
10-01-2025 Vol 19

Lenka takes the 4M dance floor along with Apr 1st BOTB outcome

Aww Mondays hosted by Sandee at My Comedy Plus

Good day! I hope y’all had a nice Easter weekend.  Ours was quietly and restful.  For BOTB participants the results at the end but don’t get in rush now.  This post is chockfull of music. Recently, I had to repair some broken links reminding me of today’s featured artist.  Lenka perked my ears in 2011 with her catchy ditto, “My Heart Skips A Beat“.  I thought it would be fun to see what other songs she’s put out since that time since this week’s theme is whatever music moves you!  



Lenka – The Bright Side playlist

This is a music link up.  Your 4M party hostess are now featured in my right side menu near the top.  Every other week we have a suggested music theme to build your song set around and all participants share YouTube or Vimeo videos for our music enthusiasts.  Themes aren’t mandatory to gain access to the dance floor but failure to meet the basic guideline (post must contain music) puts your URL in danger of being labeled – NO MUSIC.

I lifted Ellen’s Friendly Fill-Ins from Friday.  Here’s how I filled in the blanks. 

1. I hope the Easter bunny brings me Robin Eggs. Forget the Easter bunny, I bought some! 🙂

2. I don’t want the Easter bunny to bring me any liquorish flavored jelly beans.
3. I can’t believe I didn’t think to double check this post until recently this morning.  I discovered this section mostly disappeared and with it I my memory of what I originally had for this fill in. *roll eyes*
4. Mother Nature really needs to get her hormones adjusted.



Before I scoot off to do other things, it’s time to reveal how my April 1st BOTB turned out. Mentally, I knew who would come out the winner, so I’m not shocked but I am surprised the showdown was closer than expected. The final count disclosed Max Raabe with 5 votes (Mary, Tom, Birgit, Stephen, & Mimi) and Richard Thompson got 8 votes (Debbie, Granny, Eugenia, Diedre, Lee, Brian, Ferwin55, & Mike).

I’m going to finish things up a very best of Richard Thompson playlist, the winner in this battle.

I have an April 15th BOTB ready for publication. You’re invited to take part in the voting process again, so jot that date on your calendar. I’ll be back mid-week to join the Wordless Wednesday community with Maine photo memories series. Thanks for swinging by the party.  This is CAAC signing off,  have a boogietastic day.  X💋X💋, Cathy

Closing with Sparks of encouragement…

Life is like a ten-speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use. Charles M. Schulz






















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34 thoughts on “Lenka takes the 4M dance floor along with Apr 1st BOTB outcome

  1. Hola darling,

    I left a comment on an old post of yours, thinking its a new one, but I’m glad i did. Heard some nice music. Having said that would you be able to do something so your latest post figures on the top else gets jumbled with old ones.

    We also had a sweet, quite Easter.

    Lenka is lovely. We enjoy her music. But your link wasn’t working for me.

    Sending you big love and a fabulous month ahead. <3
    Hoping in with Phil Collins. 🙂

  2. Lenka is new to me, and think On the Bright Side may be an earworm for me. Pleasant set! (By the way, I have commented on Marie’s blog for a few weeks now, ever since I was able to get into comments, both Mondays and Wednesdays. I didn’t look to see if they published, though. I hope she can work through her blogging issues.) Alana ramblinwitham

    1. Alana,

      Your comments to her from Monday and today are visible. She did reply to yours from Monday but not today’s. She’s working hard on trying to get things sorted and relearned. If she keeps up, she’ll have this all figured out again. I’m happy you enjoyed the music set. I look opportunities when I need to fix an old post to bring an artist to the foreground again. 🙂 It’s also fun to read again content I had long forgotten. Have an awesome evening, my dear!

  3. Hi Cathy! I really enjoyed the cute cat and dog video. It seems that cats are a wee bit smarter than Golden Retrievers. 😀
    Lenka was new to me, so thanks for the introduction. As for the battle, I’m not at all surprised that Richard Thompson won, but the number of votes for Max Raabe did surprise me. Have a great rest of the week!

    1. Debbie,

      Max shocked us all, didn’t he? I really enjoyed his cover and was prepared for a low vote count for him but then people loved his style. I just didn’t see that coming! 🙂

  4. Wow! What a great battle, Cathy! I loved your fill-ins and I don’t like licorice jelly beans either! Ugh!

    1. Eugi,

      Oops, I misspelled licorice in my fill-ins. I was pretty sure I did but forgot to check the dictionary before publishing. I was bit put out because that part vanished on me and I had to quickly redo it. I did find some licorice flavored jelly beans in the assortment but the others were so good that I didn’t mind plus the Easter Bunny brought Jelly Belly jelly beans which are really yummy!

  5. CAThy!

    Collectively speaking, I think this last round of ‘Battle Of The Bands’ (April 1, 2023) may have had the most amount of really close contests in the history of BOTB, which extends more than 8 years.

    As I said to Lee, perhaps there’s “something in the air”. But I don’t smoke any funny smelling weeds, so I’m sure it ain’t that.

    (Has everyone been drinking more hard cider than usual? 😉

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Stephen,

      There surely were a lot of tied battles this time and then this battle really surprised us all. Although Max lost, he really held his own. I don’t know what’s going on, either. Ciga-weed, Granny’s hard cider, or whatever it was or wasn’t, sure made things interesting. I have plans for ole Max to make an appearance on the 4M dance floor in the near future. 😉 Thanks for stopping by to learn how my battle went, my friend.

    1. Mimi,

      True, dogs especially large one like a retriever aren’t built to tackle tricky obstacle courses but you can see that it worries the poor thing. He really doesn’t want to do anything wrong. It’s so cute to watch, though.

  6. Hello my sweetness! Was just wondering I don’t think anybody loves me anymore 🙁 Nobody came by me…… I mean a big fat goose egg “0”! Guess the word isn’t out yet! Anyway, just wanted to tell you I luvs ya & I believe you’re one of the best friends I ever had!!! Did you have a fun weekend? I did! My two eldest came over with their families and my eldest daughter, Tricia (and X-blogger – kids are grown & she has a job now. she use to be a blogger though. She is the one that introduced me). Anyway, I will be FB Monday’s, Tuesdays & Wednesdays from now on… just thought I’d tell you. Is there anyone that you’d like me to do with you??? Just let me know. Anyway, say HELLO to ummmm……. Robin, right? Anyway, and please tell him to give you a smooch & a hug for me would ya??? Luv ya & have a good night! Please tell Robin to give you a good hug for me… peassssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 🙂 I’ll stop by tomorrow too! Think I’ll go & try a few more people! luv ya xxxxx Marie

    1. Marie,

      I visited the blog you linked up. It’s not the site the I thought you’d be at, though. Maybe others are confused like me. Anyway, I left a comment. It says “Waiting for Moderation”. By the way, things are slow in Blogosphere. I believe it’s partly because this month is the A to Z Challenge. I am not doing ti this year, though. Perhaps that’s one reason one folks haven’t stopped by your new blog.

      I’m glad you had a nice Easter weekend. Spending time with family is precious.

      Thanks for your hugs and love and friendship. You’re a wonderful friend! 🙂

  7. I never heard this one before, but I likes it honey-bun! Sorry I’m late, but I wasn’t sure about my blog & Sandy helped. I was up really late last nite again! BUMMER! I hope you get a chance to stop by. I know I’m late, but well….. you know! Luv ya honey! Have a wonderful evening! Love the tunes. I never heard these! Got a couple tunes that really make ya kinda bounce in your chair. ~hehehe~ HUGS

  8. Nice choices on the music. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am glad you got some Robin’s eggs. Yuck on the licorice jelly beans too. XO

  9. The Bright Side is perfect for today — day after Easter, sun is out, spring temps are starting. Thanks for providing the soundtrack 🙂

  10. Love that quote by Schultz and so agree with him. Love the animals and how they tried to step lightly. My Harleybwould just wipe everything off the floor…lol. I am surprised that my pick got more votes than just me. I’m glad about that.
    This gal has a nice voice that one can have on for background music. Very nice. Happy Easter Monday!

    1. Birgit,

      Schultz was comical with his words of wisdom and yet so true! Just think of all of the unused potential this human race has wasted? It’s mind blowing and I’m the first to say I’ve contributed more than my fair share of not living up to all that I can be. Those gears are now rusty. Is it too late for the WD40? 😀 I liked Max but like you I was surprised that he pulled a good number of votes. He was only down a wee bit.

  11. Awww, loved that video. Cats just don’t let things get to them, but dogs do. Love the music on the last pup. Perfect.

    Love your playlist.

    I’m sorry I’m so late. Workers showed up this morning to tear out our kitchen for the last part of the remodel and we had no idea they were coming. We worked our behinds off cleaning out all the drawers and cabinets.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      Dogs want you to be their buddy. Cats are like, you like me or you don’t. lol The difference between their personalities is so funny which brings to mind how people are different in much the same ways. There are so people who want to please you no matter what and there are others who seem to care less if you’re pleased or not. No apologizes needed. You’re never late. Anytime is good a time to visit! Soon, you’ll get to enjoy a nicely renovated kitchen. How exciting is that?!

  12. Great battle! I picked a winner and Richard gained a new fan 😉
    I enjoyed the video. It’s highly possible that I relate overly much to your “Spark of Encouragement” 😉 Good one.

    1. Diedre,

      Richard is a good artist. I loved the discovery! Who knows, I may feature him on the 4M dance floor some time in the future. 😉

  13. Good to see Richard Thompson take the win in this Battle. He has been such a solid artist for so many years and maybe deserves more recognition than he’s gotten, but still he has a strong reputation in rock history.

    I started to put together a 15th Battle but then decided I had too much going for April. I’ll try to remember to check yours out.


    1. Lee,

      I understand you needing to set the mid month BOTB out. April is hectic for you. Thanks for finding time to see how things went down in my battle, my friend!

  14. Love the Dog vs Cat video. The cat may be the winner but the dogs are far more entertaining.
    Excellent new-to-me music this week. I we have all taken the Long Way Home from time to time because it is far more entertaining. Have a blessed week.

    1. I agree dogs are more entertaining. They worry they will do something wrong and disappoint their humans. Whereas cats just do it and don’t care what their humans think. lol Thanks for coming to the party, my friend!

  15. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Paw-some 4M Monday, dear friend! It’s good to know that you and DH enjoyed a quiet and restful Easter weekend.

    Awww… I just wanna take those cute and cuddly cats and dogs home with me and raise them as my own. It amazes me how a cat can weave through those obstacles so easily, while the dogs were like bulls in a china shop. They all look like wonderful pets and make me miss my Toto very badly. This year marks ten years since Toto passed away.

    Thanks for posting more of Lenka, an indie pop singer and songwriter from New South Wales. I enjoyed reviewing Lenka’s “Heart Skips A Beat” video from your previous post, a 2011 single that made it halfway up the Belgian chart. Right away, I remembered how much I appreciate her intimate, clear, clean, soothing vocal quality. Lenka is like an Aussie version of Anne Reburn. I enjoyed listening to the songs by Lenka released on The Bright Side, a 2015 album that was well received by critics. “Blue Skies,” released as the first single from the album, is another delightful, catchy, feel good song and video. “Unique,” a video shot with a selfie stick, is another optimistic song that’s the opposite of dark and dreary, a tone found so often in modern songs. “Unique” reminds us that even when life is not perfect, we are okay. We can figure it out, think for ourselves and find our way. “Go Deeper” might be my favorite Lenka song. It’s mysterious and enchanting. I looked up the lyrics and interpreted them to be describing a new couple’s deepening relationship:

    It’s getting dark down here
    It’s getting dark
    Oh oh
    Let me light the way
    I’ll light the way for you
    So we can go

    We’ll go go go go deeper
    We’ve got to go
    We’ll go go go go deeper
    And deeper still
    To still the waters where they lie
    And we’ll go deeper over time
    Yeah, we’ll go deeper over time

    Another song that captured my attention is “Hearts Brighter,” and for the same reason. It is less Pollyannish than most Lenka songs, a little more mysterious and introspective, yet still optimistic and not bleak and depressing. I love her lyrics on this one, too:

    You could spread your wings wide
    And you could take to the skies
    And maybe you would fall down
    But it would be the best ride

    You could take the deep plunge
    Dive into the depths of
    Anybody’s ocean
    ‘Cause everybody wants one

    Hearts wilder than
    Hearts stronger than
    Hearts wiser than
    Anything you ever thought you would be fighting for

    Hearts bigger than
    Hearts bolder than
    Hearts brighter than
    Anything you ever thought you would be fighting for

    I enjoyed your Friendly Fill-in, and smiled when you quipped about receiving Robin Eggs from DH. They are chocolate, no doubt. Thanks for reporting the result of your BOTB. I was on the losing side again, but at least I helped make the contest close. Looking at the calendar, I see that your next battle with get underway Saturday. I really enjoyed Lenka today. Have a great week, dear friend Cathy, and I’ll be back Wednesday to join you and DH on your scenic tour of Maine!

    1. Tom,

      I just came from your place. We passed each other once again. 🙂 I agree many of Lenka’s songs have a Pollyannish feel but her style just makes me feel happy. I had to take a moment to refresh my memory of the songs you found most interesting on this album. I think like you “Go Deeper” might be one of my favorites – very beautifully done. I love how the melody has a floaty feel to it as she sings so softly. And, then “Hearts Brighter” is more serious sounding but somehow still fills the heart with happiness. I’m so happy that I DH introduced Lenka to me. I enjoy her music. 🙂 Robin Eggs are basically candy coated whoppers. The only time I can get these is at Easter time, too. They do have a layer of chocolate beneath the candy coating, then the malted center. I love them! Don’t think of it as being on the losing side in my BOTB. I think Max is a winner with his original style. Watch for him to step onto the dance floor in the future. Have a boogietastic week, my friend.

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