Purrs and hooowdys, Kittens & Dawgs! Another week bites the dust. Winter clings by a thread but still noticeable. On a bright note, DST begins Sunday. Whoo-hoo!
Going through my humor archives. Yes, I keep a stask of things tucked away on my ‘puter for future shares or just put a smile on my face. Enjoy these Friday Sillies!

I’m joining Annie and Ellen for Friendly Fill-in.
1. Before you bring your hands to your face you need to wash your hands, especially if you’ve in public.
2. After handling public surfaces do not bring your hands to your face. It’s super germy and nasty.
3. Winter will end soon and it can’t get here quick enough for me.
4. Spring always reminds me of Christ’s victory over the grave, once dead; now lives!
To start the week off right, you may want link up with Annie on Monday for some encouragment and soul-lifting “Sparks“!
On a serious note, I learned on Facebook Wednesday that my dear friend (Celebrate the Small Things host), Lexa Cain‘s husband passed away. I was shocked to read the mews. I can’t fathom such a loss nor do I want to, so please keep her in your prayers, dear peeps. Thanks!
One day, my friend you’ll see your love again on the other side of the rainbow. Sending you hugs and love, Lexa!
I’m scaling back on daily posts to prepare for the upcoming A to Z Challenge unless something is already scheduled. I will continue to co-host Monday’s Music Moves Me and you’re invited to hit the dance floor with “COLOR ME WITH MEWSIC; any songs with a color in the title or about the song”.
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Thanks for all the great laughs! It is so funny how much a different perspective makes. Have a great week!
So glad I could provide a few giggles. Thanks for stopping in!
I love the memes and strings, too. I hadn’t heard Black Coffee before. I like mine with cream and sugar.
I like black coffee but I often drink mine with a bit of milk.
Well, I cannot help but wonder what prompted 1 & 2, but nevertheless, you are right! Your funnies are always funny! I hope you had a really great weekend! HUGS!
I haven’t a clue. It just did. Maybe, DH and I were talking recently about people being sick and how careless folks seem to not avoid doing just that bringing their hands to their faces while in public. It’s amazing if you watch people and then everyone can’t figure out how they got sick. We had a good weekend staying home for the most part. I had a stupid headache most of the time but it was also chilly. So, we just stayed indoors.
Thanks for visiting.
We just did colors on M^4, didn’t we? Terrible news about Lexa’s husband. I sort of follow her blog, but I missed that the first time. Only 50? Wow…
Yes we did. I’m glad we’re doing it again. This is a theme with lots if possibilities and it’s great fun. Please if you have any theme ideas then share away, k? We’d love to have your feedback!
I thought of one over the weekend: a song that starts with each letter of your name. First or last, or both.
Maybe we could do it in two weeks, because my birthday is the 25th….
John, sounds like a good theme. I’ll pass it to Marie, but it might not sure in cur for awhile, though.
My heart goes out to Lexa, it’s so sad.
Your humor is just the ticket for a Friday!
Yes, indeed sad news concerning Lexa. My heart aches for her so. So, happy you enjoyed the laughs.
Lots of wonderful humor! ^_^
Happy Weekend to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thanks for joining me in a weekly dose of laughs which is great medicine for the soul.
Thanks for the fun, Cathy! I don’t like the spring forward time change because it takes a while for me to adjust. With that said, I don’t have a problem adjusting with the fall back time change. Go figure.
I’m sorry about your friends loss and sending virtual hugs.
I’m so sorry about your friends husband. So sad and I can’t imagine either.
Loved all the funnies. Made me laugh out loud.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Big hugs. ♥
I am so sorry about your friend’s husband, that is sad. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. The first 2 are great tips to avoid getting sick. I am looking forward to spring too. I have my songs chosen for Monday already, I love the mewsic hop. Have a great weekend! XO
Learning the mews of Lexa’s husband just reminds me that life is too short. We need grab each day with both hands and run with it. You just don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I’m looking forward to dancing with you on Monday!
Hi, Cathy!
I enjoyed your Friday Sillies, dear friend! I am always the first to admit that I never act my age because I am determined to stay young. It is so true that a woman has filters on her ears that routinely translate simple, innocent questions or remarks by her hubby into commands and criticism. The cartoon comparing the simplicity of the male to the complexity of the female is also a great one.
While you are rooting for spring to arrive I am dreading it. I love the cooler temperatures of Florida winter. I was pleasantly surprised to see you posting a song by All Saints. I thought I was the only person who knew about the English girl group. I discovered them a couple of years ago and have one of their songs scheduled on my own blog. Thanks for reminding me that we turn the clocks ahead tomorrow night at bedtime.
Have a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!
Men and women do think differently but I get a kick out of humor about how women that’s always laced with a little truth.
I know you aren’t looking forward to spring and I know by the time the height of summer’s heat hits I’m gonna be like, “I’m ready for fall!” We’re never happy about the seasons. I’m trying to complain less and live in the moment because I know how quickly the seasons come/go. I actually stumbled on All Saints while listening to a collection on YouTube and my ears perked with their soft, feminine vocals. I want to go back to listen to more of their stuff. Thanks for joining me today. I hope y’all have a good weekend, my friend.