
19-03-2025 Vol 19

J is for Jump Rope & Jackrocks

One of my favorite things to do, when I was a kid was play jump rope. I’m not so good at this these days. I don’t have the spring in my feet to jump a few inches off the ground for more than a few seconds. I must have been a regular bouncy ball when I was little.

Jump roping is a wonderful exercise if you can manage to keep at it long enough. In fact, you’ll burn more calories skipping rope than any other aerobic exercise. As kids, we didn’t know of such nonsense (burning calories) or did we care. I mean, in the mid-60s youngsters weren’t as overweight as kids today.

On the school ground, the older kids would play Double Dutch.  I thought this was the coolest jump rope game ever.  I was almost mesmerized how the older girls could jump two ropes simultaneous.  I froze with sheer terror to give it a try for the longest of time.  What was the worse thing that could happen?  I’m not sure what could have crossed my grade school brain, but naturally nothing catastrophic for sure, but I’m sure it must have felt like the end of the world if I flopped at my first attempt.  Needless to say, I conquered my fears. I learned how to play Double Dutch and had a blast for hours on end in the schoolyard skipping rope.

What sort of jump rope games did you play?

Do you recall some of the jump rope rhymes from your youth?  Honestly, I couldn’t pull a single one from the top of my head.  That’s just been too many years ago.  Hey, I’m lucky if I can recall what happened last week much less 40 years ago. I’m not a spring chicken anymore. Okay, I’m a chicken, but that’s beside the point. The point is, my memory isn’t what it use to be.

Chant with me!

Cinderella dressed in yella,
Went upstairs to kiss a fella,
Made a mistake, kissed a snake,
How many doctors will it take?

And, again let’s chant.

Nette and Kenneth sitting in a tree
First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then comes ???? a baby carriage (insert kids name where the question marks go)

Do you remember these? Wanna rekindle your memory of more schoolyard songs and games?  If you’re interested you can check out these Jump Rope Rhymes or read about Jump Rope History.

Did you ever play jack rocks when you were a kid?  Who didn’t, right?  To introduce this simple game to your youngsters, here are the instructions on how to get started.  You’ll find a video of a girl demonstrating how to play the game there, too.  Enjoy the fun!

It’s always such fun to link up on this weekly fun with Miss Jenny and her Alphabe-Thursday classroom!

Be sure to click on the Miss Jenny’s button to be redirected to her site, if you want to participate.   Have a terrific Thursday!

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13 thoughts on “J is for Jump Rope & Jackrocks

  1. Oh.  I adored this post.   What a wonderful walk down memory lane!   This was really, really a jewel of a post.

    Thanks for taking me back to long summer days playing on the base with all the other little kids!

    Thank you!


  2. We used to jump rope to a chant ‘Bubble car, bubble car number 27, went around the coooooooooooo-ner and slammed on his Brakes. It involved the skipper running out of the rope, behind a turner, re-entering and then trapping the rope between her/his feet to brake.

  3. maybe I should try jumping rope again.  I wouldn’t have to worry about anybody seeing me, if I went into the backyard.  Thanks for the reminder!  {:-D

  4. We just played plain old jump rope, and the jacks we called jack stones instead of rocks.  Both were fun.  We also played marbles.  In the evening, after dinner, we would play swing the statue and red rover.

    This is a fun post!!!

  5. I loved to jump rope when I was a kid, loved jacks also!

    Thanks for a sweet memory…

  6. I’m trying to remember the last time I saw a child jumping rope.  It was one of my favorite things to do back in the 1950’s, but it’s probably become almost obsolete.

  7. Glad you enjoy the walk or should I say the jump down memory lane! =D Next time, kindly leave your website addy for me to hop over to yours. This comment system isn’t the best I’m discovering for me to reach others blogs easily, if you aren’t using it.

  8. @b262adaeaa046a5f261775c3bf47fa83 Hmmm, I don’t recall Miss Mary Mack, but you know I’m so absent minded.

  9. Oh gosh! What fun memories you’ve brought back!  We spent so many hours on the playground playing jump rope.  Yes, I do remember the “kiss the snake” rhyme, but the others seem to have slipped my feeble mind – lol.
    Jacks were also a great passtime!  I loved trying to grab that bouncy ball and did play jacks with my kids when they were small as well.
    Fun “J” post!

  10. Chinese jumprope, yeah, I vaguely recall this. But, I’m not 100% for sure I played, though. You’re right, kids today have way too many options. Unfortunately if it doesn’t involve high-tech electronics then you’d better forget it.

  11. I do remember hours and and hours and playing those games as a kid. I tried to get my kids into jacks but they never had the same love of it as I did(I think they have way too many options these days).  What about Chinese jumprope, the long elastic one ..I found one on line for my kids too. 

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