
27-03-2025 Vol 19

I’m a-warnin’ you galoots, don’t step on my blue suede shoes. #music #BoTBresults

Hop over to see Sandee for more Awww Mondays fun-spiration!

Purs and hisses, Kittens and Dawgs! How was your weekend? It’s fabulous to see you! Since last time, the calendar flipped over to a brand new year.  It’s time to put away the Christmas mewsic until December rolls in again.  Yeah, it’ll be here tomorrow. LOL      

This week’s theme is in honor of the King of Rock n Roll. Pick an Elvis song and then choose another artist/band from the same era. 

Tomorrow is Elvis Presley’s 84th birthday.  I am going to pick one of his popular hit from his 1956 debut album bearing his name. 

Please join  XmasDolly (4M Brain Child) and my fellow 4M Co-hostesses Stacy,  AlanaColette, and this month’s honorary anonymous co-host, The Shadow, on the dance floor (ONLY link mewsic posts) below.

[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly #ElvisPresley #50s #music[/tweetthis]

For my second song choice, The Shadow requested that we pick an artist/band from the same era. ‘Blue Suede Shoes’ was written and recorded by Carl Perkins 1955. This well-known tune stayed on Cashbox Best Selling Singles list for 16 weeks and then spent two weeks in the number two position. 

This is NOT a BoTB showdown. I just thought it would be fun to share both.  Speaking of Battle of the Bands. I need to announce last week’s results. I used the song, ‘Brand New Day’ originally recorded by Van Morrison featuring cover artists Frank Shiner and Graziano Romani.  

In this round, Graziano earned my favor.  I liked his rough vocals which gave his cover a bit more character.  Once again, I wasn’t following the vote count closely but I thought one had more of a lead over the other until  I put pencil to paper to tally the numbers and wouldn’t you believe it, this showdown ended in a draw? That means I can’t declare either a winner.😢 What a bummer! 

 This how the votes went…

Frank’s tally – Stephen, John, Sandee, Lee, & Mary

Graziano’s tally – Debbie, Ellen, Birgit, Mimi, Tom, & Me

While there wasn’t a winner in this round UPDATE… this morning (1-7-2019) I noticed Cherdo (Thank-you, girlfriend!) snuck a vote in late Saturday night after I counted the votes.  Don’t ask me but for some reason, I thought I closed my voting period early but that’s not what I told ya in my post.  Anywho, I do have a winner after all by only a one-point advantage…


I thought it would be fun to see if either of these artists performed/recorded an Elvis Presley songs and as luck would have it Graziano Romani covered ‘Suspicious Minds’.

Thanks to everyone who joined in to make it a fun showdown! My next battle is set for the 15th, so don’t miss a chance to play alone.

Tomorrow is Elvis Presley’s birthday. The US has plenty of Elvis impersonators but while doing my search for today’s song possibilities I came across a Romanian Elvis impersonator and if time allows, you may want to check Elvis Roma out! Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon.

  Have a sparkletastic  day! 😉





















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30 thoughts on “I’m a-warnin’ you galoots, don’t step on my blue suede shoes. #music #BoTBresults

  1. I remember my dad singing “Blue Suede Shoes” to his Elvis reel-to-reel tape when I was a wee one. Of course he couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, so I’d tune him out and focus on Elvis…heh!! Great choices, Cathy! Hope you’re having a marvelous weekend – thanks for the dance! 🙂

    1. Stacy,

      It’s memories like yours that bring back some good times in one’s mind. I’m glad my song choice brought back a lovely piece of yesterday for you savor. Who cares about off-keyed singing, right?

    1. Colette,

      How have you been? I’ve been a bit concerned since I haven’t seen you around Blogosphere but am so delighted you stopped by to dance with me. Have a boogietastic week!

  2. I’m glad “Blue Suede Shoes” wasn’t a BoTB because I would have tied them. Both great performances, and yes, Blue Suede Shoes is one of the several Elvis songs I like. As for the cover of “Suspicious Minds” – if this was a battle Elvis would have won but they gave it a good effort. And in closing….I hope other Music Moves Me bloggers visit Glenda Cates, who read my post in another challenge and decided to join. I look forward to seeing what she brings to our party!

    1. Alana,

      You crack me up, tied…’Blue Suede Shoes’…HA-HA-HA! You’re a funny, funny girl! Yeah, I think you’re right Elvis would’ve definitely won had this been a battle. I don’t think I’d ever put another singer against the King because of the outcome would be shamelessly lopsided. Do we have a new player? If Glenda Cates signed up on the linky then I’ll be sure to boogie with her! Thanks for the heads up, dear!

  3. I always forget about Carl Perkins and teaching my son Music I can add him to our lesson plans. As well as Elvis who my son tolerates because he gets tired of hearing me say man I love Elvis.

    1. What do kids know, right? lol Someday, your son will have a greater appreciation for Elvis. I know that was the case with me. Thanks for stopping by. I’m not sure if I found your blog or not but I did find your Facebook page. You may want to consider adding your direct blog URL in comments or when you sign in. Do you have a gravatar profile? That’s another good way to leave a trail back to your place. Thanks for visiting and have a good day!

  4. Girlfriend, you have an awesome collection of tunes here. Just trying to get a few comments out there after being on the phone all morning with doctor offices about appointments and now I have to get ready for therapy. Aughhhhhhh when will this ever end. Sheesh!!! This theme was a good one wasn’t it? I think everyone had fun with it. Ooops hubby just reminded me gotta leave in 20 minutes & I’m not dressed yet… gotta fly. BIG HUGS

  5. “Blue Suede Shoes” is a winner. We know it more from Carl Perkins. I’m not sure whether to link up or not cos I don’t think many appreciate my choice in music.

  6. Seems that we were thinking very much alike this week. Hope your Christmas was joyful and your new year is filled with promise.

    1. Driller,

      Yes, our Christmas was wonderfully joyful! I still can’t believe it’s a new year already. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor today!

    1. Mimi,

      Hey, drawing straws sounds like a fab idea or I could just put both names in a hat then ask DH to pick. I might have to do that next time but luckily this morning more than 24-hours after my post published I noticed good ole Cherdo voted late Saturday night giving Frank the victory. I fixed my post to reflect the change. I need to get my head on straight. In all fairness, I think it’s the after-effects from last month. Did you buy that? Oh, I thought not! sigh I guess I just need to stop doing stupid stuff. 🙂

  7. I surprised at the outcome. I thought Frank would take the lead and keep the lead.

    Awww, on those two cutie pies. I’ve already linked you to tomorrows Awww Monday. Thanks for joining in on the fun.

    Have a fabulous day and week, my friend. Love you. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I had the general feeling that Frank was winning and was surprised to find I had a draw until I noticed this morning that Cherdo tossed her vote into the hat late Saturday night. Of course, I had already prepared my post with the outcome and it published shortly after. Naturally not being in Blogosphere I was none the wiser until now. So, Frank won by a narrow margin. Which I very glad Cherdo did even though I goofed up!

    1. Brian,

      I always guarded the 50s as the ‘fun decade’ even though I wasn’t born. When I was in junior/high school, during homecoming week they’d do a theme each day and one was always the 50s and it was great fun dressing up for that era. I imagine my great-grandparents must have thought the mewsic was very rebellious and wild. 🙂

    1. Jacqui,

      Yep, you’re right Paris’ rule is two. That just didn’t register when I first came across it. Math is my strongest subject, maybe Miss Hilton has trouble in that area, too. 🙂

  8. Hi, Cathy!

    I applaud you for using this week’s 4M theme to showcase two great versions of “Blue Suede Shoes,” the original by Carl Perkins and the fine cover by Elvis. The Perkins single, released in February, 1956, is regarded as one of the first rockabilly style rock ‘n’ roll records, and with it Perkins became the first country artist to cross over to the top 3 on the R&B chart. Elvis had worked at Sun Records and knew Perkins. Out of respect for Perkins and Sun founder by Sam Phillips, Elvis asked RCA not to release his version of “Blue Suede Shoes” on a single until a few months after it was recorded, thereby giving Perkins’ record ample time to ride on the chart. It’s a good thing this isn’t a band battle, because I can’t decide which version I like better.

    Speaking of your BOTB, I am delighted to know your ears matched mine and that you voted for Graziano Romani’s cover of Van Morrison’s “Brand New Day.” I am surprised by the outcome because, when I examined the vote tally on day one of the contest, Frank Shiner was holding a commanding lead.

    Thank you very much for the mewiscal entertainment, dear friend Cathy, and have a wonderful first full week of 2019!

    1. Tom,

      I appreciate your early visit yesterday morning. I was still checking out the inside of my eyelids when you came by to catch up. I did know that Elvis’ didn’t record Perkins to help him. That makes me wonder if artist today would extend the same courtesy. Putting Elvis and Carl in a battle to see who comes out the winner with this song would be interesting and very hard for some to cast their vote.

      You’re right at one point Frank did have a good lead in my Jan. 1st BoTB but then the votes tightened and I thought I had a tie, then this morning, I noticed Cherdo voted late Saturday night. As you can see I amended my post to reflect the outcome accurately. So, I do have a winner! 🙂

      Have a good week, my friend!

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