Hello Kittens & Dawgs! Generally, I am no where near Blogosphere but as you might have guessed DH is working today so I figured I’d just keep doing things as usual. Why break the rhythm?
I decided to squeeze in one tune for Mary’s daily song meme, Rocktober Music Fest. I mean, who can’t use mewsic to get her Saturday going? Purrsonally, I think mewsic is an important necessity in life rating right up there with oxygen and coffee.

Speakin’ of coffee, it’s time to get mine brewin’ this morning and while I do this track is bound to get my blood pumpin’ and heart thumpin’, if not then someone pleeease check my pulse to make sure I’m not dead!
Have a rockin’ good weekend. I’ll be back tomorrow figuratively speaking, actually chances are slim you’ll find me in cyberspace but you will find another daily song share right here!
Have a good weekend! Don’t forget to swing back for my Oct. 1st BoTB results and to hit the dance floor with Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me!
, Cathy
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I saw Joan Jett in 2006. At the close of the show, her drummer sailed his drum stick(s) into the crowd. One of them hit me in the head… I was already light headed from standing on one hundred plus degree hear all day, on June 21, the longest day of the year… Needless to say, I was woozy…
A few months later, at another concert, Halestorm’s drummer hit me in the head again. Seriously? On a positive note, I got go spend time with Lzzy Hale on her birthday that night, after the show… There was cake.
You must have looked like an easy target for drummers. lol Halestorm is a bit too heavy for me but that’s super cool you got to meet Lzzy Hale. Talk about having your cake…the birthday cake, Mike, the birthday cake! lol Yeah, I couldn’t resist that one.
I hope you have a great weekend! I have my songs ready for Monday
Yes! Great pick! This was one of the first songs I thought about for Rocktober, but then I changed my theme and forgot all about it. I’m the same as you and Mary, I didn’t know who Joan Jett was until either this song or “I Hate Myself For Loving You” came out in the 80’s and still couldn’t name many more songs than that by her off the top of my head, but man could she rock!
Heeheehee! Yep, that’s coffee! Great fun, great music.
If that doesn’t get your blood pumping, I don’t know what will. Thanks for sharing.
I know, right? Thanks for getting in on the action with me!
YES! I love Rock n Roll, too! Let’s shout it from the rooftoops!! Like you, I didn’t catch on to powerhouse that is Joan Jett until the 80s. I was on a 4 hour road trip with some new friends and one of them decided to introduce us to her music. I remember ‘Nag’ and laughing so hard at the lyrics. I really think that is one of the songs that made me fall in love with her.
Thanks again for playing along today!
There are only a handful of Joan’s songs that I like if that many. I’m not a true diehard rock n’ roller like you are but I do enjoy the heavier stuff from time to time.
Love the video. I’m playing it way to loud for being on the back of our boat. Everyone else can hear it too.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Love you. ♥
If anyone complains about your mewsic just say, if it’s too loud then you’re too old. LOL I’m sure that won’t go over too well with some but it’ll be fun to say nonetheless. My kids always told me that.
I’ve liked Joan Jett since her Runaways days.
I don’t even know if I knew who Joan Jett was in the late 70s. My rock mewsic preference mostly falls on the softer side as you know so even when Joan Jett was big in the 80s I still wasn’t listening a lot to her stuff unless it happened to play on the radio. She really knows how to rock, though.
I haven’t thought of that song in a long time. What a great experience! And the flashdance posted by Thomas–woohoo!
Joan song comes to mind on occasions just like today. It’s the weekend and I’m doin’ this rock n’ roll meme so it just fell right at the tip of brain this morning. “Flashdance” movie is just okay but the mewsic is pAwesome!
Just finished my coffee on the deck with my furbabes! Not sure how we will handle this routine once winter moves in…maybe a fire pit! Hoping you have great day.
I’d love to have a fire pit! That would be so pAwesome. When my in-laws were living and our kids were small, we’d love to visit them frequently. At their place in WV, we could build an open fire and sit around it long into the evening during the summers and early fall. It was just a wonderfully relaxing way to spend the evening. We surely do miss those times, too. Thanks for visiting. Have a good weekend!
Hi Cathy, Thanks so much for visiting my blog again!! I’ve put you in my feed reader so that we can stay in touch – we’re practically neighbors after all!
I just subscribed via email notification, so maybe I’ll do better about visiting more often. I’m generally purrty lousy about doing that but am trying to do better.
That’s a cool tune, we here it a bit around here!
Hi, Cathy!
I am surprised to see you with a post this morning, dear friend! I’ve been guzzling black coffee since 5 am, drank more than a pot by now, and the expression on my face looks a lot like the one on that black kitty!
Speaking of getting your blood pumpin’ and heart thumpin’… the moment I started playing “I Love Rock & Roll” my mind connected the song to the soundtrack of one of my favorite movies Flashdance (1983). If you saw Flashdance you might recall that the song played in the gym as the girls exercised.
I’ve got a Saturday post of my own and I invite you to hop aboard the Terror Train – destination Halloween – when you get a chance. Enjoy your weekend, dear friend Cathy!
I did hop aboard your Terror Train earlier this morning. Hopefully, you spotted my comment by now. I do recall the gym scene from “Flashdance” but I had forgotten about until you reminded me. The mewsic in that film is pAwesome! Jennifer Beals is so young in this flick. She was quite the looker in those days. I think I can handle another pot of coffee. I think I’ll hop up to brew more. I’m really tired! Thanks for visiting, my friend!