
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Merry Christmas Wishes


We don’t have snow in East Tennessee this Christmas or at least not at our house.  I’m sure on top of ole Smoky you might find traces of the white stuff, though.  Whatever the weather is like where you are, I hope the warmth of the season fills your heart and home with love from friends and kin.  Thank you for the gift of your friendship.  I am looking forward to continuing to build on what we started this year or years past.  May God’s glory brought down from heaven and laid in a manager shine in your life always. ?


DH gets me Christmas mewsic just about every year and this year is no exception.  He got me the iTunes Happy Holiday album by Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme, which I like a lot.  I hope you enjoy it, too!


While you listen to the Christmas cheer, I want to share with you a beautiful poem entitled “Gifts” written by my good friend.

by: McGuffy Ann Morris

I’ve already shopped, bought gifts galore,
then wrapped them up with bows and more.
I decorated the house inside and out;
each year brighter, without a doubt.
Still, something is missing; I don’t know what;
I must figure it out: no if, and, or but.
I baked lots of goodies to give and to share,
packaged them all up with love and care.
I wrote out cards from a very long list;
I don’t think there’s anyone I may have missed.
Still, something’s missing, what can it be?
It’s Christmas Eve, around the tree!
Lights are all lit, stockings are hung;
ready for Mass as church bells are rung.
Outside, what’s missing? I finally know.
A gift from the heavens: it’s Christmas snow!
Each snowflake, a miracle sent from above;
each miracle a gift of God’s perfect love.
Silent and holy, the snow pure and white,
reflections of God’s love born Christmas night.


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9 thoughts on “Merry Christmas Wishes

  1. What a delight to find a poetic offering from McGuffy here!! She’s amazing. I cannot believe that we had rain over Christmas!!! There is lots of snow on the ground already, but Boxing Day we awoke to pouring rain. Terrible driving conditions to get to my sister’s for dinner, but our guardian angels were surely on overtime keeping us all safe. Hope you are having a lovely holiday.

    1. Les, I’m glad you were happy to see McGuffy’s poem featured on my Christmas Day post. Our weather Monday was a mix of sun and clouds with spring-like temps. I think we’re in that rollercoaster pattern for awhile before winter conditions steady out. I’m happy that y’all made it through the pouring rain. It does make for terrible driving conditions. Thankfully I don’t do the driving. DH seems to handle it quite well, though. God is good to His angels over you. Have a good week. The year is just about gone!

    1. Annie, Merry Christmas to you, dearie! You’re quite welcome. It was my pleasure to share your lovely poem with my readers on Christmas Day! Have a good week. 😉

    1. John, thank-you popping over and for the Christmas wishes. How cool is this you’re going to use Steve and Eydie in your next BoTB. I can’t wait to see what you put together. Have an excellent week, my friend. I’ll be over to see you soon.!

  2. Hi, Cathy!

    Merry Christmas, dear friend! What a wonderful post you assembled for this very special day starting with that kitty kovered kard and the scene of snow falling as people gather at the church. They are both beautiful! As the “Gifts” poem reminds us, snow symbolizes all that is good and pure. I remember as a child being filled with wonder and glee every time I looked out the window and saw the snow coming down, every time I walked through it and played in it. There will be no white Christmas in my neighborhood this year. The temperature is in the 80s. We are literally feeling the “warmth of the season.” 🙂

    The voices and faces of Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme were a familiar part of my boyhood and teenage years. I collected their records as a duo act and as solo artists. As you might recall, Eydie passed away three years ago. Steve is still with us, age 81. Thank you for posting this holiday song by the famous husband and wife team!

    I wholeheartedly agree with your observation that genuine friendship is a gift. I am grateful for your commitment to our friendship, Cathy. A friendship is not real, not truly great, unless and until it is tested. Ours passed the test with flying colors. This Christmas in particular I am reminded of the words to one of my favorite 60s songs “Reach Out of the Darkness”:

    I knew a man that I did not care for
    And then one day this man gave me a call
    We sat and talked about things on our mind
    And now this man he is a friend of mine
    So reach out… (- Friend & Lover)

    I wish you and DH a most wonderful Christmas!

    1. Tom,

      We didn’t have a white Christmas, either. In fact, it’s felt like spring in East Tennessee. I’m delighted that you stopped by to receive my Christmas greetings and I had every intention of doing a return visit on Christmas Day but with all the fun hecticness that comes with Christmas then I was unable to make it to Cyberville. I also remember Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme from my childhood. They often appeared on variety shows and I always enjoyed listening to them sing. I did not know that Eydie has passed. That’s sad. I wonder how Steve’s health is for his 81 years, do you know? Yes, genuine friendship is a gift. I always try to treat all friendships as such even the friends I make through social media. I’ve learned over the years through pen palling (I don’t do this much anymore) you don’t have to meet someone face-to-face in order to be friends. I’m glad we were able to come to a mutual understanding through appreciation and respect to mend our differences. What a wonderful story about the man you didn’t care for and how he reached out to you. Sometimes that’s all it takes. The world would be a better place if more people did just that. You can’t cross troubled waters without a bridge. Thank you for the warm Christmas wishes and I hope you had a blessed Christmas, my friend!

      1. Thank you very much for expressing that, dear Cathy!

        I couldn’t find any info on Steve’s health, so it must be okay. I learned that Eydie passed away 6 days before her 85th birthday and that the couple had a son Michael who died suddenly of V-Fib at the age of 23.

        God bless!

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