
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Jack’s Patch for WW & SWF + Hodgepodge Q&A & BOTB Results

Hello, Kittens & Pups! There’s too much to do with the upcoming holidays and making everything into a chore just isn’t fun, so the rest of the year I’m taking things slow in Blogosphere.  Smartphone technology is just super cool with a camera on-the-go right in your pocket. Even old technology is awesome. I used my previous iPhone 5s for the last time to capture this photo (near the Target on Northshore Drive just off south I-140 (Pellissippi Parkway) in Knoxville) in September.

Next is my Wednesday Hodgepodge segment hosted by Joyce. This is an excellent way to get to know your fellow blogger and you’re invited to play alone.

1.  In a rut, in a jam, in the groove, out of synch, off-balance, out of touch…which saying best fits some area of your life currently (or recently)? Explain. I think I can apply each of these to my life but if I had to pick one maybe, I’d say I’m “off-balance“. The approaching holidays always make me off-balance to a degree. That’s why I try to do a little every few days to prepare for the big event. On top of the normal stuff this time of year, I’m helping DD#2 and DSIL from afar with their transition to Maine. Stuck in limbo waiting for their apartment which won’t be ready until next week Wednesday. The place they are staying previously booked their room and there are no other openings. They have to move to another motel and that’s where I come in. I spent a several hours Monday locating a place that’s affordable and pet-friendly.  This was not an easy task but I found a place for them.  Normally, I don’t think finding a place would be difficult but Maine had a horrible storm knocking power out and many still do not have electricity, so locals are taking up the hotel rooms. The demand for materials due to the storm is what’s causing the renovation work lag. Please prayer their apartment is ready soon. The expense is too much for them.

2. What is it about somebody else’s style of work (coworker/employee/shared volunteer project/household chore) that makes you crazy? Why?  Not having been in the corporate world in years and I’m sure there was plenty former co-workers did that drove me crazy but persnickety traits of how you want something done is often engrained in one’s behavior. It used to make my skin crawl when I let anyone help me with anything around the house. I only relinquished to teach my children the basic life skills and responsibilities. It was all I could do to keep myself from going behind them to redo what they did. DH often helped to ease my housework chores by pitching in but it made me feel out of control. I know that’s crazy but I felt that way. Anyhow, it took me years to relax and accept the help. It didn’t matter that the person wasn’t doing it the way I do it what mattered is the job got done freeing up some of my time. 

3. What’s a tradition that always makes you feel at home? I feel at home no matter what but I think I know where you’re going with this question. Years ago, I wrote My Heart is Well Content which describes that homey sort of sense. 

4. A favorite song with a girl’s name in the title or lyrics? Any reason why this is a particular favorite?  Bread was our favorite band during our dating years.I’m not sure why it is now but “Aubrey” became our song. DH even dubbed me his “Aubrey”. This song is still one of my favorites and I can’t help think on those tender years of two young hearts growing a relationship. It’s been 40 years since those early years and our hearts are still growing…closer!

5. Share a favorite quote, verse, or saying relating to gratitude or thanksgiving. When you realize others don’t have it so good that’s when you see things through new eyes and God’s blessings all around you. This is a lesson I learned many years ago during one of DH’s periods of unemployment and since that time I never take what I have for granted. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. I like sketching during my waiting time period for DH while at his appointments with his eye surgeon. This is a good use of time. I rediscovered  the joy of drawing in this past April A-Z Challenge in which I picked Art Sketching Through the Alphabet as my theme and if you’re interested you can read my reflections post that lists all my A-Z prompts. Anyway, while I waited I decided to sketch a barn. In September and October I shared in my not-so Wordless Wednesday contributions a mini series on barns I photographed over the years.

One more piece of randomness, the results of “Up In A Puff Of Smoke” #BoTB showdown clearly was a decisive win for The Rubinoos earning my vote for a victory of 7 to 2. I’ll leave with another sample of the winner’s mewsic. Join me in the next battle on the 15th! 😉

That’s it for now. I’m taking blogging life easy peasy with it being the holiday season. I encourage you to sign up for the latest Curious as a Cathy mews to deliver straight to your in-box!  Have a good day! Save Save Save

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38 thoughts on “Jack’s Patch for WW & SWF + Hodgepodge Q&A & BOTB Results

  1. James Griffin may still be the most famous graduate from my high school, Kingsbury, in Memphis. He was the guitar player for Bread, or should I phrase… The Guitar Man…

    I had the Bread album that “Aubrey” was on… I had it on an 8 Track… I am seriously giving away my age, aren’t I?

    1. Myke,

      Oh that is cool that James Griffin attended your high school! I don’t know all of the Bread band members by name, other than David Gates. Hey, anyone grew up listening to Bread (and other 70s bands) is giving his/her age away, my friend. I remember when 8 Tracks were the thing. I believe somewhere in this house there is an old 8 Track and I betcha there are more in storage at his parents’ home.

  2. CATHY, I’m glad I was able to contribute the first vote (and one of only two) that the BOTB loser garnered. At least it wasn’t a shutout!

    I look forward to your next BOTB on 11/15. And I look forward to mine on the 15th, too. I just now put it together and I think it’s gonna be a lot of fun for the voters. This’ll be a “Twisted BOTB” which requires TWO votes — one for song and one for video. See ya there, my friend!

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents ‘Battle Of The Bands’

    1. Stephen,

      Yes, I glad that you and Mimi kept my battle from being a shutout. Oh, a twisted BoTB now you’ve peeked my curiosity. 🙂 This month is breezing by just like all the others. Where has this year gone anyhow? Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Hello Cathy, I enjoyed reading your answers to the Hodgepodge! I was nodding my head and smiling as I went through the post. Your sketching is great and what a good exercise while waiting. My sister flies weekly and has taken up sketching on the plane. Saying a little prayer right now that the apartment will be ready soon!

    1. Ellen,

      Thanks for visiting and for the prayers for DD#2 & DSIL’s apartment situation. Bravo to your sister for taking up sketching! I’m sketching two bday cards to send out this month. I really enjoy doodling for those I love. I get to give them something unique every time. 🙂 PS: You may wish to include your url in comments or add it to your Gravatar profile for others to find a way back to you.

    1. Linda,

      I look for pumpkin patches every year, too. We weren’t making as many drives around town as we normally do this time. I’m sure there were more around but our timing didn’t match. I’m glad we came across this one, though.

  4. WOO HOO! A PUMPKIN PATCH??? I love this kinda stuff to do, but we don’t have any that I know of by me… I’m sure someone with kids knows where they’re at, but I never looked for one since my back probs started up in 2005. 🙁 Thanks for sharing your wonderful picture and stopping by. BIG HUGS & SEE YA MONDAY!

    1. Marie,

      This shot isn’t truly a pumpkin patch but more of a fun autumn display for parents to take their kids. It was great fun to stumble across it, though. I think we discovered it on a Sunday afternoon and I suspect they had something going on the day before with the vending trucks nearby. There wasn’t a lot of activity when we found it.

  5. It’s like walking on a sand dune, the sand is always shifting. Sometimes you’ll lose your footing but it’s not as hard as you think to scramble back up again

  6. Enjoy the rest of fall! I always say breath in breath out ! Everything works out usually much better than we can forsee.

    1. Kelleyn,

      Breathing…yes in and out, yes! That’s a great way to regroup one’s perspective while uttering a prayer. God is in control of everything, so why worry? Thanks for visiting! BTW, the URL you signed in with there is no content. I know you have a professional photography site (FYI, it builds slowly, no doubt your large beautiful image files is causing the lag). Anywho, I hope you’re reading this so you’ll know. I will try to leave a comment on your site to give you the heads up.

  7. 1. I’m in a sort of moving balance 🙂
    Life is trying to push me off the trampoline.
    5. This is the day that the Lord has made, Let us rejoice and be glad in it

    I love your barn sketch!

    Very entertaining Mrs Cathy! Happy Wednesday!

    1. Colette,

      Yeah, life tries to knock you off the trampoline. I feel like this on occasion, so I can relate. Don’t give in, keep fighting to keep balance in your life! 😉 I love your this verse from the bible and I often recite it. 🙂

  8. Beautiful pic and I love the quote. To be honest, most of my co-workers are driving me crazy. It is like their brain doesn’t function. No self-motivation at all and that drives me nuts, plus they like drama.

    1. Patrick,

      People are so absorbed by drama that they can’t function period. They don’t know what it’s like to push through the bad stuff and be responsible while doing it. They just let everything fall my the wayside while others hold down the fort. It’s a sad, sad world we live in, isn’t it?

  9. Beautiful quote on gratitude Cathy. I love visiting pumpkin patch and I love more to take pics there. This time i did not get chance to visit them though. This smart technology has made life so easy right..?

  10. Love your sketch of the barn….it fits with today and reminds me of the country and it’s homey. I feel in the groove…I went to a pain clinic and they stated lydacain infusion which I had plus some nice …um….oil of which there are 2 versions-CBV and THC so I take the CBV 3 times per day and the THC 2 hrs before bed and my pain is so much better that I didn’t realize how bad my pain truly was. I a, now at a 5 out of 10 for pain when I was more like 9 before. I can do things and I can get things done. My mom took a turn for the better and, even though it is temporary, I am so happy so I am in the groove. Love the song which is so gentle. The first song that came into my head was The Girl With April in her Eyes by Chris DeBurgh. Yup…no name but that is a beautiful song.

    1. Birgit,

      Barns do have a homey feel, don’t they? I enjoyed sketching it. I may do another in the near future. I’m happy that your pain management is better. Also, glad to hear that your mother has a temporary improvement of health. I do not know the song you mention, so I listened to The Girl With April in Her Eyes and I agree it’s a pretty song. Thanks for sharing it!

  11. Things are a little out of sync with the holidays coming up, and i really like that pumpkin patch. It’s a lot like one we took the kids to when they were young.

    1. Mimi,

      I get ya, things are out of sync with the holidays approaching. I find it’s a huge help to do little bits at a time. This keeps me sane and happy or at least the happy part. I don’t know if I can qualify for sane at any point. 🙂

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