
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Monday Morning Musings #19

Very soon, I will be moving my blog from Blogger to WordPress. Yes, I finally took the plunge! In fact, I have gone thus far in hosting my own WP blog through Arvixe, and Brent Riggs from Linkytools is making sure I do it right!

Not to worry, I won’t leave without telling you beforehand. Until my new blog home is ready for me to move over to, then you’ll find me plunking away at my keyboard right here in on Blogger. I hope when the time comes for me to jump ships for good that you’ll decide to follow. 

Have you thought about making the switch to WordPress? Why do you blog?

For years I have wanted to find something that I could do from home to contribute to the family income. I began blogging to promote my children’s book, The Tale of Ole Green Eyes, with aspirations of becoming an author of kiddie-lit. Although, my book is still available for purchase I found out this is a tough market to break into. 

By that time, I found a new passion in blogging and my dreams of becoming a children’s writer diminished. Blogging provided the outlet that I needed to express and share with others my life’s lessons, recipes, DIY rubber-stamp art, photography, music, movies, and health/fitness. Inside this once secret community, I discovered a lovely group of people just like me.

Maybe someday, I can mushroom this blogging experience into a lucrative business through product/service affiliate programs and paid ads/posts or even learn how to develop personal blog designs and business websites. Who knows, maybe I can take a course or take a self-teaching course on HTML writing. 

Technology is really cool stuff to me. I’m not a geeky, nerdy, super-duper, techie-smart person (not that’s a bad thing), but I do have a good general understanding of how these things work and am not afraid to roll my sleeves up to experiment and learn. However, until my ship sails for the land of milk & honey or in this case, an additional family income source, then I’m gonna sail over to my bloggy buds this morning for some fun! Wanna come with?


Don’t forget to join my no-rule Monday Morning Musings party below:

My first hop stop is with Stasha. This week’s Monday Listicles prompt is from Julia.

10 Things That Aren’t The Same 


  1. My blog. You will now find me at Curious as a Cathy! Be sure to bookmark my new URL, and if you are not following me yet then PLEASE do so on my new blog. Let me know what your thoughts on and how I might improve my new spot in Blogosphere.
  2. There are no more children at home. The last of our three kiddos moved out last summer. At first, I was a wee bit sad. After the initial shock wore off, I settled into the whole new empty-nest beautifully. I like the new freedom I now have, but on occasions, I miss my darling children.
  3. All of our grandparents have crossed over to the other side, as of December 2012 with the passing of my maternal grandmother.
  4. Our parents are not as young as they once were. My parents have health issues, but for the most part, they get around well because they are 20+ years younger than my in-laws. My heart grows heavy each time I see my darling in-laws. It is apparent they are becoming more feeble with each passing year. Although the have physical limitations, their minds are quite intact. It is a real joy to listen to my FIL telling us stories from his past.
  5. I am not the same person I was when I got married. The once self-conscience girl with very little self-esteem is history. It took me a better part of 30+ years to open my eyes to see the wonderful person that I am. Perhaps no one else can see this, but that’s fine because they don’t see the person I use to be and that’s important to me. Oh, if only I knew then hat I know now, then life would have been a bit easier on me!
  6. My eating habits are different. It used to be I never thought about having bacon as part of any meal, but with all the hype of clogged arteries and high cholesterol, that’s when I took a health-wise approach to improving my whole diet. One day poor eating habits will catch up with anyone. Hopefully, eliminating bacon will be one less thing of concern.
  7. My internal plumbing. Yep, I have 18″ less after last year’s bowel resectioning surgery. Do I miss it? Nope, everything works like before ~ only better!
  8. Once upon a time, I was a Facebook game addict until I decided to go completely cold Turkey about 2-years ago. I happy to report that I don’t miss playing Farmville or of the other time sapping games. Yay, me!
  9. My reflection. It’s a fact with each passing year subtle changes are noted in the person looking back at me. I refuse to think I am old but instead listen to my inner-self say, I am only as old as I choice to feel.When I feel youthful, it actually shows on my face.
  10. I had dreams of being a children’s author, but that more or less changed when I found out how difficult it is to break into the industry with my children’s book, The Tale of Ole Green Eyes.

Each week, Heather puts on loan FOUR QUESTIONS for anyone to borrow and answer for your blog post, and then she gives you the option to add a fifth question of your own for those who are visiting your blog to answer in the comment section, along with commenting on the four questions you answered. Don’t forget to grab the MQAM badge for your blog or post or both from Acting Balanced blog!

 1. March 17th is St. Patricks Day – where do you think the Leprechaun hid his pot of gold? Are you celebrating in any way? I don’t know where that Leprechaun hid his pot of gold, but it wasn’t in my backyard. The only thing I’ll be doing for St. Patty’s Day is making Beef O’Brady’s Reuben sandwiches and potato soup for dinner. Instead of beer, we’ll be having root beer with our meal.

2. What kind of luck do you have? I think like most people. I have a little good and bad luck.

3. Do you have a favorite pair of shoes right now? Nah. I don’t think so. I usually wear my sneakers a lot, so I guess you can say those are my favorites at the moment.

4. What is your current theme song? Hmmm, one doesn’t come to mind. But, if you wanna listen to some music then be sure to check out my earlier post, {4M #183} Over the Rainbow.

My question for today… Did you visit my new blog yet? If so, please tell me what you think of it on my new site.


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5 thoughts on “Monday Morning Musings #19

  1. Your new site is great. So clean and streamlined. Really makes me ponder my messy site…

    I,too, thought I wanted to be a children’s author. Turns out, I just like to write. Blogging is enough for me.

    While I’m not thrilled to watch myself age, I really don’t like seeing it in my parents. I know what you mean. I’m soaking up the stories they have to tell, too.

    1. I don’t think your blog is messy. In fact, it has a warm, cozy, homey feel to it. Yeah, I’m like you. I just like to write. Blogging gives me the opportunity to do plenty of that, which feeds my creative side. It is hard to see our parents aging for sure. My mother really pushes herself way too much. I wish she would take care of herself more, and less of others. But…that’s not going to happen!

  2. Found ya! 🙂
    I love the new look. I am really feeling all things minimal this year, and like I said — this will really show off those fabulous photos you have been taking lately. Not sure if I have to sign up for email delivery again, but I’ll not that soon enough. 😉

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