K is for Knight in Shining Armor
Is there such a thing as a real ‘Knight in Shining Armor’?
Today this phrase is used figuratively and it refers to the era when gallant knights came to the aid of a fair maiden in distress. Acts of chivalry in the male gender are growing more and more infrequent. The 60s feminist movement is partly to blame. These men-haters began bashing men for wanting to care for women and down casting women for wanting this special attention.
God gave the husband the role as the protector – to love his wife like Jesus loved the church. (Ephesians 5:25-28). The Bible also teaches that the husband should honor his wife. (1 Peter 3:7). A true man of God will not overstep his authority but to show his role in a loving fashion with his wife.
For the greatest part, men have forgotten how or too scared to be a ‘Knight in Shining Armor’ because of liberalism. However, I do believe there are Knights among us. How do I know this? Whenever a male stranger holds the door open for me or if a man apologizes for saying something inappropriate in my presence these are acts of knighthood.
Why do women look for that mystical, near perfect man on a white horse to appear out of nowhere?
In all sincerity, I feel women treasure the virtues of a good man as outlined in the Bible – honest, courageous, loyal, self-disciplined, a leader, provider, and protector.
- her physical & financial security = safety wrapped in a man’s protective cocoon.
- her emotional needs fulfilled = confidence with her integrity and self-disciplined man.
- her spiritual satisfaction = love from a good man’s loyalty and leadership.
The ideal man has gotten scarce over time. No man is perfect. A ‘Knight in Shining Armor’ needs his fair maiden to rescue. Let’s undo the damage of the feminist and start by giving the man in our lives a reason to be a Knight again.
Here are just a few ways to bring out the ‘Knight in Shining Armor’ in your man…
Show your appreciation
Be courteous and polite, always say thank you or smile when your husband or a stranger does something kind (i.e. like open a door). I’ve heard a number of men express frustration because women do not reciprocate their kind gestures with any form of acknowledgment. That’s rude, lady!
Don’t get offended
When a man whistles or looks you once over. Maybe, he likes the eye candy. Perhaps, he wants you to know how much he appreciates the effort you put into not looking like every other woman. I like the attention and don’t mind telling you.
Allow a man to fuss over you
Next time, you need to be out after dark, ask your better half (come on you know this true) to join you. The weaker vessel, we are, but we are stronger in other areas. Your husband will feel important and you’ll be all the wiser for giving into his protective care. At this stage in the game, I know about the hidden dangers. I would never put myself in any harm, intentionally, just because I felt like I needed to prove something. I welcome the insulation my husband or son provides. It puts me at ease with their presence.
I’d like to dedicate the below poem to my husband – Robin. You make me feel like a cherished treasure, as you hold me safely in protection from thieves & evil-doers. Thank-you, my Knight in Shining Armor!
Author: Anonymous
In this world full of hurt and pain,
I need someone who would help me through the rain.
To comfort me when I’m sad,
Doing everything just to make me glad.
In this world, I need a Brave Knight,
Who would never give up any fight.
A knight who would dry away my tears,
Telling me to overcome my fears.
A knight who loves me for who I am inside,
With him there’s nothing more I need to hide.
A person who will still be standing strong,
Even though everything has gone wrong.
I need someone who is willing to give me more,
Someone I can call my Knight In Shining Armor.
Have a tremendous Thursday!
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Thank you for an enlightening post. If I may, I will speak as somewhat of a self-proclaimed KiSA. The one who always aspires to do good. Sadly, my benevolence is perhaps my downfall. Please, can someone please share their perspective. Having found my soul-mate, who had to endure an oppressive and emotionally abusive relationship, for many years, leaving her so broken. In her works, I was her KiSA. Surrendering my heart and soul to her, for the miracle that she is. Turning her life around to make her feel as beautiful and loved as she truly is. For both of us, life was complete. But as I had given myself to her completely, and restored her, she went back to the very man who did so much damage. Why is this? Why do women no longer give the KiSA a chance? Why can the hero no longer overcome evil? The knight can no longer slay the dragon. Someone once repeated the oft quoted phrase, “Chivalry is dead”. To which I responded, “Not while there is still breath in my body”. But I fear that my breath is not enough..
I just came across your Knight in Shining Armour post and I love it! I agree with you so completely and I am so very thankful to be blessed with a husband who truly is my Knight in Shining Armour. Thank you again for your post. – Michelle
Interesting post. Men do have a double standard at times. Darned if they do and darned if they don’t. Love the poem.
I’m visiting from Alphabe-Thursday. Have a great weekend!
@321cc106f053765dff787c0bf5739462:disqus Loved that the second go around you got your KISA. I believe when young girls are exposed to these KISA, they look for those characteristics in the boys they are interested in dating and eventually marrying. Thanks for visiting!
I think I ended up with a KiSA second time around. First time it was more the back end of the knight’s steed.
I hope the example of how to be treated well, rubs off on our Granddaughters and they find someone that respects them enough to treat them gently and with care.
I really enjoyed reading your post this week.
It gave me a few things to think about!
@192dd8af21f9eb1e832ebf0655a3680b I can’t say I get a lot of them, but it sure is nice when someone takes notice of my efforts when I get dolled up. More importantly, it’s so appreciated the way my husband treats me when I’m lookin’ fine.
@7f6e5c35e78c274b313c3332a4601e43 So glad you enjoyed it!
Becky Fesler Unfortunately some men do seem to fall into this age old nasty way of thinking. Thankfully, there are some who do not and have one of them. =D
@b262adaeaa046a5f261775c3bf47fa83 Great job, Mom – raising a gentleman in today’s society is very much needed because I’m afraid our world is beating the tare out of men for wanting to be just that ‘gentlemanly’. I applaud you, my friend!
@3cb8a1c3697ed3eb23aa052d4e462b1f Awesome, you say? That sounds nice.
Hope the grandkids enjoy the piece.
fantastic take on K.
thanks for the poetry and thoughts shared.
This was awesome. I’d like to save this and show it to my grandchildren.~Ames
I am trying to raise a little gentlemen. I hope people with accept his attempts to be one.
Interesting post. Men do have a double standard at times. Darned if they do and darned if they don’t. Love the poem.
I’m visiting from Alphabe-Thursday. Have a great weekend!
Rosalind Adam Unfortuately, there was a dark period for women especially in the work force. This comes from human interpretation being flawed. I believe if women want to work, then they should be equal treated equal. With that being said, I want a woman to get any position upon her credentials (i.e. education, common sense, skill, …) and not because there is a quota to be filled, you know? Of course, I don’t think that’s so much of an issue today, as it has been in the past or at least I don’t think so. Women are equal to men, but both sexes have their difference with pluses & minuses. lol
I have a knight in shining armor myself, and I like him.
I’ve always been good with having someone I know whistle at me, but I used to hate that kind of attention from men I didn’t know.
(I must admit that being on the receiving end of that kind of behavior is no longer an issue!)
My man can make a fuss of me any time he likes… if only someone would suggest it to him! I’m joking. He’s a sweetie really, but seriously I don’t think I’d really want to live in that ‘Knight in Shining Armour’ world. It would mean we’d have to ‘know our place’ and wouldn’t be welcome in the work place and I’d like to think we’ve moved on from that.