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16-03-2025 Vol 19

Let It Snow Photo-edit Fun With Free Falling Snow Overlay + BOTB results

Good morning, Kittens and Dawgs!  Let me begin with announcing the results of last week’s BoTB.  I did another Sunny cover song between three Johns, which I thought was sorta clever.   I liked the three styles that were different enough but maintaining a resemblance to Hebb’s original.  I picked Johnny Mathis mostly because I love his smooth style but a little because his version is more unique. Here’s how the voting went. Mathis – 2,  Rivers – 1, and Walker – 5. Walker is the John winning this battle!

Please don’t be mad at me. It’s not snowing here but when nature doesn’t dish it out then I decided to make some winter magic.  You might recall a few weeks ago, I turned spring photo of a church into a snowy winter scene.  In part that’s  what inspired me for this little photo-edit fun session.  I took a few photos of my Christmas Village. Hey, don’t judge! I still have it up but in my defense, it’s winter and it totally works! Anywho, I thought why not get creative by making my scenes look fabulous wintry and snowy. Oh baby, let it snow, Let It Snow!

Both originals looked okay but since I took them during the day the mood just didn’t work for me. I’ll share those in a bit.

In Pixelmator, I applied a Falling Snowing overlay (freebie photo-edit resource) on both images. The top photo I used two different overlays from the same download bundle, which came with a total of four overlays.  I had loads of fun making these! Doesn’t it look like it’s snowing?

Now, here are the originals.

Don’t they just scream, DO SOMETHING NEAT WITH ME?

Usually, I like sharing another mewsic vid of the BoTB winner but the best I can do this time is to give you John as part of The Walker Brothers band.

Next showdown is February 15th. I hope you mark your calendar to come to cast your vote! Don’t forget to join me tomorrow for another peek through my lens with my newest edition of Skywatch Friday and CTST now on Thursdays!  Have a fototastic day!












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19 thoughts on “Let It Snow Photo-edit Fun With Free Falling Snow Overlay + BOTB results

  1. Hi Cathy
    Thanks for inviting me to join your link up! Glad you liked the snow sculptures in Breckenridge. I love seeing your photos!

  2. I wouldn’t give it another thought, I still have my Christmas tree welcome mat out and it’s going to to stay put until spring. I’m not familiar with Pixelmator, is that your main editing program? Great results although I find it funny you have to use sfx for snow.

    1. Jeanna, We don’t get a lot of snow. The Smoky’s and further north in east Tennessee sees more wintry precipitation than we do here in the valley. The forecasters said we might see some flurries today but the sun is trying to come out, so we’ll see what happens. I’m sure if anything falls then it won’t lay. The temps are expected to drop into the low 20s tonight which I am not happy about. Brr, I reckon we’ll need to put another blanket on the bed. I’m glad you stopped by!

    1. Thank you for the return visit and comment, Birgitta! I didn’t see you listed on my linky party but you’re most welcome to link-up. 🙂 Have a good day!

  3. Love the photos and the edits Cathy very effective 🙂

    I used to like The Walker Brothers when I was young, I liked their version of Frankie Valli’s The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore

    I’m gonna have that song on my mind all day now LOL 🙂

  4. Hi, Cathy!

    I noticed how the vote was going in your BOTB and was not surprised to learn that Walker collected the most votes. I’m sorry your ears didn’t match mine.

    Is it just my imagination or has this been a winter w/o much snowfall so far? It’s a good thing you have your magic tools to transform scenes the way you did with those two images. They look very natural!

    I listened to that Walker Bros. album, their American debut. They sounded a lot like the Righteous Bros. and their album featured the Phil Spector Wall of Sound production style. It was mostly covers and filler, though, which was typical of albums released at the time. Wiki says <> I tend to agree with that review.

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy, and have a super day!

    1. Cathy, your blog format did not allow me to place text in brackets so here is the missing review from the All Music Guide –


      Richie Unterberger writing retrospectively for Allmusic described the US version Introducing the Walker Brothers as “an erratic affair” that features “their trademark balladeering groove with the hits “Make It Easy On Yourself” and “My Ship Is Comin’ In,” but [sounding] stiff on uptempo R&B numbers like “Land of 1,000 Dances” and “Dancing in the Street”.

      End of quote.

    2. Tom,

      It’s not that our ear didn’t match entirely. I do like John Walker’s version a lot but Mathis’ rendition spoke to me this go around. 🙂 TWB do favor The Righteous Brothers when they sing ballads and I prefer this style for them better than their uptempo R&B tracks. We haven’t gotten much snow in Knoxville. I know the mountains have gotten some but we haven’t been since December. Life is just too busy for us to break away for a day trip. I’d like for the snow to fall on a Thursday night when DH is off the following Friday and for it pile up over night. Of course, it’ll have to melt away before Monday. lol I’ll never forget the Blizzard of 1993. That was so awesome. Our daughters were two and four at the time. We got 22″ of white fluff and sub-zero temps. If my memory serves me, we broke our record and were one of the coldest places in the country. That storm brought down three tall pine trees on our property. Thankfully, this is something we don’t have to worry about now because in recent years we had the tall trees taken down endangering our home. Thanks for stopping in today, my friend, and have a good day!

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