Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! Let me take a moment to share that our darlin’ Marie is having some bad, bad back pain. She’s scheduled on the 14th to get a shot that makes things better but not before being tested for Corona virus. I think this is required for many these days. Right now she’s finding it hard to make her usual rounds in Blogosphere. I just thought y’all would like to know what’s going on and ask that you keep her in prayer. Chronic pain is a terrible, terrible thing!
I don’t know about y’all but I’m so dizzy with the way the months are flying right off the calendar and is a great mewsic prompt for this your choice song picks week. Hit play to enjoy and try to not get dizzy listening to my Dizzy playlist!
My Dizzy playlist includes these tracks:
- Dizzy ~Tommy Roe (1969)
- Dizzy Miss Lizzy ~The Beatles
- Dizzy ~Goo Goo Dolls
- Too Dizzy ~David Bowie
- Dizzy ~98º
This month’s co-hostess is Stacy Uncorked
DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians. Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

Before I dash off and I really need to do a lot of dashing to work off some extra calories after making this wonderful Authentic Maine Whoopie Pies recipe last Thursday. We adjusted the recipe slightly since we’re not huge fans of shortening and we’re also trying to cut back on butter when possible. Yeah, I know we’re taking the fun out of eating. The real question on your mind is what was end results… the modified version yielded some good Whoopie Pies (pictured above)! That’s a wrap for now. Have a boogietastic week! X
, Cathy

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This year certainly is a dizzy year, isn’t it? Love your song choices – many were introductions to me!
And your Whoopie Pies look absolutely perfect and delicious – I never heard of Whoopie Pies until I lived in PA, it’s not a PNW thing. Haven’t had one since I moved back! Hope you’re having a fabulous weekend!
We only knew about Whoopie Pies prior to our 2004 Maine vacation and while there we got some. Yum, they were good, too! I’m happy to finally make them. The recipe is easy. I don’t know why I was so afraid to try before now. I guess that was just my insecurities holding me back. Thanks for boogieing with me, darlin’!
Cathy, your post made me dizzy. No, not really but…I knew the first two songs, not the lat three. My fav was the Goo Goo dolls – that video, I thought, was like a movie trailer to an exciting action movie! There’s a lot of David Bowie I’m not familiar with, including (until now) this particular song of his. Nice, nice set.
Awwww what a hilarious turntable photo!
That gify is a hoot! I knew I had to share it when I saw it.
The Beatles… cool!
Thanks for the return visit, furriends. So glad you enjoyed the mewsic and yes, the Beatles are cool!
Great selection of dizzy mewsic in such a dizzy world.

Yep, we’re definitely living in a dizzy world these days. I’m ready for this carousal ride to stop, aren’t you?
First of all, sorry I’m so late, but we had a storm over here and the tornado has gone passed us, but the sirens were going off and man were they LOUD! Then we went without electricity for about 2 hrs. Hubby just opened all the windows and it’s so very nice out and smells so good, so fresh, so clean! Niiiiiiiiice! Anyway, look at your tweet cuz it’s not working! Just thought I’d let you know. So, I also wanted to tell you I’ll be busy all week now, but I have everything pre-posted… tomorrow I get the Covid testing for my shot on Friday at … not sure of the time they haven’t called me yet, but it’s definitely Friday. Then let’s see… Wednesday is the dentist check up. and today soon as I’m done here I have to pay all the bills. Bummer – I HATE BILLS… They should write a song about that I say! hahaha Oh and tomorrow after my test I’m stopping by my cousin who I haven’t seen in over 20 yrs. to say hello… she’s the one who just lost her husband… my cousin Billy. Even her own son doesn’t stop by or call his own mother… I’d love to give him a good slap for heaven’s sake! I keep praying that the Lord will whisper in his ear to give her a call at least!!! Me? I’d rather knock some sense into him. Anyway, must go take my shower and hit the sack early tonight and be up bright and early for tomorrow. Please say a prayer for me that I pass the test tomorrow and that the hospital will call me with a time to come on Friday for my long over due shot on Friday! Wednesday I have dentist in the afternoon so a little puttering around for Wordless Wednesday for sure… Thursday I have off – nothing to do except hopefully getting ready for Friday’s shot! Please say a prayer all goes well tomorrow! I hate thinking of them putting this foot long que-tip down my nose and digging around. YUK it just gives me chills! Okay gotta go now… love you girl! BIG HUGS
I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, darlin’! It sounds like y’all had a mess with the storm passing through your area. We got some heavy rain yesterday. It kept things on the cool side most of the day which I really enjoyed. It’s been so hot! We don’t have anything scheduled until next week when I go see my ENT. I really hate going every 4-months to have my ears checked. This time I might ask him if I can push it out to 6-months with all this craziness going on. I don’t know. One tube came out about a year ago and as far as I know the other one is still in place.
You mentioned Twitter. What’s my account doing or not doing? I’m able to share and post just fine so I’m not sure what you’re referring to.
I hear you on bills. I don’t know a single person who enjoys paying them but I guess we could look at it as a privilege because with bills comes nice things we enjoy – nice home, transportation, modern utilities, communication, food, clothing, medical care, …. Okay, I’m looking for the upside with that dreaded task but even with these benefits from our hard earned dollars get us we still don’t like dishing out for them, right?
Let me know how things go, my dear!
Such a cool song, Really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thanks for joining in on the fun, Patrick! It’s always nice seeing you on the dance floor.
Some days i feel like dizzy Miss Lizzy myself, Happy Monday, thanks for the fun post.
Yeah, I have days where I feel like that, too. lol
Hey Tommy Roe, I haven’t heard him in so lo………….. Cat, gotta go in the basement the siren is goin’ off for a bad storm a comin’. I have a bathroom downstairs with no windows & that’s where we usually go. My poor husband is at the store… gotta GO! MORE LATER.
Those are great dizzy tunes, good job spinning kitty! The whoopie pies look wonderful!
Great playlist! Tommy Roe is one of my faves, as are The Beatles…
I’m horrible with what these old artists did so I went back over to YT to check out some of Roe’s song titles and I was like, “WOW!” He had a number of songs that I know but I think the ones familiar to me are covers. I remember “Sweet Pea” but had forgotten about “Jam Up And Jelly Tight”. His other popular song, “Shelia” I don’t remember. I’m glad you mentioned that he’s one of your favorites.
I notice that Roe is from Atlanta Georgia. He’s three years older than my mother. Thanks for dropping by today, my friend!
…hey Kathy, my internet has been down for what seems like forever, I’m along the side of the road barrows someone’s connection. I’ll be back if this mess ever improves, thanks for your visite!
Hey, Tom! Don’t worry about it. Things can’t be helped sometimes, especially where technology is concerned. I hope your connectivity issues get cleared up. That would drive me bonkers!
When I was young I would have enjoyed spinning like that cat, but not so much these days. I’ve had dizzy spells related to my heart arrhythmia and it’s not fun.
Pain is no fun either. Hope Marie gets her pain issues addressed rapidly.
I’ve got my BOTB results up now.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I don’t like being dizzy, either. Sometimes my stomach problems will make me dizzy. That sounds really strange but it happens. Thanks for reminding that your battle results are up. I totally forgot!
That kitten fits the song perfectly. I’ve not heard that song in years and years.
I took a couple of the Whoopie Pies. Yummy.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
Help yourself to those Whoopie Pies! I hope to make another batch soon. I want to try a different cocoa powder. Sounds like a great excuse, don’t you think? lol
Hi, Cathy! What a cute kitty on the turntable!
I lost my little furbaby (10 years old) about a month ago to canine kidney failure. I hope Marie feels better soon. I am familiar with Tommy Roe’s Dizzy, but not the singer. I was a baby when it was released. Have a great week!
Well, “Hello Stranger!” It’s been a long time. Oh, I’m so sorry to read about your furbaby’s death! How are you doing now? I was a 7-years old the year Tommy Roe’s “Dizzy” released. I definitely remember it quite well from my youth and how much I liked the bubblegum pop sound.:) Thanks for stopping by to visit. I hope you’re doing well, my dear.
Great spark and nice theme choice. Have a wonderful week! XO
Thanks, Ellen! The same to you, my furriend!
Great theme you picked today. I’m dizzy just looking at that poor cat
Poor kitty, makes you wonder if he ever got off, huh? Thanks for joining me on the dance floor, dearie!
I have to admit, I got a little woozy just reading the titles. I found it almost quaint listening to The Beatles channeling Larry Williams, Dizzy Miss Lizzy and Tommy Roe’s pure bubble gum pop sound of “Dizzy”. Have a blessed week.
Every time the word dizzy crosses my mind, I think of Tommy Roe’s song. I usually sing the chorus but then again I do that with other songs with trigger words. Not to worry I usually do the singing at home around only DH. He’s come to accept my craziness.
Happy Monday! Love that cat on the record player. We could see our cats doing that! Have a great week!
Thanks for dropping in for a bit of mewsic and smiles. Have a pawwwsome day!
Hi, Cathy!
Happy Awww-some 4M Monday to you, dear friend! I hope you and your family had a nice weekend.
I’ll bet that kitty is getting mighty dizzy spinning on the turntable. I wonder if that record is “Stray Cat Strut.”
Yessum, chronic pain, especially back pain, is a terrible thing to endure, and I will keep friend Marie in my prayers hoping she soon experiences relief.
Tommy Roe is one of my favorite singers and it was fun listening to his big hit “Dizzy” as the first in your set of dizzy songs. The girl dancing the the video reminds me of my girlfriend, the future Mrs. Shady #1, who dressed and wore her hair in that style. Credit for “Dizzy Miss Lizzy” must go to American R&B and rock & roll great Larry Williams who penned and first recorded the song. In the early to mid 60s, The Beatles and other British bands covered many such songs originally waxed by U.S. artists. Stateside The Beatles released their version on their album Beatles VI. The “Dizzy” song by The Goo Goo Dolls is new to me and I like it as well as their promotional video. The Bowie song “Too Dizzy” is also new to me. I see that is was released on his 1987 album Never Let Me Down. The third different “Dizzy” song, recorded by the pop/R&B quartet 98 Degrees, was released on their 2000 album Revelation. The sound brings back the glory years of boy groups.
Surely your lucky hubby DH flipped over the batch of Whoopie Pies you made. They’re picture perfect and I am sure they were yummy comfort food. Thanks for tagging out with the inspiring quote by Drew Barrymore.
Thank you for the dizzy ditties and have a safe and happy week, dear friend Cathy!
Thanks for dropping by this morning. I sure do appreciate your prayers for Marie. She’s dealt with chronic back pain for years. I just wish the doctors could do more for her. DH did like the Whoopie Pies. I was so happy to finally make them after procrastinating on this baking project. I’m so slow to get my nerve up to try new things but this year has been the year of change for me. I have plans to make the recipe again soon. I want to try a different cocoa powder as the one I used wasn’t quite dark enough to suit us. I’m glad you enjoyed my playlist this morning. Have a boogietastic week, my friend!