Thanks for stopping by, Kittens and dawgs, for this morning’s edition of Skywatch Friday! We had a lot of gray, rainy conditions for several days. In the pix above, the morning greeted us with lots of fog and I’m not going to lie to you in the stillness of the neighborhood, it felt a bit eerie being outdoors…all alone.
By mid-week things improved with the return of the morning sun. Look at this gorgeous sunrise!

The streaks of orange and yellow touch off shades of rose and lavender in the morning sky.

I even got a morning moon shot, as it played peek-a-boo.

The sun didn’t really make a huge return on this day. It was a bit dreary but the start was stupendous and I’m looking forward to more of those kinda days ahead.
How’s the view in your sky? Have you seen the sun much or has it been hiding behind the clouds?
Next, is my Celebrate The Small Things segment hosted by Lexa. Here’s my list of celebrations!
I’m celebrating other than this beautiful sunrise I shared earlier, I’m celebrating a new year of new beginnings with setting goals and working to meet them. This month I’ve spent time thinking about what I hope to get done this year. There are many things I want to accomplish in 2017 most are lifestyle improvements I sorta got away from while DH was out of a job. I’m ready to get back on track with them but my #1 goal for this year is to get into a new house. The process of dreaming and hunting is reason enough to celebrate but if DH’s job becomes full-time then this is the first time I feel like my wish will actually come true to get into a new home.
What are you celebrating?
See what others are celebrating this week!
How are you enjoying the break up in my Friday post with SWF/CTST separate from Friday Sillies/Fill-ins? That’s my cue, you’re invited to join me tomorrow for some laughs with Friday Sillies!
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Gorgeous skies! Since the moving here, I’ve seen quite a few sunrises as well and enjoy those. But my favorite is still the sunset. The colors are so comforting. Thanks for the reminder!
I was visiting Central Virginia during a couple of days of fog and rain but the sun finally came out the last two days of my visit. Now, back home in upstate New York, we are back to the gloom. I’m grateful for the brief break I had from winter.
Alana, We’ve had our share of gloom. Today is nice. Tomorrow’s forecast is snow and rain with no sun. I’m staying inside! Thanks for the visit and have a good weekend!
Those sunrises are absolutely stunning! I hope your dream comes true and you get a new house. Have a lovely weekend!
Lexa, I’m believing all things possible in 2017! Thanks for visiting. Have a good weekend, my friend and I’ll be over to see you soon!
Very pretty sunrise shot! Enjoy your weekend.
Peter, Thanks for visiting. It’s another pretty day in Knoxville Tennesee but the wind is rough, so I’m keeping indoors with my ear problems still a nag. Have a good weekend and I’ll be over soon!
Love your sky shots. Have to say, though, that I stopped by your original blog and am still laughing at the husband & wife humour. Good, funny stuff!
Marilyn @onbecomingawriter.com
Marilyn, my original blog as in the one on Blogger? Well, I’m glad you stopped in for a visit to enjoy the sky views and the weekly humor. There’s nothing like a dose of giggles to make all right with the world for a few minutes. Have a good weekend and I’ll see ya soon!
Been gray and rainy and dreary for many days ~ always a wonder to see the Sun lately ~
Lovely sky shots ~ thanks,
Wishing you a Happy and Fun weekend ~ ^_^
Carol, it’s been more gray than sunny here this month, like you the sun is wonderful and we’re under sunny skies today. The wind is making my windchimes sing like crazy, too.
Thanks for visiting and I’ll be over to see you later!
lovely sky colors. specially the second and third pictures…so dramatic. Thanks for checking out my skywatch pictures and leaving your kind comments. Are you regular in posting for skywatch?
Arv! Thank you for the return visit, and yes it was a delight to see your SWF views. Yes, I do post regularly on Skywatch but I feature that post on Thursdays for now. Sometimes I forget to join the linky party but I usually have a post. Also, I do a not-so Wordless Wednesday contribution, if you’re interested in coming by for that. Have a good weekend and be blessed!
I too sometimes post it on Thursday.I’m amazed why didn’t come across your post, earlier!
I’m interested in wordless Wednesday. Are there lots of participants? where do you link it up?
Arv! The participation varies but it’s not an extensive list like some. This month the linkups have ranged from 10 to 18. I’m trying to gather more and more participators all the time. It would be awesome to see the number grow. My calendar in my side menu shows the days I post, if you click on this past Wednesday the 25th you can see that post, link up, and visit others on the list. I’m thinking about creating an email list of WW members to send the linky party code for others to include in their Wednesday photo post. Does this sound appealing to you? OH well, thanks for the interest and here’s to seeing you next week if not before!
Cathy, you can also list in wordpress photo events. I send you the link where they list these events in a separate comment.
By the way what is it all about?
Arv!, I created a button for The Daily Post from site’s landing page and used the URL that you provided. It’s listed under “Daily Blog Hops” at the top of my Home page. Also, I submitted my not-so Wordless Wednesday hop. I appreciate you pointing me in this direction and will look forward to seeing how this helps to grow the weekly participation. Have a good weekend, my friend and be blessed!
you are welcome Cathy. Let’s follow each other so we can help each other better and enjoy the Skywatch pictures
Arv! Yes, let’s follow one another to keep up! I am now following your FB page, WP, and Twitter. Feel free to follow along with me on any of my social media connections! Have a good week and be blessed!
Following you on Twitter and Wp, cathy! will do so on Fb too! Are you on Instagram? You too have a great week, Cathy!
Thanks, Arv! for following. I believe I have an inactive Instagram account and until I figure that one out I’m not sharing that info. lol Have a good week!
Suit yourself Cathy! It ain’t a bank account, so you can keep that info to yourself! Lol!!
LOL ? I don’t use Instagram so I figured it would frustrate people if they followed an inactive user, you know?
Wow, I love your photos! Beautiful! I love fog but have no doubt it was a little creepy being out in that.
I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that your new home wish comes true! Take care and have a good weekend.
Julie, It’s silly to get the heebie-geebies just outside your home in the city but then again our street is relatively desolate since most of my neighbors working. So, yeah at times it feels creepy! I appreciate the finger and to crossing. Prayers are nice, if you do that, too.
Thanks for visiting. I’ll be by soon!
Those are lovely shots! Our sky has been crisp clear, in the 80’s (again) today. I think we are going to have a cold day on Sunday. Down to the fifties!! Woo Hoo!!
I have achieved one goal this year so far and that was to get my jewelry business back up and running. I am having fun blogging again, meeting new people and am re-discovering how much of a stress reliever it is to make my jewelry pieces. Now just have to get some customers!
Good luck on your house hunting! That is always such an exciting new adventure symbolizing new beginnings and starting over……I am happy for you!
– Lisa
Geez, y’all are in the 80s?! You must live in Florida, right? I have a terrible memory after visiting someone new such as yourself but if we touch base from time to time then these tidbits will stick with me. That’s wonderful you met one of your new year goals. I hope your jewelry business skyrockets for ya and please if I can do anything to help promote you then let me know. Thank you for your kind words and I look forward to growing our friendship. Have a good weekend!
Hi Cathy thank you so much for stopping by my blog! http://www.gr8tfull.blogspot.com. I love your January Sky, such a gorgeous view!
Dazee, I appreciate your return visit, my friend, and to hear you liked my sky view. Please join me anytime, as there is always room for more friends in my circle!
Love these pictures and the foggy one does look eerie. I think foggy pics are always so beautiful and mysterious. Love the sunrise but i believe-Red Sky in the morning, Sailors take warning. Over here it has been foggy and blah and above average temps which suck as I would rather have it be -10C with snow than +6 and rainy (does a number on my pain). Good luck with a new house this year. It is something to look forward to especially since your hubby has been off work. Once he is there full time, it will look better for the banks too. i have been telling people this year that this is the year of change, the phoenix is being born and rising in beautiful colours
Birgit, fog is a wonderful, moody atmosphere to walk or drive through or to stare at from your house window or to be out in to photograph. It captures the imagination no matter how you experience it. We did get some rain I believe the evening I snapped the sunrise shots but no warnings needed thankfully. It’s been a bit windy this week and today kicks off a 5-day run of cooler temps which I’m not thrilled about. lol Why we might even see a flurry or two before the weekend is done. The only good thing I can say is HOT CHOCOLATE!
Hi, Cathy!
I always marvel at sunrises and sunsets. The sky canopy above is like a giant canvas upon which the great artist paints in watercolors. You never see the exact same painting twice. The blend of yellow, orange and lavender is beautiful. Here in Florida we have been bathed in sunshine most of the time lately. We are in the midst of a drought and need rain to reduce the brush fire threat. I am also sorry to see the turtle ponds starting to dry up. We have a long way to go before the dry season ends and the rainy season begins in June.
I am excited for you as you entertain the possibility that you will soon be house hunting in earnest. I hope that happens and you can fulfill your wish this year.
I am celebrating another week of friendship with you. Have a happy Thursday, dear Cathy!
The sky is lovely today but a cold front is pushing through. It’s going to be wicked (not as in northern wicked but bad enough) for the next five days with highs in the 40s and lows below freezing. There is a threat of snow Sunday with a forecast of less than an ice of accumulation. The snow doesn’t bother me, it’s the ice that forms making for treacherous driving conditions. I hope Florida’s drought season gets some relief to squash any brush fire threats. We finally pulled out of the drought experienced in late fall, which contributed to the ease at which the wildfires spread in the Smoky’s at the end of November. I celebrate another week of friendship with you, too. Isn’t life grand? Be well and enjoy the day! Thank you for visiting!