
14-03-2025 Vol 19

I’m Not Chicken

The first time I was introduced to “Six Sentence Stories” was years ago from the original meme creator Josie Two Shoes, so while visiting her yesterday I was reminded of it.

These days, Zoe at Uncharted, runs the meme but Josie plays along and promotes the weekly linkup.  I’ve toyed with the idea of rekindling my creative writing but keep putting it off.  Last month’s A2Z challenge stirred a lot of creativity within; I feel I need to do more than I have with my blog (life) and decided to give this writing exercise a try.

Here’s how Six Sentence Stories works. Each week, you’ll get a cue (Wednesday) to write about in 6 sentences, any genre using the prompt any way you want to create a masterpiece to link up on Thursdays. This week’s cue is Chicken.

I sketched this for last month’s A to Z challenge in my Art Sketching Through the Alphabet Series

Sophie Mae stared in anguish at the mother hen and her chicks. Gramma motioned the little girl to join her but she wasn’t having anything to do with going inside the chicken coop; after her last experience with those crazy birds flying every which way and becoming entangled in Sophie Mae’s long locks. Just thinking about it made her shudder nervously.  Slumping her shoulders, she sighed deeply with her head hung low ready to pivot on her heels to head back indoors to the safety of her grandparents’ farmhouse when her cousin, Bobby Gene ripped out the front door yelling, “What’s the matter, Sophie Mae, are you…?” Catching the boy’s smirky grin, she felt the heat flushing her cheeks red and knew what was coming next. Scrunching her brows together, she flashed angry eyes his direction that could’ve even stopped a creek and make it run backward; marching across the yard defiantly with arms swinging fast,  she retorted, “I’m not chicken!

What do you think of my snippet? Is there hope for me as kittie lit author?

I hope these weekly prompts will spur my interest to pick up where I left off with writing for kids again and to do something with them instead of letting more time pass.  Doing nothing when you could do something is a regret I can do without when I’m too old and can’t do anything at all. The game is on, so bring it on…next week’s cue that is! 😉

Stop in tomorrow for a weekly Rx of giggles with Friday Sillies and more!

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31 thoughts on “I’m Not Chicken

  1. Awesome! Not only could you write kiddie lit but you can illustrate it too! Really good! Thanks for joining in and always thanks to our buddy Josie!

    1. Zoe, thanks! I’m delighted to be a part of your hop and look forward to spreading my wings; not like a chicken but an eagle! 😀

  2. Well done, you could write and illustrate a children’s book.

  3. Welcome to the Six Sentence Story!
    Very excellent Six, engaging and very ‘visual’, which really is an accomplishment, given the sixness of the rules and all.

    1. Clark,

      Your comment “very visual” encourages me to try this again and eager to play along next week. Thanks for the warm welcome and visit. Have a good weekend!

  4. Love it! I can see a boy say that too. You can do anything you want to if you set your mind to it. I’m a believer in that

    1. Birgit,

      When I was little I had a similar experience as Sofie Mae, except I didn’t have a cousin taunting me about being chicken, though. It was a scary situation for a little toddler. I know I was younger than four, maybe three. Thanks for visiting.

  5. This was a delightful tale of childhood, so true to life, and I loved your sketch! I was happy to find you joining us for SSS, it really is a fun thing to be a part of! I must go back an check out your A-Z sketches, clearly you are talented and these could make wonderful illustrations for children’s stories! 🙂

    Josie Two Shoes

    1. Josie,

      I appreciate your encouragement and kind words. I wished I had started this little hop long ago but I wasn’t ready for it and now I am. 🙂 I’m happy you stopped by!

  6. Great six sentence story. I followed Josie during the A to Z too. Makes me wonder if I could do something like that too. Congrats on yours!

    1. Thanks, Janet! If you’re interested in art then I say toss caution to the wind and go for it. Don’t wait forever like I did. You might surprise yourself. I know I was when I tried my hand with my first drawing. 🙂

      1. I was thinking more about the writing art. Possibly I could put six sentences together and have it make sense 🙂

        1. Writing is definitely an art. The gift to turn words into something visual in the mind is amazing. I hope to be able to do that one day. 😀

  7. Cathy, it is great to see you having such fun! I think you should just go for it! You are doing great. I really look forward to seeing your sketches in colour. You have a beautiful creative outlet, my friend. HUGS!

    1. Annie,

      I am having lots of fun and I’m figuring out how to incorporate the things I enjoy in my life a little each day. Thanks for visiting!

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    This is a super post in several ways. First, it was nice to see again one of your best sketches submitted during the recently completed A to Z Challenge. On top of your abilities as an artist, it is plain to see that you would make a darn good writer of children’s stories. Your six sentence Chicken story was very clever.

    I also appreciated watching the historic clip of R&B legend Rufus Thomas performing his hit “Do the Funky Chicken” (which was immediately followed by “Do the Funky Penguin”) at the historic Wattstax benefit concert commemorating the 7th anniversary of the 1965 riots in Watts, Los Angeles. At first it was alarming to see all those kids flooding onto the field because it looked as if another riot was unfolding. When it became clear that they were the equivalent of a modern day “flash mob” and all they wanted to do was dance, it gave me a feeling I can’t even describe. I read some of the YouTube comments on the video and they perhaps express it better than I can: “Must be hard to see your grandparents were cooler than you”,  “If you want respect. You gotta give respect.” “Young black brothers and sistas, if you’re reading this post this is for you- notice everybody pants are up? Notice “no violence of any kind”? Notice the black women are adorned and not disrespected? Do you see and feel that Black Power?”

    What a great post, Cathy. I slept in today but I’m glad I came over to experience this!

    1. Tom,

      You flattery! Thanks for your sweet comments. You really know how to boost a girl’s self-esteem. I couldn’t resist sharing the “Do the Funky Chicken” mewsic video. I had forgotten about the song until I went in searching for one. I didn’t know about the riots you mentioned. I was only four years old at the time, so I didn’t think much about the crowd rushing. I figured they were going to get a little funky and I was right. lol There wasn’t a disrespectable looking black youth in that sea of faces. Kids today can learn a lot from the past. It would be awesome to see a day when people dressed liked they cared how they appear to others instead of their own peers. I’m glad you came by this morning, dear friend. Have an excellent day!

  9. Your sketch is beautiful. Welcome to the SSS blog hop. You wrote a very vivid tale in six. I want to go back and look at your A-Z drawings. (I did photos)

    1. Thank you for stopping by for a visit and for the warm welcome to SSS. I’m looking forward to doing more writing prompts. If you like sharing photography, then you may want to join my not-so Wordless Wednesday hop each week. Now, allow me to skip off to check out your blog. Have a good day, Val!

    1. Thank you, UP for the wonderful greet to SSS! I’m looking forward to writing my next post. Have a good day and thanks for stopping by!

  10. Wow ! Loved what you did with the “chicken” , both literally and figuratively . 🙂 Great 6 sentences. And , love your sketch too. See you , next Thursday 🙂 🙂 A Happy new beginning to you
    Best wishes

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