
17-03-2025 Vol 19

I don’t want to hear #Garbage unless its #music

The Furry Bunch Dad, Marsha, Jan, Cindy, Mom, Greg, Peter,and… Bobby who’s MIA. Probably off chasing a rat. 🙂 Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee from Comedy Plus.

*snap fingers* And just like that the weekend was gone! It seems like they get shorter all the time.  The good mews is tomorrow is the first day of fall. It’ll be sometime before we can actually embrace autumn’s change but at least the end is in sight to the long period of heat and humidityWe managed to get some lovely evening cools. This seems to be a little earlier than usual but I gladly take the change. 

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me! This week’s theme is your choice song picks, so go crazy!  Not the kind of crazy that gets you locked up in a padded cell but the kind where you have a whole of fun comin’ up with tunes to spin on your virtual turntable. 

I’m sharing with you today Garbage. No not as in trash but the early 90s American rock band made up of Scottish singer & mewsician, Shirley Manson and American mewsicians Duke Erikson, Steve Marker, and Butch Vig.  I stumbled on this group when I came up on ‘Cup of Coffee’ (track 2 on my playlist) and I thought they were new-to-me but as it turns out they have a song I know quite well that they purrformed and co-produced for the James Bond spy flick, “The World Is Not Enough“. I’d like to invite you to sample more Garbage. Hit play and enjoy!

My Garbage playlist includes:

  1. Cherry Lips
  2. Cup of Coffee
  3. It’s All Over But The Crying
  4. Milk
  5. Only Happy When It Rains
  6. Push It
  7. Special
  8. The Trick Is To Keep Breathing
  9. Why Do You Love Me
  10. You Look So Fine
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


This month’s honorary co-hostess is ME!!


DISCLOSURE…this is a mewsic linky party, which means all participates are sharing songs that one can listen to from YouTube or Vimeo and a not a post about mewsic or mewsicians.  Failure to meet this basic guideline puts your URL in danger of being removed or labeled – NO MUSIC. 

[tweetthis]I joined the greatest dance party in Blogosphere. The theme this week is #yourchoicesongpicks and I invite you to boogie with the #MondaysMusicMovesMe crew! Also, find out the latest #BoTB results. @xmasdolly [/tweetthis]

I’ll be back tomorrow with another edition of Tickle Me Tuesdays mashed up the results of last week’s BoTB, so please join me for some giggles & more. Have a boogietastic week!  X💋X💋, Cathy



Sparks of Monday encouragement




















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37 thoughts on “I don’t want to hear #Garbage unless its #music

  1. That’s a sweet awwdorable Brady Brunch…MOL😸 Usually we don’t like garbage, but this Garbage we just loved. Granny says she must have something with coffee and milk, because those were two songs that made her feel like the New Wave times in the 80ties and she loved those days. Thanks for introducing this Garbage to us, CK 😉 Now let’s swing on😺Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday🐾😽💞

  2. I meant to say that I hope your dad s feeling better. You should tell him Jimmy Stewart had a pacemaker put in in the 1970s and he lived to be 89.

    1. Birgit,

      I’m afraid it won’t do any good. I’m hoping he’ll listen to my niece who’s a RN. I think he might put more stock in his health issues if she said something. After all, it was her saying when she checked in on him after his accident, “Pawpaw, this doesn’t look good” that he finally agreed to go to the hospital.

  3. I had no idea who that band was until you mentioned the Bond film. The weekend did fly by. I always think I will accomplish so much and I don’t even get a 1/3 done. Thank goodness for cooler temps.

    1. Birgit,

      Yeah, I didn’t know who Garbage was either until another blogger made reference to the Bond movie but still I had to listen to the theme song to be sure.

  4. Weekends fly by and it is the one thing where I can spend all my time with my hubby as he works during the week. Love all the shares and hearing the music. Thank you for sharing and enjoy a wonderufl week. HUGS across the miles XO XO XO XO XO

    1. Anne,

      Even with DH working from home, I really enjoy having down time with him on the weekends. I like having him around the house. That’s the best thing that’s come out of this pandemic. Thanks for boogieing with me, darlin’!

    1. Nicole,

      Anytime you need a little mewsic to lift your mood or just to put you in the groove come step on the dance floor with me. I’m always happy to boogie with you! 😉

  5. I do like Garbage! This kind of Garbage, that is! I think I’ve heard a couple of Garbage songs here and there on Music Moves Me, but can’t remember when or where. My favorite of your list was “Why Do You Love Me” but really, ,they were all good.

  6. Hi sweet furriend, will come back tomorrow to listen to your mewsic. It’s almost bedtime for us 😉 Goodnight and see you tomorrow. Pawkisses for a Happy Day/Night?sleep 😉 🐾😽💞

  7. Hi Cathy!

    Great song choices. I remember seeing Garbage in concert way back in 1999 when they opened for Alanis Morissette. But even here, you have some deep cuts that I was not familiar with. Once again, it’s a re-introduction. Nicely done!

    1. Robin,

      The weekends are short, especially when DH has to work on Fridays. This weekend we’ll have an extra day together because it’s his off Friday. YAY! However, we’re in for some rain from that tropical storm that came ashore out of the Gulf. Thanks for stopping by to dance with me, dearie!

  8. Awww on all those cutie pies. Adorable and then some.

    Never heard of Garbage before.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Thanks for joining me on the dance floor, Sandee! I beat you’ve heard the James Bond theme song “The World Is Not Enough”, right? I didn’t know it was done by Garbage until recently and it was that discovery that made me curious to listen to more of their mewsic. Have a boogietastic day, dearie!

    1. We’re all ready for cooler temps but I can hardly believe living in your neck of the woods that you’d be ready for the cold. I guess your big ole furry coats keep you toasty warm for the wintry chill and snow. Enjoy your fall weather!

  9. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy Awww-some 4M Monday, dear friend! I hope you and DH had a nice weekend.

    That image of The Furry Bunch is truly Awww-inspiring! I’d like to hop into that picture and start petting and smooching all of them.

    If you think you have a long wait to fully embrace fall in Tennessee, think about me here in Florida where we are still dealing with oppressive heat and humidity plus way too much rain. We won’t experience fall temps until your winter is ready to start, and the only colored leaves we see are brown dead palm fronds. 🙂

    I really enjoyed this set of songs by Garbage. I was already familiar with the alternative rock band from Madison, Wisconsin, having discovered their song “Cherry Lips” four or five years ago. Scottish lass Shirley Manson commands attention with her striking looks, her charisma and pretty singing voice. She is especially bewitching as a redhead in the video for “Milk,” and the song has a dreamy quality bordering on a tormented nightmare. For that reason, I could imagine “Milk” and other Garbage songs being used in the soundtrack of a David Lynch film or a Twin Peaks type TV series. I think Shirley should continue to present herself as a redhead because it suits her. I write this as I am watching “Only Happy When It Rains” which is a great rock song and video. Now I’m watching “Push It,” and it occurs to me that there is a great deal of artistry in Garbage songs and videos. The songs are consistently interesting and thought provoking and the vids are mind boggling. I’m at the end of the block now and see that Shirley is still rockin’ that red hair. Good for her. Garbage is 17 years into their career. After hearing and seeing more of their material, I understand why they are a band of impressive longevity.

    Thanks for the great mewsic to start the morning and the week, dear friend Cathy. I’ll be back tamale for Tickle Me Tuesday and to learn which artist won your latest BOTB. Have a splendid day and I’ll see you then!

    1. Tom,

      You’re right, our East Tennessee weather will change far before y’alls does. I’m sorry you must endure such a long hot & humid summer but the good mews is while we’re freezing to death in the winter your temps are just right for the most part. 🙂 You’re absolutely right Shirley Manson pulls off being a redhead beautifully. I’m horrible with band names so it’s always a nice discovery to connect a song with an artist. Other than Garbage doing the 007 theme song I believe their other songs were all introductions. You’re spot on with your thinking that a few of Garbage’s songs would work purrfectly in a David Lynch film with the dreamy sounding arrangements. Thanks for sharing your delightful and insighful comment, my friend. You totally rock like always!

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