Last week and the start of this week, I was in the midst of a flurry of activities leaving me a bit flustered. Happily, I’m back in the blogging saddle again with my mid-week blog hops. Join me now in Wednesday Hodgepodge.
- It’s that most wonderful time of the year…tax season! Do you complete your own returns or farm that job out to the professionals? We go through the hassle of doing our annual taxes ourselves. Thankfully, Turbo Tax has made the job less of a strain for us, but still time & energy is spent on something which shouldn’t be in existence – income tax. Forget your common thief, Uncle Sam robs us as we breathe every single day of our lives with our full knowledge of the crime in motion.
- This next question comes from Kansas Bob….he posed it in response to something I asked in an earlier Wednesday post and I asked him if I could add it to the Hodgepodge someday. Today’s the day…. Which do you think has changed you more-love or pain?
Love. Over the span of our near 33 years of marriage, we have grown close in our relationship, instead of apart. Through our deep love for one another, we see each other through appreciative eyes, never taking the other for granted and we truly regard the other as our best friend. - Tangerine Tango has been named color of the year for 2012. Your thoughts? Would I find this color anywhere in your house? How about in your closet? If not, will you be adding this color to your life in someway in 2012? If you’re not sure what tangerine tango looks like click here. Well, tangerine tango is a bit too loud for me. Perhaps, if I had a splash of tangerine tango added to my wardrobe then I think it would be festive, but who articles of clothing in tangerine tango makes my eyes scream. It’s safe to say, you won’t find this color in my house, either.
- Are you a collector? What do you collect and does it get admired, used, and/or dusted regularly? I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a collector, but I do have some adorable collectibles. I think of a collector as someone who regularly collects items of interest. I’m a casual collector. Usually the things which appeal to me for collecting are things associated with Christmas such as my Department 56 New England village, Cherished Teddies, Precious Moments, and more recently Snow Babies.
- February is National Heart Month…besides a green salad what is one heart healthy dish you like to prepare? Not a dish, but a beverage…coffee. Scientist are always going back and forth as to what’s good for you and what’s not, but there are studies which indicate getting your daily cup or two of Joe may in fact decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease and lower your chances of having a stroke by 23%.
- When was the last time you had car trouble? Is this one of those questions, which is sure to jinx you should you answer it? The most recent car trouble we’ve had was our car’s computer registered a error code. We took it to the shop, but it the code pointed to a number of small possibilities which were inexpensive fixes. So, we had them taken care of while the mechanic was in there, along with doing some other needed maintenance.
- Have you been more demanding on yourself lately or less? Is that a good trend? I would have to say more demanding of myself. I had some particular jobs that needed to gt done quickly, but the real kicker is from now through the end of May I will be super demanding of myself, as our son’s home school high school graduation approach. I have only a zillion and one things which I must do. Is this a good trend? I expect nothing, but the best I can give. However, I don’t like being in push mode for too long or I suddenly fall into the mode of, “running around like a chicken without a head”. That’s so not cool!
- Insert your own random thought here. Last week I didn’t get to make my stop, but I have a very good excuse. My youngest daughter’s wedding was fast approaching (January 30th) and I was socked under with making her wedding cake. This is my first attempt ever with doing anything of this magnitude. Here’s what I came up with.

It certainly isn’t perfect or bakery quality, but it is totally handmade by Mom. As I decorated Nikki & Ben’s cake, I kept reflecting on memories of my darling daughter as a little girl. My mind drifted to the days when I decorated her birthday cakes and the excitement filled anticipation of the final product.
Nikki had no clue I was going to make a cake such as this when I asked, “How would you like for me to make you a little wedding cake?” I saw once again in her eyes the surprised delight like when she was a little girl when I presented her with this.
Congratulations to my darling daughter and her new husband, may you grow together in a God centered life filled with happiness and love!

Good morning, Patrice! How are you this fine day? I’m sorry for not visiting last week, but I saw your posts on your vacation. How fabulous! Ooo, you poor dear you have been sick, too. I hope you’re growing stronger each day. By the way, is Wendell around? Of course, I’m around. What do I look like a stature or something? Oh pardon me for not seeing you there, Wendell. Maybe, I need your present I brought you more than you need it. Present! Did you say present? Yes, I got you these. CARROTS! A nice large bundle of them, too. You remembered. Aah, thanks, Miss Cathy! I got you double since I didn’t make it for last week’s visit. Now, don’t eat them all gone too quickly. Crunch, crunch, I won’t.
This week Patrice asks:
- Joyful Keeper asks, “What makes you smile a happy,content smile in the course of a day?”
- My Kid’s Mom asks, “Are you married, single, or divorced?”
- Empty Nester asks, ” Do you have any home remedies for allergy or the common cold?”
- Stephanie asks, “How many different addresses did you have growing up?”
- I’ve just recently realized_____________________.
My answers:
- I’m always the most content at the close of the day, as I snuggle against my darling husband in bed. This fills my entire spirit with a warm happiness.
- Married. This summer, we’ll celebrate our 33rd anniversary. It doesn’t seem like we’ve been married this long, either. Every day is better than the day before.
- I take extra Vitamin C and garlic supplements and I drink a lot of tea. I don’t know if the tea does much good other than it’s very comforting.
- To the best of my knowledge only two.
- …how much better I feel over all. I contribute this to my continued daily exercise regiment and proper eating. I have more energy and a sense of total well-being.
Your lovely hostess, Angela, from Mommy Time Out and I like to welcome you to another mid-week round of fun with…

Today’s flashback takes us to 2005.
Two Knoxville Sisters Among the Injured in London Bombing
Millions are left without power along the Atlantic seacoast in the US.
This is not a shot from the US, but nonetheless amazing photos from Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Brrr, Mother Nature and her fury!

Being the huge movie buff, I like to think I am. I thought it would be interesting to see which flick ranked at the top of the leader board. This movie grossed almost $400,000,000 dollars in theaters from May 19th – October 20th.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a slice of a $400,000,000 pie? Funny, the new Star War saga appeals very little to me. The original trilogy would be a nice addition to our Blu-ray collection, though.
To participate in this blog hop you don’t have to follow a bunch of rules. It’s simple! Just link up your blog, twitter, or Facebook (only one please) below:
Leave a comment letting us know you’re are now our newest follower and we’ll pop over to your lovely blog. I’m looking forward to sharing memories with you!
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Great job on the cake Cathy!! You did really good on your Roses!!!
Come to think of it, I think the name tangerine tango is a bit over the top, now that I’ve read it while blog hopping!
Your cake is beautiful. Congratulations to you daughter and son-in-law.
Your cake is beautiful. I have only attempted this once. My younger sister was convinced I could do it…those roses are tricky aren’t they?
Eating healthy is its own reward…it’s so true.
Your cake turned out beautifully! Congratulations to the newlyweds!
Your #1 answer on chats warmed my heart. I also find tea very comforting when I’m sick. Have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend!