
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Lazy Daisy memories

Every time I see daisies I think of my mother-in-law ~iPhone capture, Pixelmator photo-editor Light Leek Pavo effect~

On the bank side of my in-laws yard wild daisies grow. My MIL loved flowers. All around their yard beautiful blooms happily greeted you, but the daisies that covered the hillside leading below their house to the tractor garage was always a joy to see.

What spurred my memories was the recent discovery a little lightweight hoodie belonging to one of my daughters. Both girls had nearly identical jackets given to them by their mamaw.  They loved playing, mostly picking handfuls of daisies from the hillside. Someone took pictures of the girls standing amongst the daisies one time.  I love those pictures!  

It’s pure innocence at its best! Daisies are happy little flowers and they always put a smile on my face. Funny thing is music makes me happy and it puts a smile on my face, too. I found this cute, original ditty and it fits perfectly with my Flashback Friday moment. Listen to Emily Proper sing The Daisy Song!



Today, I  celebrate the small things in my life.

  • fond flashbacks
  • forever friends
  • freaky fun
  • freckled faces
  • fabulous Fridays

Whoo-hoo, the weekend is here! What are you celebrating?

Let’s celebrate making new friends together and we can begin by joining Friendship Friday and Follow Who? Social-Weekend blog hops. Yesterday was a bit strained, so I couldn’t make my usual A2Z road trip, but I always say…better late than never. I’m zooming off to see what a few of my fellow A2Zroadsters are up to and I invite you to come along for the ride. Oh yeah, don’t forget to stop by tomorrow for a little boogie session with Saturday Songsuasion!

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11 thoughts on “Lazy Daisy memories

  1. daisies are my favourite too!! Especially the big gerbera ones… but I have transplanted wild ones into my own garden and I love to see them — it is like seeing little smiles in my garden.
    love the old photographs – so cute!!

    1. Les, I am thinking about planting daisies on the hilly portion of our front yard. That way will I not only be happy every time I see them, but it will give DH one less area that he has to mow. lol

  2. Great pictures. Did you share them with your daughters? I bet they’ll have some interesting memories to share.

    1. Liz, nope, I haven’t shared the photos with my girls yet. I will have to IM them a copy later today. I really meant to do it on Friday, but last week was so crazy for us. Phew, let’s hope this week is better.

  3. Lovely photos. They brought back fond memories of making daisy-chains on the lawn of my childhood home. My dad waged a constant war against these ‘weeds’ with his mower, but they kept coming back.

    1. Julia, some weeds are worth keeping around because they are so pretty. My FIL wouldn’t mow them down because he knew my MIL loved them and that always made me smile. They were married 67 years before God called her home last June.

  4. Good morning, dear Cathy! I very much enjoyed the delightful ditty “The Daisy Song.” It reminds us that it’s okay to be different and do our own thing instead of following the herd. It also reminds us that we need to find a safe place where we can escape the rat race and the world’s turmoil, slow down the pace and find peace. “Stop and Smell the Roses,” as Mac Davis put it. You and your daughters were beautiful girls. There was a park near my house and I often went there alone to climb trees. I’d sit for an hour or more on a high branch and experience peace and the simple joy of being alive on a summer day. Adjacent to the park were fields of daisies and other wildflowers and I enjoyed walking through them on the “scenic route” home.

    I wish you a safe and happy weekend, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom, thank you for your sweet words. The Daisy Song is fun little ditty. I scold myself often about not making time to smell the roses. Life passes us too quickly to not enjoy the now.. Quiet moments of reflection, as yours spent in the branches of a tree soaking up life’s simple pleasures is a wonderful way to enjoy God’s beautiful world. That’s when you really feel connected with the Creator, don’t you think? Have a great week!

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