
17-03-2025 Vol 19

Made in the USA

Let the record stand, I love to support American companies! Especially those who still make their products in the USA.

Word of caution, don’t be fooled in to believing because a company’s address is in the USA that the product you’re fixing to buy is made here.  Read the label carefully. Check to see if the item proudly boosts being made in America, if you can’t find it then chance are it is made elsewhere especially if it’s a non-food item.

My Thursday 2Q for this week are:

1) Do you check for the manufacturing origin of merchandise? How important is this to you?

For most items, I check to see where its made.  This is very important to me to buy American made products, especially food products as well as all other merchandise when possible. For instance, if I’m shopping for scissors. One pair is made in the USA and the other pair imported then I will without reservation buy the ones made in the USA every time. The only thing which will cause me to not buy a USA made product is and if the item isn’t top-notch in its class. However, for common items, I find buying American produced things superior to its imported rival.

2) What was the last item you bought that was made in the USA?

My darling husband bought me two kitchen gadgets recently at Williams-Sonoma. Both made in the USA, which just about blew my mind away.  A 10″ Stainless steel balloon whisk for $12 and a 1″ wide boar hair pastry brush (as pictured in the photo on the website). for less than $10 in the store. Online, I see you can get three pastry brushes for $24. I don’t have a need for the larger pastry brushes, but if you do then that’s an incredible deal!

Companies which still make a lot of their products in the USA….

Feel free to add to my list. It’s so difficult when you shop at mega superstores, such as Wal-Mart to find 100% made in America items.  Unfortunately, many companies are outsourcing the manufacturing of their products because it’s cheaper for them, but you never see them lowering the cost to the consumer.  These companies should be loyal to America by providing the jobs to her people.  Show your support.  Buy American made products!

Thank you, Amanda, for hosting Thursday Two Questions!

Kindly, click on her blog button to link up on the fun!


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5 thoughts on “Made in the USA

  1. I usually try to read the labels to see where things are made. I get so happy when I see something from the USA. I love buying from my country! Especially food items!

    The last thing/s I bought made, grown here were in the farmers market where I buy vegetables.


  2. I check the label on most items I buy these days, it is very important to me to buy US made whenever possible.

    As far as I know Leatherman tools are US made, they have a plant in Portland, OR.

    Wasn’t Craftsman in a lawsuit a few years back for falsely advertising over the Made in USA label? I believe their power tools and some tool boxes are made elsewhere.

  3. @f730edd6a69ca4efcd4aef3b6b40f117 It wouldn’t surprise me if Craftsman was in a lawsuit. I know some of their stuff is made overseas, but a good deal of it says it’s made in the USA. Whether this is the truth or not, who can say for sure except them. I would hope they wouldn’t stoop to being dishonest with false claims of manufacturing orgin of their tools.

  4. @40b4ab101503ca8b8d959d2e37d6abad I totally understand where you’re coming from concerning Vietnam. I’m against China completely. They are communist first off. They have no regard for human life whatsoever and the freedom of others.  My prayers are for the people (innocent) of China NOT the communist regime. Naturally, I pray this dictatorship would collapse and the sweet Chineese people could live as free people, like we do. I’d rather buy products made from Vietnam over China any day.

    Craftsman is a wonderful line of tools. My husband has been using them for years, as does his father and much of his family. We buy our son Craftsman tools whenever he needs something or when we want to buy a gift for him. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Hi Cathy, thanks for playing and linking in. Having seen many homes abandoned and foreclosed, I couldn’t help but blame it partly on the jobs moving to other countries. Though I totally understand the reasoning -the businesses want bigger profits.
    1) Yes, for my own selfish reasons, I look to see where it is made from. If it’s from the US or VietNam, I am thrilled. I root for VN because they are hard working people that just want peace, and because the Chinese can’t ever leave them alone. For a thousand years, China ruled VN, and even now, they continued to plot and plan to destroy innocent people just because of greed. They want to own VN. Sorry just thought I should share why “VN.”
    2) Funny you should mentioned Craftsman, I bought SO one of those fabulous tool chest for Father’s day.

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