Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday!
Whew, it’s hard to believe Thanksgiving. is. this. Thursday! This is the last full week of November. Our honorary co-hostess, CK from Stunning Keisha, submits her final theme in honor of Black Friday and the holiday shopping season ‘songs about toys (people or animal toys‘.
The Friday following Thanksgiving has been regarded as the official kick-off of the Christmas shopping season since 1952. The phrase ‘Black Friday’ possibility dates as early as 1961, the year of my birth.
Growing up, I don’t remember anyone in my family using the term Black Friday and most of the Christmas shopping my folks did was from the Sears and Roebuck catalog. Oh, how I loved flipping through the Christmas edition that arrived at our mailbox early in the fall season.
Today’s mewsic inspiration comes from a blog article Songs About Toys that I used for my Christmas Toys playlist which I invite you to click to listen to now.
Songs tracks include Little Toy Trains by Glenn Campbell, Music Box Dancer by Frank Mills, Yo Yo by The Osmond Brothers, Cuddy Toy by Harry Nilsson, and Parade of the Wooden Soldiers by Harry Connick, Jr.
Please read…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians. Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.
It’s now time to join the 4M dance party!
ATTENTION!!! Would you like to be an honorary co-host? If so, shoot me an email or leave me a comment saying ‘YES, sign me up!’ and I’ll secure the next available month for you then send you the details.
[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

It’s a holiday week which means I have lots and lots of cooking to do. I betcha you do, too. Don’t break your neck trying to do everything. Blogosphere can wait but when you get time to collect yourself I hope you’ll do a little shake-shake, shake-shake- shake your bootie on the dance floor with the 4M gang. That’s sure to give you your second wind to finish things up in the kitchen.
The rest of the week, I’m going dark in cyberspace but I’ll boogie by in between dishes to listen to and gyrate to your mewsic playset but before I jump off let’s give the 4M honorary co-hostess, Cathy, around of applauds for doing a furrtastic job! Your theme choices were interesting, unique, and fun! On behalf of the 4M gang I’d like to say, we’d love to have you fill in again some other time!!
Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll see you soon.
, Cathy

Feel free to join these fun hops!
Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.
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Nice choices. Thank you for the kind words you left on my blog for the loss of KaTwo. XO
I was just sorry to learn about KaTwo. I know how very sad this must make you. xx
Happy Holidays!
Thank you, Kathe, and the same to you!
What a lovely introduction to the season that i am so glad to see starting again!
I’m happy it’s the holiday season again, too!
I just love Old Toy Trains. We went with the Roger Miller version but love Glen Campbell’s too.
Both are wonderful. You can’t go wrong with two all-time greats as these guys!
Oh gosh Cathy I remember those catalogs too, it was so much fun dreaming about all of the stuff I might get lol! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We all spent countless hours flipping the Sears Big Wishbook daydreaming how magical it would be if Santa brought this or that. Those were such sweet times, weren’t they?
CK, I can see I’m going to be spending a lot of time listening to memories today. When TW (The Human) was young, her mamma used to work in the biggest toy store in our area so TW grew up in that store surrounded by toys. Is it any wonder Babes in Toyland was her fave movie. The video to Perry Como’s Toyland was wonderful as was Glen Campbell and the others.
Tom Paxton wrote “Marvelous Toy” and up till yesterday had no idea there were so many cover versions of it. The song was written when he and his wife had their first child. Later he wrote “Jennifer’s Rabbit” when his second daughter was born.
Humans love their memories! So, just be a good kitty so Santa will leave you something wonderful and enjoy this beautiful holiday season. I sure do love it! I can’t even believe it’s here again so soon. Thanks for sharing the tidbits about Paxton. I did a quick search and learned that he recorded the original but didn’t know that he wrote it. It was good boogieing with you. Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Toyland is such a classic! Love it.
Sure is, Joyce sure is!
Can’t go wrong with Perry Como…
Still a little too early for me to be thinking about Christmas mewsic .As a kid I don’t remember Christmas encroaching on Thanksgiving or Halloween (my fave holiday). You won’t catch me out on Black Friday doing any shopping. Did it once a long time ago, never again. I’ll happily point and click my way through my shopping list. Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday
I do a lot of online shopping, too. I’d rather not be out in the crowds. We braved Best Buy one Black Friday and that was enough for us. Thank you for the return visit. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
A lot of Awww and a toe tapper too. What a fun way to start the week.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
Thank you for boogieing with me, dear Sandee!
Toyland here in Bentonville comes on the “First Friday” in November when Walmart vendors come to town and show off all of their Christmas goodies on the town square. It is attended by thousands. It’s a day that I usually choose to stay home. Have a blessed week.
I understand why you want to stay home. I hate being out in huge crowds!
I really like The Perry Como song and brings back memories of childhood with his tv specials especially his Christmas specials. I immediately thought of Music Box Dancer.
Thoughts of Christmas especially when I think of mewsic, almost always include Perry Como.
SQUIRRELS! Oh my, those tricky critters have disguised themselves quite well.
Squirrels? Wow, I thought they were chipmunks. OH wait, they are pilgrims partner!
Thanks for boogieing with me, furriends!
Your toys sound much different from mine, CK…MOL..but we loved it, especially the train ride. I have to find the path now…*I hope it leads me to the chipmunks
* Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead to all of you

Those chipmunks don’t want to be found. That’s why they are dressed as pilgrims.
Thanks for joining me on the dance floor, my furriend!
Oh my goodness girlfriend, every time I went to your next song I had to go back to my songs and change them because we had the same songs. UNBELIEVABLE!!! hahahahaha Well, I better get my songs together and make sure they’re all in a roll and not the same as yours. HAHAHA I guess that’s what happens to girlfriends we think too much alike! hahahaha Dang girl, it’s almost Turkey day can you believe that and wait you’re not cooking Thanksgiving are you? Dang girl, with as many kids as I got there’s no such thing in my family! hahahaha Love you gal, hope you’re having tons of fun…. HAPPY, happy, HAPPY everything! HUGS
That is unbelievable that you came up with the same songs as I did but you didn’t have to change ours. Sometimes great minds think alike completely.
Thanksgiving is almost here and it puzzles me to where the year went to. Wasn’t it just yesterday? It sure seems like it, doesn’t it? I’m doing some light cooking for us but for the big meal, we may go out to dinner with the kids. I’m unsure of their plans and schedules but say a prayer that it works out for us all to have a feast together. 
I had forgotten all about “Music Box Dancer” and now that you’ve refreshed my memory, I’m so tempted to add it to my post (already written and in my queue) but no, I won’t. I enjoyed Glen Campbell’s song, and yes, Perry Como’s Toyland, another childhood memory. I did feature a song from Babes in Toyland – I think Harry Connick, Jr. used some clips from that movie in his video. Have a great Thanksgiving, Cathy and family!
You’re welcome to borrow any of my tunes.
I’ve not seen the movie ‘Babes in Toyland’ but it almost seems like we started watching it last year and didn’t like it so bailed on it. At least our mind was on the same page. Thanks for boogieing with me, dearie!
Some great music I haven’t heard in a long time.
I’m glad you enjoyed the trip down memory lane through song!
The toys make for a really fun theme, tis the season!
Stunning Keisha did a fabulous job coming up with themes this month and this is my favorite!
Wowza. Cathy! What a fun and upbeat post with lots of fun mewsic. Keep rockin, girl and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Isn’t it hard to believe the holiday season is here again? Thanks for joining me on the dance floor today!
Time is flying by, Cathy!
Fun, Fun, fantastic and happy Post, thanks! Have a great Sunday! Hugs, Valerie
Thank you, Valerie!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy 4M Monday on Sunday, dear friend! It’s another travel day for me, and I will be across the state visiting family through Thanksgiving.
I enjoyed this mewical journey through Toyland. Minutes ago on Shady’s Place, I was replying to a comment and discussing how my mother favored singers who crooned a tune in a calm, reassuring manner, because that style was popular when she was a teenager during the great Depression and the Big Band years. Perry Como was one of those relaxed, calming entertainers she loved. When I was young our family gathered round the TV set and watched Perry’s music variety series Sing to Me, Mr. C. and Kraft Music Hall I enjoyed listening to Perry sing “Toyland.” It is also nice to hear the voice of Glen Campbell come back to life singing “Little Toy Trains.” I remember Glen hosting his own comedy variety show on TV called The Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour.
Like you I don’t remember the term Black Friday being used during my younger years to describe the busiest shopping day of the year, the day after Thanksgiving. I first became aware of it in the 80s, I believe. I too remember shopping from those colorful Sears catalogs.
It’s been many years since I heard the hit instrumental “Music Box Dancer,” but it was a familiar melody on the radio in the late 70s. It’s interesting that the tune was released in 1978 early enough to become a Christmas season hit in Europe and Asia, but wasn’t released in the U.,S. until January, 1979, and still made the top 3. “Yo-Yo” by the Osmonds is a forgotten relic. I appreciated the chance to flash back to the time of its popularity, Halloween season 1971, as I watched that nicely preserved clip. That Joe South song was first recorded in 1966 by Billy Joe Royal and I vaguely recall that version which merely Bubbled Under.Harry Connick, Jr. is one of Mrs. Shady’s favorite singers and I enjoyed his lively “Parade of the Wooden Soldiers” along with the colorful film footage. (Now that I have had cataracts removed everything appears brighter and more colorful through that eye. What a difference!)
Thank you for that inspiring meme. Truer words were never written or spoken. Thanks for the festive mewsical menu, dear friend Cathy, and have a wonderful week ahead!
How delightful that you’re spending Thanksgiving with family across the state. I hope you and yours have a blessed holiday. Perry Como was a big part of my childhood. I remember his Christmas specials which were always beautifully done as most of those kinds of programs were in the day. I wish there was shows like that on TV now but what shows up lacks the magic found in the past. Thank for making time to share the dance floor with me. Have a blessed time and thank you for being a loyal, true friend.