Well…I’m late bringing to you the outcome of my December 1st Battle of the Bands but that’s what happens when you go on vacation. After tallying the votes I was surprised to find that this battle ended in a tie. Yep, a tie, folks! It was a good fight for sure and I was so happy that half of y’all liked We Banjo Three. Honestly, I didn’t know how that group would be received and am delighted they didn’t fizzle in the contest.
Without a clear winner in this showdown, I decided to turn this post into a report of at least in part on what we did last week on vacation.
Last week, we were in Nashville. We had tickets to the Grand Ole Opry Christmas. Larry Gatlin hosted the show, so we heard plenty of music by the Gatlin Brothers. I don’t believe they sang Joy to the World but it works very well announcing the no winner in my last BOTB.
An old country western group, Riders of the Sky, who I knew only by name but I believe some of y’all have shared some of their music with me over the years. Anyway, they performed and they were a lot of fun.
The next artist is another I know mostly by name but have listened to her music and two Mondays ago Driller’s Place shared one of her songs. She performed three songs for the crowd but I can only remember two of them, Mary Did You Know and There’s a New Kid in Town. Her presentation was beautiful, moving me tears.
I found a Kathy Mattea YouTube album playlist with the two tracks mentioned and a lot of others if you’re interested.
A new to me artist, Mandy Barnett performed contemporary Christmas songs like Blue Christmas, Jingle Bell Rock, and Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.
Although it’s quite possible I knew the next musician, his name escapes me so I regard him as an introduction, the harmonist Charlie McCoy.
The final name on billing for this Country Christmas presentation is up next and to my amazement, I found a YouTuber shared a magical moment from that night December 7th of Trace with singer, Giada Valenti performing a Christmas classic Silent Night. Watch the entire clip if you can. Trace closes the show with The Little Drummer Boy. Fantastic wrap up to a night of beautiful music, laughter, and all around great fun!
Special thanks to everyone who took part in this battle round!
A recap of how the votes fell….
We Banjo 3 – Stephen, Judge Al, Eugi, John, Lee, and Diedre (6)
Mormon Tabernacle Choir – Kinga, Ellen, Brian, Sandee, Debbie, and Mary (6)
Just as I finished composing this post, DH surprised me with some new Christmas music, digital albums of most of the artists we saw at the Grand Ole Opry. What a sweetheart! This week, I’m playing catch up in Blogosphere. Don’t worry, I’ll eventually get around to visiting you. Friday, I’ll be back with another BOTB. I hope you can join the fun. This is CAAC signing off, have a bandtastic day! XX
, Cathy
NEWS FLASH!!! I’m reporting to you less than 24 hours since this post published. It just came to my attention I did an inaccurate count. I missed Mimi’s vote for We Banjo 3 that she left and that was when I noticed a comment thrown into my Spam folder from Willow who also voted for We Banjo 3, so it turns out I had a winner after all – WE BANJO 3!
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What an uplifting post! Loved the highlights of your magical music getaway.
No harm in a tie. It just proves both contenders were equally enjoyable
You know, I listened to your BOTB and would have chosen the Banjo as well. I enjoyed this music even though I am not into country. It felt more like folk music to me. I enjoyed including the banter between the Italian Lady and Trace.
I had a feeling the battle would be close because both were excellent. I’m so glad you had a fun vacay!
Um, I remember voting in that contest, and my comment went to spam I’m guessing because it didn’t post right away. Oh, well, maybe next time.
You’re so right, you did vote and it was for We Banjo 3. Willow’s vote was sitting in my “spam” folder that I just now saw and she also voted for them. Y’alls votes totally change the outcome giving WE BANJO 3 the win! I’m so sorry ’bout my goof. I will need to things soon!
Cathy, it’s not you, it’s WordPress. I have an account and use it to comment on your blog and yet it still marks me as needing moderation or as spam. They just don’t like me is all! lol
I am glad you had such a fun time last week and hope your Christmas season is blessed and beautiful.
Sounds like a fun time. XO
The Opry is always such a fun time. I do like Mandy though.
Mandy was a lot of fun. She did Brenda Lee’s songs justice! The night we went, NBC (I think) aired a Christmas special from the Opry but it was previously recorded (October) and Mom mentioned Brenda Lee being on it. That would’ve been awesome had she been at the Opry the night we were there. Maybe next time!
Charlie McCoy is a tremendous harmonica player. Looks like you had a good time!
I was surprised how much I enjoyed listening to a harmonica play and am loving the Charlie’s Country Classic Christmas album DH got me.
This is a fitting outcome for the battle, as both artists were excellent. Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation, Cathy! I love the last video especially. Trace and Giada made a good pair.
And that voice!
Few baritones can match him.
We had such a good time at the Opry. The volume was louder than we prefer but didn’t use the hearing protectors that we bought. If it had been louder than we would’ve, though. Again, thanks for your help. I thought Trace and Giada made a great vocal pair, too. I really enjoy her Christmas album and I just love having Silent Night with their duet on it. It just fabulous! I love hearing Trace hit those baritone note!
It was hard to pick in this battle. It shows by the votes.
What a fun night you and DH had. I would have loved to have been there too.
Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Cathy. Hugs. ♥
It definitely was a fun night! We want to do that again.