House of Cards is a new Netflix exclusive series which kicked off this past Friday. Kevin Spacey plays Francis Underwood, a ruthless congressman from South Carolina, who tells the viewers up front he considers himself, “just a lowly House majority whip whose job is to clear the pipes and keep the sludge moving.”
This new Washington political thriller is chockful of familiar Hollywood faces. Robin Wright plays Francis’s intuitive and tenacious wife, Claire. Who he loves more than a shark loves blood. Don’t let Underwood’s affections for his wife fool you. Like many politicians, Francis is no different with female interests outside his marriage.
Zoe Barnes (Kate Mara), an ambitious, attractive journalist solicits aid from the congressman to become her anonymous on the Hill source providing her headline-making news. However, Underwood has a secret agenda when agreeing to the two-party beneficial proposition. As Barnes’s career takes a sudden surge, so does her relationship with Underwood.
The corruption and filth of this political circus are enthralling and addictive. No doubt, you will find yourself loving to hate this newest villain – Francis Underwood in the House of Cards! I cannot wait to see how season one ends!
My friend, Patrice, hosts a lovely little each week called Chats on the farmhouse porch. She posts five questions for us to snag, answer, display, and then link up with her blog party. If you’re interested in joining in on the farmhouse porch conversation, then here are this week’s questions:
1. Are you doing anything special for Valentine’s Day? We don’t be doing anything “special”, but we always keep to traditions – exchange of hand-made Valentines and chocolates. I like making one DH favorite goodies, but this year he’s trying to watch his calories. I don’t know what I’ll do just yet. I may not even know until Thursday rolls around.
2. When you attend something that isn’t totally casual, are you likely to wear dress pants or a dress? More than likely, I’ll put on a nice dress. You can’t go wrong there.
3. Do you use a regular toothbrush or one of the battery run kind? Regular toothbrush. I have never been into battery-operated types. It simply seems like a waste of money, but there may be something I’m missing here.
4. Did you have valentines in school when you were a child? Yes. I remember decorating an old shoebox for my special V’Day box to collect my valentines from classmates in and we would have a small party of cookies or cupcakes. It was a lot of fun.
5. If you could learn a new craft tomorrow, what would it be? I would love to learn how to paint. Not a room or a house, but to paint on canvas. I love watching artists on TV take a blank canvas and create something out of nothing like magic. Really cool!
Les @ Time Out For Mom wants to know if you’re an Early Bird or Night Owl?
All of my life, I classified myself as an “early bird“. I am not a pre-dawn riser unless that annoying thing called an alarm clock first sounds its ugly cry, though. I find I am more productive and creative in the morning opposed to late-night and over-all I am the happiest at the start of the day than as the day progresses.
An early bird is someone who gets up before others, but is this because the alarm clock nudges the person out of the warmth & comfort of her bed such in my case or is this someone’s who’s biological clock is prone to go off in the wee hours before dawn like as in my in-laws? This is not clear, but I don’t think it really matters.
A night owl, as you may know, are people who tend to stay up way after the midnight hour and are even sometimes do not hit the hay before dawn. This clearly isn’t me, especially at this stage in life. Once this would have been true during my children’s infant years, but thankfully I have graduated from that unadjusted life trend.
Did you know early birds (morningness) are “A-people” and night owls (eveningness) are “B-people”?
According to Wikipedia, Researchers have found that “differences in a fundamental property of the circadian timing system, its intrinsic period, will determine whether someone is an early bird, who awakens before dawn, or a night owl, who tends to stay up late at night but sleeps in late.”[4]
Interestingly, I found an article called, Night owls vs. morning people: Who’s smarter? In short, this piece states: Eveningness is an evolutionary advancement that marks out “more intelligent individuals,” while “those with lower IQs tend to restrict their activities primarily to daytime.”
If you count yourself a morning person as I do then don’t be concerned about this study. There are perks to being the “A-person” type. This same article says: early risers tend to be more conscientious, persistent, and apt to coöperate. Why it even goes on to say, we the early birds, tend to cope better with academic requirements and receive better grades.
Take the Are You an Early Bird or Night Owl? Which are you? Quiz to see which you are!
I recall this song from my childhood and would even sing it to my children, but I recall there being a line that goes birds go tweet-tweet tweet-tweet is that what they say. Oh well, this was a sweet reminder of years past and I hope you it returned warm, fond memories for you, too. Now, grab a cup of coffee and join me as I visit with Stacy.
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