
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Hoo Are You Q&A on Easter?

I’ve been waiting to play the Hoo Are You meme for a couple of weeks.  At last, Leslie has her post up today and here are her questions with my responses.

1. What are your plans for Easter? I will prepare a traditional dinner – ham, potato salad, green beans, biscuits, and pineapple upside down cake.  Not having small in the house any longer takes away a little of the enjoyment we once knew, but we still enjoy the holiday nonetheless.

2. Do you color eggs for Easter? Not anymore. Our kids are grown, so this will have to wait until we have grandkids. 

3. What is your favorite Easter candy? I like all Easter candy, but if I’m forced to choose only one then it would be Robin Eggs. They are colorful and crunchy good.

4. Do you celebrate the make-believe part of Easter and/or the religious part?  We don’t celebrate the ‘make believe’ anymore, but we did. We always placed a strong importance on Easter’s true meaning, though.  Here’s a story, I have to share with you.  I remember in 1994 before the birth of our son. Our girls were very young 3 and 5. Our youngest daughter thought she saw the Easter Bunny outside their bedroom window while we got ready for church, and then a second later, the doorbell dinged.  We opened the door finding baskets sitting on the porch the girls. I guess she really saw the Easter Bunny. lol Her timing couldn’t be any more perfect! This always brings a smile to my face, even to this day when I think about it. 

5. What is your favorite part about the Easter holiday? Reading the scripture account of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  This is a deeply emotional occasion.  To realize the sacrifice Christ made on my behalf so I can have eternal life is overwhelmingly powerful.  I’m so unworthy and yet, what an amazing love He had for me and all of mankind!

Leslie’s Hoo Are You “Easter theme” is a good set up to an earlier post, New Hopes and Beginning which you may want to read. For those who have wee ones at home who love to color, then you’ll find some lovely traditional and religious coloring pages at Raising Our Kids.  

Enjoy the Easter festivities!







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