
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Ignorance? Blind Trust? or Stupidity?


Like many of you, my Thursday posts and comments got wiped out by Blogger’s recent mishap. I still consider myself new to the blogging community, as I haven’t reached my first anniversary in Blogville.  However,  I should have figured any sort of disaster is likely to happen at any point, especially if I place my hopes in someone else securing my hard efforts properly before they decide to do something rather simple such as… ahem…routine maintenance.


I take great pains to make sure to update our security software and important files backed up. Why on earth did I not do something before that fatal moment to keep from losing my Thursday posts? Call it ignorance…well not really. I knew better. Was it blind trust…perhaps just a teeny bit. Was it stupidity? Absolutely! Will I make the same mistake? No way!

My mind is whirling, wondering how often this sort of thing happens. Are all blogs regardless of being freebies or paid, suffer from the same malfunction of lost data from time to time? Other than keeping a word document on your system of each post, is there a better solution to maintaining one’s blog posts offline securely?

Your opinion is important and perhaps even crucial for my readers. I know it may help me to decide if I should keep going with Blogger or look for another opinion in blogging. Please, chime in with your experiences and solutions to cure unforeseeable evaporation of posts. Sharing with us how you keep from losing all your hard work will serve as your good deed for the day.

Enjoy the weekend!

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3 thoughts on “Ignorance? Blind Trust? or Stupidity?

  1. @321cc106f053765dff787c0bf5739462:disqus Please share how to back-up blogger! =D

  2. I was on wordpress prior and had more problems there then I’ve ever had on blogger.   I have some e-mail about how to back-up blogger.  Hoping to give it a try this week.   The only change I would make personally is to move to a private website, but I don’t have the time right now to maintain something like that.   Sorry for your frustration. 

  3. Well, I’m thinking of switching to WordPress, this was kinda the last straw. I’ve been blogging for 2 years now and think it’s time. good luck!

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