
21-03-2025 Vol 19

Malese Jow

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! I hope you had a lovely Easter with your family and although the weekend slipped away too quickly let’s look for reasons to be happy, like in music mewsic!

You may remember, I shared the mewsic of Candice Accola and Kat Graham from the popular TV show The Vampire Diaries.  I decided to see if any other hidden singers were among the TVD cast and wouldn’t you know it my quest yielded the cute little vamp, Anna. Lend me your neck ear for today’s song collection of Melse Jow!


Malese isn’t too shabby as a singer, eh? What do you think? Did Malese mewsic move you?

Thank you for sharing in this dance. Next week, I’m taking part in the #AprilA2Z daily blogging challenge and my theme is All Things Vintage. I hope to roll in my regular blogging routine in with the challenge, so I invite you to hop back over for more Mewsic Moves Me. Have a tunetastic week!

This is a quick & painless way for others to find good tunes in Blogosphere by joining my no strings attached music hop, just add your music post URL below and wha-lah… instant traffic directed to your site. Clever, eh? I thought so.

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14 thoughts on “Malese Jow

    1. Fimnora, I haven’t seen the show Roswell yet. If I’m not mistaken that’s on Netflix or Amazon Prime and I have it on my Watch List. I appreciated the YouTube music vids featuring Majandra’s talent. Now, I’m curious to watch the program, which I will suggest to DH as soon as we finish watching the first and only season of Vegas.

  1. Lend me your neck????hahaha too fun!

    For a moment there I thought it was BOTB

    But she does have a good sound.
    I’d listen when I”m not jamming to my faves 🙂

    Thanks for the introduction Cathy.

    Have a blessed week!

    1. Collette, you’re the only one who picked up on my silliness with the “lend me your neck’. lol Thanks for enjoying this dance with me, my friend!

  2. Hey Girlfriend, I sure do love it that you still rock with us! You’re duh best! Now this young lady is new to me as is her songs. I wish you would’ve posted a video of her in action… I like those videos better, but I must say… GREAT VOICE! Thanks for the introduction and sharing some rockin’ music with us. Whew… thanks for the boogie too!!! I think I’ll sit the next one out! ~snicker-snicker~

  3. She’s sounds pretty good though I guess the true test would be to hear her sing without the studio enhancements. These three choices show a nice range in styles. There’s a lot of great talent out there.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, Malese does a nice job. It’s hard to separate average and excellent singers with studio magic. The real test is to listen to performers live. That’s usually a good indicator in my opinion. Thanks for popping in. I’ll be by later to visit ya.

  4. I think its awesome that you dug around the stars to see who else had a hidden voice. Another fabulous winner here! Thank you for the introduction!

    1. Kisma, I love finding new talent like Malese and am looking forward to continuing the search! I’m running errands today. See ya at your place later!

  5. Hi, dear Cathy!

    Thanks to your recent post, I have added Kat Graham’s Against the Wall EP to my music want list. In this post, you turned me on to another great artist. I very much enjoyed these selections by Malese Jow. Her voice is smooth, clear and intimate and she sings the style of music to which my ears are tuned in 2016. Malese went straight onto my wish list, but I can’t find any CDs of her music. Do you know of any?

    Thank you again for introducing me to another exciting artist, dear friend Cathy. I hope you and DH had a wonderful Easter!

    1. Hello Tom, Yes, DH & I had a lovely Easter. I hope you and Mrs. Shady had a good holiday weekend, too. I’m glad you enjoyed today’s selection. If you refer to this post (instructions at the bottom), you’ll find a trick on how to get just about any song from YouTube as an audio file for your music library. Unfortunately, I ran into the same problem as you with locating a way to purchase Malese’s music. Have a good week!

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