
18-03-2025 Vol 19

Mommy is Trying to Exercise Right Now.

Years ago when my son was a year old…maybe 18 months, I found myself still waging the war of post-maternity weight.  I gained entirely too much with that pregnancy but had a happy, healthy baby to show for it.  Nonetheless, I committed myself to getting the excess pounds off.

One time, I recall I was doing floor exercises. I just started with my crunches when my little guy toddled into the room and laid down on me.  He wrapped his tiny arms around my neck and wouldn’t get off.  The conversion went something like this…

I say, kindly.  “Honey, Mommy is trying to exercise right now.”

He clings to my neck with his head buried into my shoulder.

“You need to get off Mommy, okay?”

His grip tightens a bit, as he continues to cling to my neck.

“Sweetie, Mommy can’t lift you and herself off the floor like this.  You need to go play with your sisters,” I pleaded while trying to break his hold, gently.

This little guy stuck to me like glue.  He wasn’t budging for some reason, I don’t know why.  Anyhow, I begin to laugh so hard I couldn’t stand it.  At that point, I had to call for DH to take him into another room so I could finish my routine.  Maybe, he thought it looked like fun to climb on Mommy like a ride or maybe he thought I was hurt or maybe he missed me or maybe….Well, I may never know what the maybe was.  That’s been almost 16 years ago and I dare say, he wouldn’t remember that incident even if I asked him.  It still brings a smile to my face even now.  The funny things kids do, right?

Questions for Wednesday’s Words of Weight Loss are:

  1. The weather is getting warm, I want to know if you’re a person for the higher temps or one who likes to be in with the air conditioning.  I do not like extreme temperatures — too hot or cold.  That being said, when it heats up outside then I’m more prone to staying in my air-conditioned home.
  2. Shorts or capris?  Definitely a shorts wearer.
  3. Do you need the prescribed 8 hours of sleep, or can you get by with more or less?  I prefer to get no less than 8 hours of sleep each night, but can function okay with 6 or 7.  However, if I get less than 8 hours more than a couple of nights in a row then I’m not much good to anyone. 
  4. What’s your favorite healthy snack? Fruit of any kind for the most part, but with the warmer weather approaching then I’m inclined to picking watermelon as my favorite.  Watermelon is mostly water, but is an excellent potassium source.
  5. Tell me one thing you can do for yourself this week that would make you feel good.  The one thing I can do for myself to make me feel my utmost best is to get plenty of sleep.  Sleep rejuvenates my mind and body.    


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One thought on “Mommy is Trying to Exercise Right Now.

  1. Thanks for visiting Patricia. I love your blog! It’s really nice. If I sewed, then I’d love to try making that little apron, which is so adorable.

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