
18-03-2025 Vol 19

Mellow Rock Tunes

Hop over to see Sandee for more Awww Mondays fun-spiration!

Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs! How was y’alls weekend? Since we last met on the dance floor a new month ushered in.  The summer is passing quickly! Let’s get our groove on with today’s theme ‘your choice song picks‘ and I’m spinning inspired choices from Sirius XM radio The Bridge (channel 32) from the 60s and 70s with these classic MELLOW ROCK TUNES!



  1. THE ONE YOU LOVE  ❦ Glenn Frey released this song August 1982 from his album NO FUN ALOUD under Asylum Records label.  The song peaked at #15 just two months after it came out. ’82 was a memorable year.  That was when the whole planet came to Knoxville for the World’s Fair.  It was a really cool event!
  2. WHO’S CRYING NOW  ❦ Journey band members Jonathan Cain and Steve Perry penned this song from their 1981 Escape album and its the first single to set #4 on both Billboard Hot 100 and Mainstream Rock Tracks.
  3. SISTER GOLDEN HAIR  ❦  America’s  second #1 single from their fifth album album, Hearts (1975). This was strange year for a somewhat confused teenager who felt she wore her heart on her sleeve and so easily hurt.
  4. CALL ON ME ❦ Chicago is a favorite from our dating years.  This easy-listening cart topper was before our time together but we listened to it many times after and is from the bands 1974 album Chicago VII.
  5. SHOW ME THE WAY ❦  Peter Frampton is a British rock mewsician.  How is that I never knew such details?  And, every song I liked by the dude was easy-going.  Did he ever really rock out?  I don’t know but I certainly need to do some research on the man.  Anywho, SHOW ME THE WAY released in 1975 as a single (B-side The Crying Clown). Yeah, another classic from the year of turmoil of this young gal. I’m blaming the hormones.  It gained its popularity the following year from his album, Frampton Comes Alive and his biggest hit (#6).

Please join my fellow co-hosts: XmasDolly (Party Coordinator), StacyAlana, Colette (taking semi-blog hiatus due to eye issues), and this month’s honorary co-host Mary from Jingle, Jangle, Jungle on  the dance floor (ONLY link mewsic posts) below.

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I think the 4M gang is breaking down, as most of us are in need of some repair this month and would certainly appreciate your prayers.  Colette may have eye surgery this month.  I’m unsure about the date.  I am having tubes and balloon dilation (to stretch the Eustachian tubes) on the 16th and as you may know, Marie is having back surgery (4-hour procedure) on the 21st or 22nd.   Hopefully, this will be the fix she needs to take away her chronic pain.  I’m trusting God to lead the hands of our doctors/surgeons and thank you a bunch for speaking to the Big Guy upstairs. Now keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon!

McGuffy’s Reader is the brain-child behind “SPARKS” inspiration. Have a sparkletastic day! 😉

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35 thoughts on “Mellow Rock Tunes

  1. I “came of age” in the early 70’s so these are all well remembered and treasured songs. I love Peter Frampton and I so boogied to that song just now! We all are breaking down aren’t we? In my case, it was my husband’s nose surgery to fix damage from a break (due to a fall he took last October) which has now been postponed from August 1 to the end of October. Surgeon has moved it twice, hubbie once, no idea why these delays. Anyway, I’ll be sending my good thoughts for the rest of you all!

    1. Alana,

      I’m sorry your husband’s nose surgery is pushed off until the end of October. I know how frustrating that is. When I scheduled my surgery I jumped at the first available date because my doctor is so busy and I didn’t want this to go on any longer. I’m glad that I did because last week we learned DH will need to have another tooth implant surgery on the tooth that initially started the onslaught of dental visits in 2010. They did a root canal on it but warned him that he might not save the tooth. He had a lot of infection but we decided to take the gamble. Eight years later, he began experiencing pain and swelling around the crown. It turned out that the root is cracked and there is no fixing that except to pull and do an implant. This is a really expensive procedure and our insurance will pay little or nothing of the cost, so we just have to bite the bullet and cover it. I can’t wait until we get past on this spending of money for medical issues! Thanks for boogieing with me to some mellow tunes from the 70s, my friend!

  2. Now I have some new music to check out! …As soon as I get my speaker reattached to my computer. Ugh.

    1. Red,

      Oh, pooh “Who’s Crying Now” YT video is blocked in Vietnam. Well…at least it serves as a reminder and you can look for it on your end if you want to hear it again. Thanks for stopping by, dearie!

  3. ‘Frampton Comes Alive’ was a monster album! I liked everything I ever heard from it, and yet I never bought that album. I really don’t know why I didn’t. Pretty much everyone I knew had it.

    And ANYTHING from Chicago’s earlier days I love, including ‘Call On Me’. (Their later stuffs just got really sappy and saccharine. Great band gone bad.)

    But the big winner for me here is ‘SISTER GOLDEN HAIR’. Love that song, own that song. And it always makes me think of a gal I once knew named Inga.

    Great soft Rock song choices, CATHY!

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…

    1. Stephen,

      I like Frampton back in the day but I really didn’t get hooked on Chicago until after DH and I began dating. He played drums and loved playing along with their mewsic. I can’t recall how I connected with America. No doubt a friend or from one of my uncles. I don’t remember my parents listening to rock mewsic as a kid. They were plugged into twangy bluegrass and country mewsic…well, my daddy was more into this genre where Mommy liked Perry Como, Andy Williams, Dean Martin, and Tom Jones. I’m sure there were others. That being said, I still recall mostly gospel hymns playing in the house over secular tunes and that gives me a real comforting feeling.

      With a name like Inga, I envision this beautiful blonde haired Swedish gal. So, what became of her? 🙂

      Thanks for sharing the dance floor with me. Have a boogietastic afternoon, my friend!

  4. Hey, Cathy! Lotsa good blasts from the past here. Love them all!! You know, summer may be fading but the mewsic never fades. Have a great week.

    1. Eugenia,

      Yep, summer is fading but the mewsic lives on and on for generations! I guess that’s why I love it, it never goes out of style – especially the oldeis!

  5. You had me at Glenn Frey… This entire album was a world of fun.

    Do you know the first record you heard Glenn Frey on? It was here, where he sang background and played guitar…

    “Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man” by The Bob Seger System

    1. Myke,

      I don’t own Glenn Frey’s “NO FUN ALOUD” album. I’m not sure what the first solo song was that I heard from Frey. I imagine it was one of his early 80s hits, I remember “The One You Love” featured in my playlist but perhaps I more vividly recall “Smuggler’s Blues” because we loved watching Miami Vice. I was only 8 when “Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Man” released, so I don’t have any memories of it but I surely appreciated your reference to it. Thanks for popping by for a listen and perhaps it put a little boogie-woogie in your move!

    1. Mimi,

      I find often times songs bring back feelings more so instead of actual memories. I either feel happy or sad when I hear songs from the past.

  6. Hi Cathy!

    Some great tunes today! I’ve got them going on in the background as I do my crazy monday work. I swear Monday’s are the busiest day of the week for me! I’ll be pushing through to at least 1am. Thankfully, it’s a pretty easy week this week (so far).

    I do hope your procedure goes well and that everyone heals up quickly from their surgeries. Keep listening to music and keep your spirits up.


    1. Mary,

      Yep, Mondays are hectic for me, too! I like using long playlists like yours, Michele, or John’s to listen to while I’m busy doing things in the kitchen. Thanks for the well wishes and for making time to boogie with me.

  7. Awwww didn’t know about Callie.. thanks I’ll have to write her & thanks for the shout out for me (it’s the 22nd God willin’ – they cannot find my last 2 operation reports & without those no surgery – grrrrrrrrrrrr), any way I’m trying to get the house up to par prior to surgery, along with laundry, shopping etc & make some meals so Dave only has to heat it up. Plus I’m even charging up the ol’ laptop so I can come back & boogie in cyberspace with y’all when I get a bit better. Now I have to bring my van in cuz the breaks are on their very last leg… actually they’re crawlin/draggin & making all kinds of weird noises. Sooooo not good, but has to be done. So Love your tunes my love… and I have to say… Journey is my favorite, but the tune favorite has to be Chicago.. “Call me”! have a boogietastic day my friend… we’ll talk soon… gotta fly!!!!!!

    1. Marie,

      I hope the hospital can locate the necessary reports to proceed as planned with your surgery. I know how anxious you are to get this done to get back on the road to better living. Sounds like you’re busy bringing things together to make life more manageable after your procedure and return home. Thanks for stopping by to boogie!

      1. I have to say that you’re right and today is an appointment to have some tests done prior to surgery. As far as the old records I haven’t heard that they didn’t find them nor did I hear that they did. Now the next think I’m wondering is evidently the day of surgery I have to sit by the phone and they’ll call me to tell me when to come in. That’s totally weird I’d say because they better realize it takes us at least a half hour to get there & maybe longer if they call during rush hour. Well, I hope time goes by fast just so I can be sitting here waiting to heal instead of sitting here fallin’ apart!!! BIG HUGS…. I’m so happy that I finally found someone that’s on my musical wave length!!! You’re duh best girlfriend! Sending HUGE HUGS!!!

        1. Marie,

          If I were you, I’d call the hospital later this week to speak to someone is scheduling. Tell them you know that they do not have an iron-clad time but I bet ya they have a good idea where they hope to plug you in and then follow up on that pre-schedule time next week so say on Monday and again on the day before. This way, you and Dave will have a drop on the ole shoe so-to-speak. You have to stay on top of stuff like this because everyone, I mean EVERYONE wants to wait until the last second to spring things on you and then expect You to jump hoops for them. I was told something similar except they said, the hospital will call the day before my surgery with a time to be there on the day of. That being said and not waiting I called scheduling told them I know things could change but what’s my scheduled time slot. The gal was happy to give it to me with no hassles at all. This is just a thought but it can’t hurt to give this a whirl and have peace of mind and more readiness to be at the hospital on time.

          I’m delighted you like my mellow tunes. It’s good to reminisce with this kind of mewsic playing in the background. Have a good week, my friend!

  8. I love the quote and must add dogs to the list but my hubby really loves this quote as he really misses our pussy cats since we are at his Aunt’s place. I know all these tunes very well but I didn’t know the names…typical of me. I and sending prayers to you and all who must undergo these procedures especially the lady with the back surgery. I know everything will go well and that you are all in great hands.

    1. Birgit,

      Many thanks for the prayers, my friend. The quote is a fun one but like I was telling Driller any furry baby will melt one’s stresses. Hey, I’m purrrty bad on song titles and am thankful for Google! 😉

  9. Prayers for you and Marie for your upcoming surgery.

    Awww on the kitties and you know how I love music. That’s music from my youth. A long time ago.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday and week. Love you, Cathy. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Today’s mewsic is from my youth, too. It was a long time ago but it seems like only yesterday. Time plays tricks on the brain.

  10. The Glenn Frye song is easy listening indeed. Nice selection of tunes.
    While the Schweitzer quote is admirable, I’m gonna stay with the one I love and escape life with music and my cocker spaniel, Lucy.

    1. Driller,

      Thanks for the return visit. You know I think no matter what type of furry critter you love best is always provides that necessary break from life’s miseries. 🙂

  11. Hi, Cathy!

    I love that quote by Albert Schweitzer, one of the best known and most influential writers, philosophers and theologians of my childhood years. Music, cats (and dogs) provide an escape from the miseries of daily life.

    I enjoyed your Monday play list of mellow rock classics of the 60s and 70s. I remember them all and they really take me back. While they transport you back to your teenage years, they take me to the period when I was in my mid 20s to early 30s. Soft rock is not my favorite genre but I thoroughly enjoyed listening to all five of these selections. My top favorite is probably Chicago with its glorious horn section. Horn bands performed very well on the pop chart from approximately 1967 through the mid 70s. Some examples that some immediately to mind are Archie Bell & the Drells, The O’Kaysions, Blood, Sweat & Tears, The Ides of March and Crow. I never grow tired of that smooth sound.

    My God guide the surgeon’s hand as you and your friends undergo medical procedures this month. I will be thinking about you, dear friend Cathy.

    1. Tom,

      I know mellow mewsic isn’t your speed. You like tunes you can stick your teeth into. 🙂 I think most folks love the sound of a good horn band such as Chicago. I appreciate the list you provided. Some of your examples I’m not familiar with so I’m going to check them out on YT. Thanks for peaking my interest and the visit!

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