A special word…
In case you’re not on Facebook, I wanted to share some mews with you. Our furriend, Michele from AngelsBark mother passed away this week. You might recall she had brain surgery to remove some tumors. Unfortunately, she never woke up. My heart is heavy, so please kindly keep her in your prayers. I know that’ll mean a lot to her during this sad time. Blessings to you, my dear!
Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday!
4M brainchild, Marie, is this month’s honorary co-host. Incidentally, in addition to Marie’s computer/blog woes I learned she was hospitalized but for about a week with a nasty virus. She’s out now but feeling weak. Anywho, the theme for this week is ‘birthday songs‘
. Yep, our girl is celebrating her special day on Thursday. She added another twist to the theme requesting that we come up with songs that begin with the first letter of your name. Let’s make this a party she won’t soon forget! Are you ready to dance?
I’ve invited Madonna to sing ‘B-Day Song’ to the birthday girl. Hope ya like it, darlin’!
Birthdays are not birthdays without…cake! Let’s give it for DNCE, ‘Cake By The Ocean’!
If I had millions I’d buy the birthday girl a brand new car but since I’m just a poor girl, I’ll have to think on a smaller, much smaller, scale with this YT playlist by The Cars!

There you have it a birthday song for the birthday girl plus one song title and artist beginning with the first letter of my name. I hope y’all had a blast at Marie’s Birthday party today and on behalf of the 4M crew, you’re invited to step out onto the dance floor!
Psst…Psst…someone else I know has a birthday today. I never thought of her as ONE BAD APPLE but instead, she brings a whole lot of JOY TO THE WORLD. No, it’s not LAYLA or LOLA. No, she’s not a GREEN-EYED LADY. She is an AMERICAN WOMAN and it’s her last year before she hits the big O. Happy 49th, baby sis! I love you!!
This is a mewsic linky party, all other posts are subjected for removal or labeled – NO MUSIC!

I apologize for turning this post into a mini-novella but that’s the way it goes sometimes. I was just about to forget to share the results of last week’s BoTB. It was not much of a competition with this showdown. Dragon totally blew DJ BoBo out of the way taking the victory with a 7 to 3 win.
Congrats to Dragon!
Normally I like doing another song share of the winning band but not today. I’m too pooped to do any digging not mention I created a book with this post. One more thing, I am suspending with BoTB until mid-September. Things are too hectic in my life right now, so it’s better to sit it out then to get too overwhelmed. Please forgive me and mark your calendar for my return to BoTB for September 15th.

Before this Cathy scats, I want to take a moment to say a special word to DH. Thank you for 40 years of togetherness! It’s been a fun ride and I’m looking forward to the next 40-years with you! I dedicate this song to my Main Squeezer, my Best Friend, my DH! Happy Anniversary!
Love Is Here To Stay 
Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon. Join me mid-week for not-so-Wordless Wednesday! XX
, Cathy

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Thank you for being you my friend. I’m just getting over that Noroviruses that I caught. It’s awful and I hope no one reading this gets it or anyone for that matter. It’s highly contagious, cramps and you might as well live in the bathroom. The doctor at the ER said that I could have caught it anywhere. It’s highly contagious. The only place I was was at Good Samaritan Hospital getting a shot & the next day BAM! Aughhhhhh Then it left me for a day & back again, but then 2 days later so far KNOCK ON WOOD I think it’s bye bye! BUMMER! ANYWAY……… CATHY MY DEAR FRIEND thank you for being you… love you immensely & thank you for everything you’ve done for me. BIG HUGS!!!!!
I’m so glad you’re feeling better. I don’t like being sick and that virus you contracted doesn’t sound like a lot of fun. Sometimes all it takes is being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Who knows how you got it but I wouldn’t be surprised if you caught while at the hospital getting your shot. I always say if you don’t want to get sick stay away from hospitals. I’m happy to do what I can to help out, my friend. Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me this afternoon.
So sorry about the loss of Michele’s mom. She’ll be in our thoughts and purrayers

We didn’t know the Birthday songs, but that was a great drive with the Cars, CK, absolutely fabulous
That’s a wonderful song and sketch for the DM. Cheers to another 40 – years of happiness
Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead to all of you
Thanks for your kind words for Michele. I know she appreciates the prayers.
I’m glad you got a chance to stop by to dance with me.
Have a good week, my furriend!
Madonna and The Cars are always a great listen as they are legend in their own way. I love the DNCE song, it kind reminds me of a rocker version of Direction. Happy Birthday to Marie!
Thanks for joining Marie’s birthday party and me on the dance floor.
Troubles are just coming in ones and threes for Marie, aren’t they? Good song choices, and I love The Cars…
Unfortunately, Marie is having a hard time of things. One thing I know is how much this sock hop means to her. She put a lot her energy into it, so it’s important to keep the party going for her return asap. Thank you for visiting and boogieing with the 4M dance crew, my friend!
Marie is going to enjoy the first two upbeat songs (both of which were new to me). Happy almost birthday to Marie and hoping her computer allows her to enjoy. Happy Anniversary to you. That anniversary is a big one.
Thanks for the anniversary congrats. I don’t know where the last 40 years went but they zipped by. I guess the next 40 will do the same thing, huh? I’m happy to introduce a couple of new tunes today.
I’m hopping over to boogie with you next!
sneaks in here…
Happy 40th Anniversary!
Your songs are purrr-fect! Marie is going to love this party! I miss ya all.
I am sorry to hear about Michele’s mother. All my love to her and her family.
I’m glad you decided to sneak onto the dance floor today. Yep, I think this party is what Marie needs to lift her mood while she recoups from that ole virus and dealing with technical issues with her computer/site. Thanks for boogieing with us, my furriend!
Praying for your friend, and wishing many happy returns of the day to Marie!
OMW! Google is telling me your site isn’t safe! Good grief! This has happened 2 days in a row so I will clear the cache and see it resolves the problem!
Eugenia, hopefully the problem is fixed. It had something to do with the SSL certificate expiring. I don’t sell anything on my blog so no one has to worry about anything imo. We’ll see if Tech Support fixed it.
I figured it was something like that! I bypassed it but wanted to let you know.
I’m not sure why the SSL cert is needed. Maybe it’s not but it seems I had this problem last year and after investigating learned I needed the addon. It’s a paid service just $25 a year but I’m not sure why I need it still. lol I really need to look back into this either to remind myself why I’m paying it.
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Marie,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪
Sorry about your friends mother. I will keep her family in my prayers.
Love the kitty in the car. So cute.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous day and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
Marie is going to have a blast with these birthday wishes!
Thank you for keeping Michele in prayer. I know she’ll appreciate knowing others are thinking about her and mentioning her to God. Have a boogietastic day, my furriend!
Such interesting tunes! Happy Birthday to Marie from all of us.
Thank you, Brian. You’re such a good furriend.
I think Marie is going to really enjoy herself getting all of these lovely messages. It’ll be just what she needs especially since she is having bloggy/computer issues.