
26-03-2025 Vol 19


Don’t you just hate it when you’re having a good day when suddenly a real killjoy gets in the way of your fun? Sometimes, killjoys even make me mad! Today, let talk about 10 things which make me angry:


True, we all do some dumb stuff on the highway at times, but are WE really idiots, too? Wait, don’t answer that cause I don’t wanna know! Regardless, if I’m an idiot driver or not, it’s the other idiot drivers which really makes my temperature boil. I’m not the only person who holds a warm and fuzzy spot for idiot drivers.  Check out this post: Top 10 Idiot Drivers



The average gas price in 2002 was $1.32. Ten years later, the average has risen to $3.52. The pinch at the pump is killing us!





Have you noticed when you’re enjoying a perfectly beautiful day when someone says something stupid, I mean really stupid, how things quickly take a nose dive? Stupid people are not only a killjoy to my day, but they make me steam! Do you listen to talk radio shows? There are definitely some stupid people on those programs.



I’m angry because the industry is squeezing jobs out of the country. I’m angry because liberal politicians think it’s okay to tax the socks off the hard-working class who pay for ALL social programs – good or bad. I’m angry at Uncle Sam for allowing illegals to take what rightfully should go to the American people first. I’m angry because too many Americans think Big Government is the answer and keep electing the same boneheads into office. Taxes make me angry! Nuff said, next




Nothing sets me on edge quicker than an annoying sound, and if my mood is anything other than rosy then you better watch out! A quick smack on the head may be the result of such behavior. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.



We’ve all met these sorts of people, and they certainly aren’t cute kitties and doggies either. You know what I’m speaking of, those finger gesturing, loud mouth jerks who pass you on the highway because they think you’re the idiot when in fact it is they who are the idiots. This really burns my biscuits. What about the pushy, get-out of my way folks who plow you down the isles of the grocery store? All you have to do is say, “Excuse me”. I’m OCD folks, don’t crowd my space. I not only get a little freaked out, I get mad! Rude people are just out to make the rest of us miserable.



Why is smoking inside stores or other public places banned and yet just outside the doors there are ashtrays for smokers to congregate around? Smoking is a horrible, nasty habit which is something that affects all of us on a daily basis more so than other substances. I’m just about ready to scream, “Please, I want to breathe fresh air and live people!”



Usually, I sleep like a baby. However, there are times when my sound sleep gets broken for whatever reason – thump in the night, nightmare, not feeling well, … It absolutely drives me insane, if I can’t fall asleep quickly and there has been a few occasions where I got so mad I was only inches from crawling out of bed when suddenly my eyes closed like a curtain. After the alarm sounds for the morning, I’m usually groggy and grumpy until I manage to get a couple of extra cups of coffee down me. Talk about a major killjoy! This isn’t a nice way to start your day!



The food service industry is a tricky thing. Most of the times, we get some good servers – polite, knowledgeable, and friendly. However, the ONE thing I’ve found to be true is most are rather hurried. It doesn’t matter what kind of establishment you’re dining in – cheap or expensive. Let me give you an example. After you’ve eaten a fine meal, you order your dessert, your dessert arrives, and no sooner than you begin enjoying it, your waitress/waiter appears. “I’m going to leave your check here for you when you’re ready, but there’s no hurry.” Okay, you’ve gone and done it. You’ve annoyed me! First off, while I may not be in a hurry it signals that you, the server, is in a hurry to get rid of me. This is an immediate cut in how much tip I leave you. I thought tips were important to servers. Hmm, maybe not. Second, my DH may be considering a second round of dessert and I kid you not, he’s been known to get thirds. If our server does this then he gets pretty insulted and will not bother to order anything else. You, the server,  just lost money for yourself (a better tip) and employer (larger food tab). Don’t be so quick to get rid of your guest!




I am very particular where my food items come from. Let’s face it, there has been some pretty scary stuff found in non-food products from non-USA manufacturing sources. Personally speaking, I don’t like the odds and am more confident buying from made-in-America companies. This doesn’t mean I won’t buy food products from outside the USA. I will buy from a handful of select countries depending entirely on the product. The sad reality is many of our large food manufacturers have moved production south of the border or all way across the globe. Sometimes, it’s crystal clear where a product is made and other times, you have to go over the label with a fine tooth comb. Read my lips American owned companies I will not buy your products, if manufactured and/or packaged in another country period. I don’t care how good it tastes or how much I’m saving (which I won’t be – you never pass the savings to the consumer anyhow), I WILL NOT buy your non-USA manufactured food products, just like the Kellogg’s Special K bars in the photo. I accidentally goofed in buying these to discover later they are a product of Mexico. That really angered me.

This brings me to my T2Q:
1. What is the one thing that makes you the angriest?
2. Does it make your day a complete or a partial killjoy?

Visit Miss Jenny and the rest of the Alphabe-Thursday classroom for more homework assignments of the letter ‘K’ *Apparently, I do not know the alphabet since today’s lesson is on the letter ‘J’. Soooo, now I’m going to have to Jumpstart my brain for a Juicy new post. This is not only a killjoy but makes me very ANGRY! Meanwhile (and I hope you’ll decide to check back to see what I manage to pull out of my hat for Miss Jenny)… be sure to play along with Miss Amanda in her latest edition of Thursday Two Questions.


UPDATE: Correct Alphabe-Thursday post now here!




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13 thoughts on “Killjoy

  1. That is a great list and I find myself shaking my head vigorously in agreement.

    The moment I smell smoke I want to smack someone, ESPECIALLY if we are at the soccer games for the little ones. They know the rules NO smoking and No pets allowed!

    And then there is the driving of other drivers that makes me want to have a tanker to just move them off the road.
    How can they even forget that the left lane is ONLY for passing. ONLY. I shouldn’t have to pass you in the right lane!


    Great list.

    Aloha 🙂

  2. Hi Kathy ~~ I am not sure that there is anything that makes me very angry. Sorry. If there was something then it would be when I do something stupid to hurt myself. I am sort of clumsy at times. Like (Jim’s Little Blog) falling down an up escalator and bunging my self all up. I blogged about that so it wasn’t all bad.

    You know, when I clicked on your link I was expecting a “Kilroy” post as that is what I had read wrongly.
    Thanks for peeking in on my Jim’s Little Blog; Thursday Two Questions (posts) today.

  3. Great list! 1,3, 6, 7, 8, 9 are totally annoying! Those are unforgivable. #10, for me it is okay if it’s from someplace but China – only because they are not very sanitary…and would use substitutes if that is what it takes for them to move and preserve the product = not good.

  4. These are all definitely on my ‘killjoy’ list, too! Especially rude and stupid people; some people just don’t THINK before they open their mouths. The number one thing that gets my blood boiling is close minded people that try to push their opinions on you. I’m not-too-quite when those people come around, let me tell you!

  5. I agree with all of them. I especially agree with the smokers at entrances. For some reason, that bugs me to pieces. And the waitress who brings my bill before I barely touch my food AND YES I will want to dessert, don’t make me call you back to get it. But on the flip side I also dislike the waitresses who when it is NOT busy, thinks she can stop by to check on me and talk for 10 minutes. HELLO! I”m trying to eat here! Another I do not like are pushy people in checkout lines. You know the ones…you are being rang up and you need to pay and once they load their stuff on the counter they almost knock you down trying to get up by the credit card processor WHILE YOU ARE STILL BEING RANG UP!I get so claustrophobic when that happens. Wow, didn’t mean to get on a soapbox. LOL.

  6. I couldn’t agree more with you on several of your triggers. To answer your T2Q…

    1. Most angry would have to be people that throw the race card whenever they feel like their livlihood is being threatened.

    2. It always makes me very angry and is a killjoy. I feel like no matter what we can’t win in this situation. As long as they have that crutch they will forever be using it.

  7. I agree with all of them!! Also get annoyed with people whom you are trying to have a conversation with, and they keep answering their mobile phone’s!
    enjoy the rest of your week 🙂

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