I just sit on the couch watching TV with a blanket over me. I probably should break down and have someone come and fix our heat, but I hate to spend the money because it will likely get warm soon.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Lee, During the days when I’m active the cooler temps don’t bother me badly unless it’s really cold out but I do notice the dip once the sunsets and when it’s super cold I have to put a blanket over my legs while we relax in the living room. This house has baseboard heating which is awful. We thought about putting in a central heat/air but that’s so much trouble plus we hope to resolve two problems (central heat/air and more space) in the very near future with a new home purchase. If you don’t want to fork out the money to repair the heat just get you a good portable heater. We use them to even things out and its a huge help!
When my family first moved to our house in Tennessee we had baseboard heating in every room. Without a humidifier that heating would make things so dry and my parents’ electric bill was staggering in the winters. After my father passed away, my mother had central heat and air installed and it made a world of difference in regard to comfort and the electricity bills. The baseboard heaters remained as an eyesore of sorts afterwards. After my mother passed and we were fixing up the house to sell, my brother ripped out all those ugly wall units and then laid down new wood flooring and trim. It made a world of difference. Wish we could have kept that house!
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Lee, yes baseboard heating is an eye sore and it can be dangerous, too. Our neighbor had a short in one but luckily the son was quick thinking and turned the breaker off to keep a fire from starting. I wish you could’ve kept your East Tennessee home, too. It’s hard to lose a place you associate a lot of your life with. We face the same situation. My FIL made arrangements with the woman who provides 24/7 service to him in exchange for her care, he deeded his home to her upon his death. Although, we don’t certain do not want to lose DH’s dad but the thoughts we’ll lose his childhood home is hard. There are a lot of memories tied up in that place that it aches my heart, too. Had we been consulted then perhaps we could’ve helped come up with an alternative but we weren’t asked and didn’t know until after it was done.