
15-03-2025 Vol 19

I really hate to see you go 2020 NOT and wishes for better days ahead in the #newyear

Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

It was nice having the extra long weekend to enjoy Christmas.  Hopefully y’all had the same luxury.  Those in retail are probably happy to see it all end…well, the bulk of it anyhow.  I know the holiday returns started the day after Christmas an will drag straight into January. 


Well…here it is Monday again! It’s the last one for the month and the year. Like every year before I am saying it again, I can’t believe it’s coming to an end!  This week on Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me, Marie wants us to put together songs about the past year or New Years’ music for her last theme, so let’s get this party started!

We all can agree that if a year could be rebooted then 2020 is it. The majority of the world’s population has never encounter the such difficulties that challenged us from Covid-19 to Killer bees and all the in-between. It’s been a weird, weird year. Let’s get this party started by looking back on some of the funny lyrical song parodies set to familiar or popular tunes.

Have you picked yourself up off the floor? I’m sure grandma’s cough syrup didn’t put ya there as much as the laughs, right? It’s time to put your coffee mug or orange juice or whatever you’re drinking down and boogie to these songs fixing to spin on the turntable in 3…2…1!

My Old & New Year playlist includes:

  1. The Final Countdown ~Europe
  2. Funky New Year ~Eagles
  3. Brand New Year ~SheDAISY
  4. New Year’s Resolution ~Camera Obscura
  5. This Will Be Our Year ~The Zombies


This month’s honorary co-hostess is Marie from Xmas Dolly


Our poor co-hostess is not only having blog problems but continues to deal with chronic leg pain for which the doctor put her on a new med that knocks her out.  Let’s cheer her up by sharing our very best mewsic and dance moves, shall we?

DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

[tweetthis]Hit the #MondaysMusicMovesMe dance floor with me! @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

It’s been a great joy riding the Christmas Express with y’all and we were fortunate to not have a single Grinch or Scrooge aboard to spoil our fun. In all honesty, I am actually happy to see this year come to an end. I hope the new year holds better, better days for each of us.  Tomorrow, if I find time I may pop in to muse about who was naughty or nice and find out which list you made this year.  That’s it for now, so have a boogietastic week! I’ll catch ya in the new year if not before, my friends!  X💋X💋, Cathy



Sparks of Monday Encouragement




















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19 thoughts on “I really hate to see you go 2020 NOT and wishes for better days ahead in the #newyear

  1. omg “The Final Countdown” love it! Where did you find that one? So my sista from another mother HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU & YOURS AND MAY IT BE HEALTHY, MAKE YOU WEALTHY AND MUCH PROSPERITY! You are an Angel sent from heaven for sure. OH BOY, I love the songs you found especially “Funky New Year” by the Eagles??? Wow, I thought I heard everything they ever did, but not this one. It’s awesome. hehehehe!~ Just like you baby girl! HAPPY NEW YEAR! HUGS….

    1. Marie,

      Thanks for boogieing with me, girlfriend. I sent you an email, so watch for it. I think I know what part of your problem is which is an easy fix but do call me! Happy New Year, baby!

  2. The first time I’ve had any use for the Sound Of Music, sorry to say! Yes, I’m a barbarian.

    1. The Sound of Music you either love it, hate it, or somewhere in-between. I use to enjoy watching it but I sort of fell out of favor with musicals. The music from the movie is nice and I love the story. Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Robin,

      Under Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me (upper left corner above blog header), there’s a drop down menu by year or if you want just click here to see the upcoming themes. I’m hosting next month and then you’re following in February. Incidentally if you sent the themes to me then I can’t find them, can you send them again pretty please?

  3. We had a nice quiet Christmas weekend. We liked it very much.

    I’m that pup. Napping is a good thing.

    Love the Final Countdown. Perfect for this week.

    I’m heading over to Marie’s place next. I pray for her every day.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. I have to agree with the rest 2020 can go to hell and stay there. I replied to your comment on Stonehurst Asylum. Please rewatch it. The ending is what makes the movie so great. Have a great Monday.

  5. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy last Awww-some 4M Monday of 2020, dear friend! I hope you and DH had a wonderful Christmas and a nice long holiday weekend.

    Nothing puts my mind at ease as much as a sleeping baby or a sleeping dog. Babies and dogs take things one day at a time w/o fretting over the past or future. I envy them.

    I enjoyed these 2020 COVID song parodies. If it had been produced back in February or March, that family’s Rolling Stones parody “I Can’t Get No (Sanitizer)” would have worked well with the title and lyrics “I Can’t Get No (Toilet Paper).” 🙂 My favorite in this batch, the song I think is most clever, is the Holderness guy singing the parody of Kelly Clarkson’s “Longer” and asserting that the list of things that can kill you is getting longer. Mrs. Shady planted flowers in her garden hoping to attract bees to our property. We hope they don’t bring those murder hornets!!! At the end of that song, Mrs. Holderness enters the frame and makes the statement “I only help hot people.” Surely, that is a tone deaf statement, but it is intended to be humorous and not taken seriously. Why can’t people understand the distinction and refrain from attacking remarks like hers? It’s interesting how humorous songs like these draw thousands of likes on social media, but also plenty of dislikes. I’m one of those people who believes that humor during tough times is good medicine. Comedy springs from tragedy. Therefore I am not easily offended. Yet, the other day actress Jennifer Aniston was criticized by some and called insensitive for posting an image of her engraved wooden Christmas ornament that read: “Our First Pandemic 2020.” In my opinion, people who are always picking, always spoiling for a fight, always finding reasons to criticize others, will never be happy, never have peace of mind. That’s no way to live.

    I also enjoyed your New Year’s dance song set. All of the songs were new to my ears. My favorite is the Scottish indie pop band Camera Obscura featuring the smooth, pure vocals of lead singer Tracyanne Campbell. I hope The Zombies are right about 2021 when they sing “This Will Be Our Year.”

    Cathy, thank you very much for your friendship and support throughout this very challenging year 2020. I look forward to more sharing and caring in the year ahead Happy New Year to you and your family (including Little A)!

    1. Tom,

      I love seeing a baby sleep – so precious and sweet! I wish I could sleep like that. We do need laughs during troubling times. I never understood why some folks are so negative generating laughter during times of crisis. There will always be someone who tries to rain on one’s parade but I say just shake it off and be happy. We can’t please every person but we can please ourselves. 🙂

      I’m glad you found time to hit the dance floor with me this morning. I hope this last week of 2020 is a good one for you. I’m so grateful to have such dear friends such as you and I’m looking forward to sharing more fun with you in Blogosphere, dear friend!

  6. I think we are all going to be thrilled to see 2020 leave. Wishing you a Happy New Year in advance. There are some really great parody songs out there and the year was some of my first exposure (pun intended) to The Holderess Family. I almost chose a parody song based on Bohemian Rhapsody but figured others would be doing parody songs. The Super Bad Transmittable, etc. was hysterical. For the New Years’ songs we both chose the Zombies and now I regret not remembering The Final Countdown.

    1. Alana,

      Amen! Amen! I think you’re right. We’re all hoping at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s eve things will magically be better. I know it won’t come that fast but if I begin to see a gradual change for the good then I’ll be a happy girl, as will many others. The Holderess Family is so awesome with their song parodies. They really cranked them out this year. Thanks for boogieing with me bright and early this morning. I hope you have a very wonderful week, my dear!

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