
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Mid-November #BoTB results with an acoustic GRATEFUL YouTube playlist spinning on my #4M turntable

Borrowed image, re-imagined with a little Thanksgiving humor

Putting all sillies aside, I have much to be grateful for with the kind of year our world has seen and to kick the week off right, Robin wants us to spell out with song titles GRATEFUL for the Monday Mewsic Moves Me theme.   

Growing up, we didn’t have a lot but what we had I appreciated. I knew it was God’s goodness that kept clothes on my back, a roof over my head, and food on the table. During my adult years struggling with job lay-offs and raising a family on tight finances I saw God’s blessings. Did we have everything? Nope but we had the essentials and that’s all we needed. It’s easy to let the mind think, what I want is what I need and that’s not true. If we look for things to make us happy  then we’re selling ourselves short.

I’m grateful for every. single. thing in my life big and small.  That being said, I want to honor the One who deserves praise for the goodness in my life with 8 contemporary Christian songs spelling GRATEFUL.

*G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L playlist tracks include:

  2. R – RIDE OUT YOUR STORM Betty Jean Robinson
  3. A – A BELIEVER’S PRAYER instrumental Sally Deford, lyrics
  4. T – THE LORD’S PRAYER Charlotte Church
  5. E – EL SHADDAI Amy Grant
  6. F – FOREVER REIGN One Sonic Society
  7. U – UNCHANGING LOVE instrumental Carroll Roberson
  8. L – LOVE IS A CROSS Russ Taff

I hope I’m not wearing you out. This post is turning into a lengthy one.  In my song search, I came across the Gaither Vocal Band and boy, are they good! I just forgot how good. Their GREATLY BLESSED album sounds purrfect for this week and so I wanted to share it with you. Hit play to enjoy some background mewsic while you work. That’s what I do! 🙂

In last week’s mid-month BoTB Jaimee Paul faced Ike Moriz in the From Russia With Love showdown.  Throughout this round, Jaimee stayed ahead of Ike. I was certain she would be crowned winner but then on Saturday votes came in favor of Ike making this a tied battle.  I didn’t think this would happen, folks. What an interesting showdown!  This leaves no clear winner with the vote count 10 to 10. Everybody is a winner today! 

While listening to both contenders on YouTube Ike became more comfortable to my ear than Jaimee so do check out their YT channels for more mewsic but I’ll let you pick the artist you’d like to sample a bit more of –  Jaime Paul’s After the Ball album with Beegie Adair or Ike Moriz Crooner Medley.  Thanks to all who made this an interesting BoTB. Be sure to join me in my next showdown on December 1st.


Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.


A special thank you to this month’s honorary co-hostess is Robin from Songbird’s Crazy World for doing a fabulous job! Please, feel free to be our honorary co-hostess again, my dear. 😘


DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

It’s Thanksgiving week. I’m confident I won’t be doing much in Blogosphere and I’m sure you’re nodding in agreement. The kitchen becomes the front line with pan banging and pot clacking with aromatic spices and savory dishes filling the air.  Try to not get overwhelmed but enjoy these moments of creation as you whip up a fine feast. 

I’m blessed to have you in my life. The pleasure of our camaraderie is a benefit I had not expected when I started blogging ten years ago. Thank you for being my friend. Alrighty, that’s a wrap for now, until we meet next, have a boogietastic week!  X💋X💋, Cathy


Sparks of Monday encouragement


*Internet song source: Singsnap Browse-by-Song



















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22 thoughts on “Mid-November #BoTB results with an acoustic GRATEFUL YouTube playlist spinning on my #4M turntable

  1. Amy Grant’s song is a classic contemporary Christian song – it’s the one of your 8 song playlist I was familiar with. The Unchanging Love “instrumental” puzzled me a little because there is singing in the song, but I did enjoy the instrumental part of it with the Mexican influence. Russ Taff has a really good voice; you can hear the blues and gospel influences in his singing. Finally, I forgot to mention, I really enjoyed the vintage Thanksgiving card in your Thanksgiving post.

  2. I grew up listening to Age To Age. Always a happy memory, any cut from that album!

  3. Great job spelling out Grateful… God is Good is an awesome song. It’s new to me, but I had a wonderful time listening to it. Ride out the storm is another new one to me, but I really liked this one become it’s a bit bluzy! Believer’s prayer should be on my prayer list too! Loved it my friend. Thanks for that inroduction. It’s beautiful. What is there to say about the next beautiful song, but Amen. Amy Grant I’ve heard this once before it’s awesome. FOREVER REIGN One Sonic Society.. I’ve never heard this song, but the words are beautiful. Unchanging Love… absolutely beautiful & soothing and LOVE IS A CROSS Russ Taff is another new tune for me, but it’s really kinda cool Cat. Thanks for the introduction and girl I thank the Lord for you everyday. Hope all is well for you and I wish you & yours a very happy Thanksgiving. Let us pray that our world find it’s way to the Lord, peace, and harmony. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you & yours.

  4. Good job with Grateful. I was too lazy to tackle all those letters. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! XO

  5. Since Contemporary Christian and Southern Gospel are two of my favorite genre of music, this is an awesome playlist filled with tunes I had forgotten about. Thanks for sharing our true source for being grateful. Have a blessed week.

  6. The turkeys have nothing to fear from us. We don’t do turkey anymore. Cute. Love the pie and all those cutie pies dressed up for Thanksgiving. Adorable.

    Love your playlist. Very well done.

    A tie! Wonderful. Sometimes you need everyone to win.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      What’s this, NO turkey? I thought you were an American. roll eyes lol I’m joking with ya. Did you give up turkey because it’s a big job? I stopped doing a whole turkey several years back and began fixing the Butterball turkey roasts. That’s what I call it anyhow. It’s nothing but turkey meat. You can it with both white and dark meat, too. Each roast is about 3 pounds so that works very well for small gatherings or just two people. Thanks for stopping by for a visit, darlin’!

    1. Robin,

      I’m glad you enjoyed the mewsic. I like your themes this month and I’m so glad you prompted us to give thanks for this blessed season. 🙂

  7. Happiness comes from within, and that famous quote, you can’t buy happiness, is so very true. Some of the wealthiest people are the least happy. You have to love yourself first and be thankful for all the little things and not be greedy. Want makes one unhappy.

    1. You’re so right. It’s sad when someone can’t look within to find the happiness instead of things or people. I’m glad I am a content person and am grateful for all my blessings big and small. 🙂

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Awww-some 4M Monday and BOTB Results day, dear friend! I hope you had a great weekend.

    I saw your comment on SPMM and I will be replying to it soon, so keep checking back. I didn’t want to wait any longer to come over and see you. Those turkeys in the cartoon would be thankful to have me as a friend because I am vegetarian at heart. It is only because of Mrs. Shady’s constant hounding that I break down and eat meat of any kind, although I am a regular fish eater.

    I enjoyed your block of contemporary Chrisitian songs. I was especially drawn to the lovely Amy Grant who rose to fame in the 70s. Can you believe she just turned age 59? I saw Amy perform on several of the shows I watched over the years including David Letterman, The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, Arsenio Hall. and on her 1986 Christmas special Headin’ Home For The Holidays. I also thoroughly enjoyed your T-giving week song by the Gaither Vocal Band. Their harmonies are thrilling and I love the bass man.

    I am shocked by the outcome of your latest band battle! Nearly every vote that came in on the first day went for Jaimee. I thought my team was headed for a big victory. Indeed, if you had stopped counting the votes by the end of that first day, Jaimee would have won convincingly. It just goes to show that all votes count, including those that arrive late but in accordance with the rules set down and agreed upon in advance, and all votes must be counted in the name of fairness. I might not like the outcome of the contest, but I accept the result with a smile and congratulate the other team. That’s the American way. I applaud you for pulling off yet another “perfect” BOTB – a tie.

    I know you will be busy in the kitchen in the coming days putting together a fine feast for you and DH to enjoy. I am blessed to have a friend like you in particular, Cathy. It’s very easy to be friends with an exact clone of yourself. It is harder but much more rewarding when you find many things to like and respect about a person who is different and to keep a genuine loyal friendship going for years and years. That’s what you and I have done and I am grateful.

    I wish you and DH and the rest of your family, including little Angelina, a wonderful Thanksgiving, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom,

      I’ll be 59 next month, so no I can’t believe Amy Grant is the same age as me. I can’t believe how fast five plus decades have slipped by already. The Gaither’s harmonies are awesome! Yeah, I was really shocked at how this battle went down, too. I thought for sure Jaimee would be the victor in this showdown. It just goes to show you how the tide can turn. It’s been a busy week thus far. My doc didn’t see anything suspicious on Monday but he did do a few precautionary biopsies. I’m confident the findings will be clear. Thanks for dropping by, dear friend. I’m sorry for being so slow to reply. Have a great weekend!

  9. I love it! Lots of things to be grateful for… music is just one of them 🙂 I’m planning on making my return to BOTB in January. BUT.. in the meantime.. keep an eye on my Wednesday posts, as I’ve got something fun lined up.

    1. Mary,

      Thanks for dancing with me so early this morning. I’m heading out the door in a sec but thanks for the heads up on your Wednesday posts and I shall look forward to your return to BoTB in the new year. 😉 Have a boogietastic day!

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