
14-03-2025 Vol 19

Hit the dance floor with the #4M crew with ‘instruments that move you’ song picks in this double mewsic whomp! #BoTB

Welcome to Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me on Sunday!  It’s the start of the third week of April with half of the month gone.  Time sure flies when you’re having fun or too busy to keep track. I’m not sure which one applies to me.

Today is gonna be a double feature post with 4M and BoTB.  First things first and that’s to reveal this week’s theme suggested is by our honorary co-host “song where a particular instrument has moved you – whether it’s a favorite vocal sound, bass line, drumming/beats, piano, guitar solo, …’.    I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with this theme but luckily, AngelsWhisper2011 introduced me to my song pick today last month.

This song moves my entire soul, filling it with a sense of relaxation and happiness.  I encourage you to listen to more of Asher Quinn’s mewsic. It’s really quite beautiful.

On behalf of the 4M crew (the first six spots),  you’re invited to hit the dance floor! 😘

🎶  This is a mewsic linky party, all other posts are subjected for removal or labeled – NO MUSIC! 🎶

For those new to the Battle of the Bands (#BoTB) showdowns, it is open to anyone with an opinion. You do have one, right? If you said yes, then give voice to yours.  All there is to it is listen to two cover artists singing the same song then you just vote (in comments) for your favorite.  Simple, right?  

If you haven’t figured out from my meme creation, I’m using my A2Z theme for another inspired battle song.  One of my favorite songs from The Little Mermaid animated movie is Under the Sea (original not included in battle) performed by Sebastian (Samuel E. Wright).  

In today’s showdown, I picked two new-to-me artists both with fun mewsic videos.  Close your eyes to listen to the audio to decide which singer you like before you actually watch the video. 😉

The first contender is an American artist known for his cover of popular & classic Disney song, Jonathan Young on YT.    

Next up is British born, now an American citizen (2012) singer/actor Alex Boye. In 2017 he was named the ‘2017 Rising Artist of the Year’ sponsored by Pepsi and Hard Rock Cafe.  Boye lives in Utah, married, and the father of six with another on the way.

While listening to covers, I found a metal guitarist (instrumental only) that I thought some of my blog mates might like to hear, so for your entertainment only you’re welcome to listen to this version but keep in mind voting is not allowed on this one.

You’ll find more awesome battles underway at some of these blog listed below (not everyone is doing the bi-monthly showdowns) and if you’d like to be included in the fun, then contact Stephen requesting to be added to the list.

✩ai loves music✩ (Amy)Angels Bark (Michele),  Cherdo on the Flipside,  The Doglady’s Den (Debbie),   Jingle Jangle Jungle (Mary), Mike’s Ramblings,   STMcC Presents BoTB (Stephen, BoTB Manager),   The Sound of One Hand Typing (John), &  Tossing It Out (Lee)



Don’t forget to tell me in comments who you like the best, Jonathan or Alex! 😉

Mark your calendar for next week the same date and time (Saturday at midnight EST) to see how your favorite artist does in this showdown.  Keep those tunes playing, your body swaying, and I’ll be boogieing over to see you soon.  

My A to Z Challenge participation continues tomorrow with my Little Mermaid art sketch series and the letter ‘M’. Any guesses who or what I will draw?  You’re invited to join me in the fun! Have a sparkletastic day!  😉 

A hermit crab Awww Mondays hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus






















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38 thoughts on “Hit the dance floor with the #4M crew with ‘instruments that move you’ song picks in this double mewsic whomp! #BoTB

  1. Interesting music from Asher Quinn.

    For the BOTB I’d go with Alex Boye. Quite fascinating! I’ve always enjoyed “Little Mermaid”

    Seriously what an enjoyable video! Where did you even find it!!

    I”m not sure i”ve seen a crab up close… Maybe it’s been too long. I’d really like to again.

    Happy Easter my dear Cathy!

  2. Well here I am.. Finally making an appearance to cast my vote. I’m going to give it all to Mr Boye. I could listen to him all day!

    1. Mary,

      No worries, all is good. Thanks for voting for Alex, as if he didn’t need another, right? lol He’s taking this contest by storm! I like his vocals, too!

  3. You have to check out my Wordless Wednesday tomorrow. Great minds and all.

    I love the videos. I love that cute hermit crab.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Monday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

  4. Alex gets my vote which is much easier on the ears than the noise from Jonathan. He adds the Caribbean touch so he gets my vote.

  5. MOL..Granny remembers the song of Sebastian, when she and her furriend and the children (my mom was still a little girlie that time) at the movies. Granny’s furriend and Granny herself laughed the most of evenyone, because it was so funny, she still has to laugh…MOL 😀 We like the version of Alex Boye most, CK, Granny loves to dance on this kind of music and he has the voice of Sebastian… a way 😉
    Thank you for introducing Asha to your furriends. His music is endless <3
    Pawkisses for a wonderful, sunny week ahead🐾😽💞

    1. Binky,

      How can Granny be a granny if she was a little girl when she saw The Little Mermaid? What does this make me? Wait, don’t answer that! lol Thanks for playing along. Another vote goes to…you guessed it Alex! Oh you’re quite welcome. I was happy to share Asha with my peeps.

  6. HiYa, CATHY! It’s that you!!

    I did as you requested and did not watch either of the BOTB videos. It was all “ears only” and, I don’t mean to sound mean but… I’d have a hard time even calling that first version (Jonathan Young) “music”. Let alone music that could win in a BOTB competition.

    Hands down, my vote goes to ALEX BOYE, even though he’s really a man, and even though his version didn’t quite thrill me, either. But it was sure better’n that racket in the first recording.

    This Battle made the light bulb above my head switch ON!
    I’ve got a Disney Movie Songs BOTB contest of cover artists I’ve been wanting to do for the longest dern time! But the problem was that I knew one of my two cover artists would simply KILL anyone else I put up against him. I mean, it would be ridiculous, because this particular cover artist is simply… a genius.

    But this Battle of yours made me think this: Don’t put ANY OTHER cover artist up against ‘The Genius’. Just put ‘The Genius’ up against ‘The Genius’ (i.e., use the same artist doing two different Disney songs, and let him Battle against himself). I can’t believe I never thought of that before. But this Battle of yours made that light bulb light up. Thanks! I’ll do this Battle on either May 1st or May 15th.

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Stephen,

      You couldn’t offend me if you tried! 🙂 I can’t believe the beatin’ Jonathan is taking in this showdown. The first three votes recorded went to him and I was afraid it was going to be a shut out but then from that point on Alex gained momentum until he took the lead and has captured every vote since breaking the tie. I’m glad my little battle inspired you to put ‘The Genius’ whoever that is and I can’t wait to find out up against himself. That is a cool idea! You can’t say I’m not good for somethin’ if I turned the attic light on for ya. Have a great day. I’m headin’ your way now.

  7. Alex Boye has my vote, hands down. The first one sounded like maybe had vocaloid enhancement and didn’t sound in tune. Alex Boye was smooth and catchy.

  8. Oh my goodness, I forgot there was a tune above and just went with the two bottom ones. Angel’s Whisper is absolutely beautiful I totally agree with you. Hmmm I’m going to have to try that one on my piano. It’s so melodic don’t you think? Thanks for the introduction and you sharing something that’s new to me. Thank you my friend. Hugs

    1. Marie,

      Oh, cool you play the piano! I took a few lessons when I was younger but didn’t stick with it because of my interests waned. I wish I had kept it up, though. Maybe one day, I’ll teach myself how to play. 🙂 Asher Quinn’s mewsic is very soothing. I really enjoyed listening to his songs on YT after AngelWhispers introduction.

  9. 🙁 I only had 1 response so far today and it’s 3:08 p.m. 🙁 Did I not put deodorant on or something… nope that’s not it! hmmm don’t know what’s up. I even clicked on me to make sure the link is right… nope that’s not it. Oh well, I love the second one better… sorry!!! It’s really good though… Alex Boyle’s version and love that song, It makes you wanna get up and dance. Have a great day my friend! Hugs Got to fly.. uhhhh swim — uh whatever have a great day! Hugs

    1. Marie darlin’,

      This morning I’m continuing to catch up after being away from Blogosphere yesterday. Whew! Hey, somedays things are slow here, too. It just happens especially with A2Z heating up. I think more and more participators begin to lag behind as the challenge progresses for whatever reasons. I know I’m not on top of my game this month but that’s okay; I’m not gonna sweat it and just enjoy the ride. I appreciate you casting a vote for Alex Boye. I’ll boogie over to see you soon, my dear!

  10. A very pretty song although I can’t say thanks for the dance cos I couldn’t dance to it. Have a great week. I don’t do slow dancing.

    1. Patrick,

      It’s not one of my favorite Disney songs, either. But, it’s a purrfect fit for the movie – fun and festive. Your vote puts Alex in the lead. 🙂

  11. Hi Cathy; You know, I would have voted for the metal guitarist, right? 😉 Still, I liked both cover versions from the battle as well. Alex Boye’s reggae version had my toes tapping, though, so he’s my choice for this one. How’s the A to Z Challenge going? Sorry I haven’t been around more, but I love what I’ve seen of your sketches. Have a good week!

    1. Debbie,

      Yes, I know you would’ve voted for the metal guitarist. lol I wanted to include this cover for you and others who like a heavier vibe just for the fun of it. It’s quite good. I was even tempted to use it but went the direction I did. The showdown is tied with your vote Alex Boye now. A2Z is going okay. I’m slammed as you might have guessed but I’m keeping things low-stressed on my end taking each day as it comes, doing what I can in Blogosphere as well maintaining things outside the blogging community. I appreciate your visits no matter what, so don’t worry about not stopping in each day. At some point, I’ll have all of my posts listed for those interested in seeing my artwork again or for the first time. 🙂

  12. While i do think hermit crabs are rather nice looking, i think Disney did a great job making Sebastian look more relatable than an actual hermit crab.

    It’s an island song, and i feel like it needs an island feel, so my vote goes to Alex Boye.

    Your Asher Quinn choice was lovely.

  13. Can’t say that I liked either version very much, but then I’m not particularly fond of the song. In fact I’ve become essentially anti-Disney due to some of their policies. I live about 15 miles or so from Disneyland but have only been there a couple times since we moved here in 1991. Way way too expensive! The other day I heard that a new Star Wars ride was going to open with wait lines expected to be up to 6 hours. Really? No way I’m spending $130 for a ticket to a park where most of my time is spent waiting. Sorry about the rant and now on with the vote.

    Of the two versions I’m going to go with Alex Boye–his version sounded the way the song seems like it should sound. It was kind of grating to my ears though.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee,

      I get ya where Disney’s politics goes. I’m not an amusement park rider but I’d love to see Disney World or Disneyland someday but judging by the hefty price which I’m assuming is for one day then this kitten won’t be going any time soon. Hey, no worries about ranting. Sometimes you gotta get things off your mind. 🙂 I’m happy you decided to pitch in your vote despite your dislike for the song and Disney. You deserve big ole ‘THAT A BOY!’ for the special effort. 🙂 You’re right Alex Boye keeps more in line to the movie version and I’m delighted you gave your vote to Alex because I thought I was going to have a shut out.

  14. Happy 4M Monday Cathy! I hope all is well, I am suffering from tree allergies here in Japan. It is so bad here! The meds are not as strong as the US stuff.

    To be honest, I never liked The Little Mermaid. My sister does but I don’t. I love “Beauty and the Beast” more as I love Belle’s personality. I just found Ariel to be annoying and airheaded.

    But, for your BotB, I picked Jonathan Young because it reminds me of an album that was released in Japan about 15 years ago where punk rock met Disney songs. I think Simple Plan took part in this album, I don’t remember (I need to track that down). I felt like his version was refreshing and I love punk rock.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Amy,

      I’m feeling the seasonal allergies but nothing too awful and hopefully it won’t get out of hand. I hate to use allergy meds because they mess up my stomach, so if it’s not bad then I just let it run its course until I’m better again. I hope you feel better soon.

      The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast were popular films in our household with two daughters. I like both movies quite well and never really thought of Ariel as an airhead. Perhaps a little goofy at times when she couldn’t speak and of course, she’s a big dreamer.

      Thanks for joining me on the dance floor and for casting your vote in this showdown. Another vote for Jonathan Young. Yikes, I hope it’s a shut out!

  15. Nice music choice. I follow Angelwhispers blog too, Binky is such a cutie. We used to have hermit crabs when my niece was little. Unfortunately, the central a/c dried them out 🙁

    1. Ellen,

      Binky is an adorable kitty. 🙂 I didn’t know that about hermit crabs. That’s interesting and sad. The little guys need to stay on the beach.

    1. Brian,

      You got me confused for a minute when you said Young dude. I was thinking as in youthful not last name. lol It’s been a long day. Thanks for voting for Jonathan Young!

  16. Hi, Cathy!

    Happy 4M Monday on Sunday and BOTB day to you, dear friend!

    You’re right about the mewsic of Asha aka Asher Quinn. I clicked over to his official site and listened to his other pieces. Asha’s vocal quality reminds me of the late Tom Rapp who contributed to the psychedelic folk-rock/art-rock sound of the late 60s with his band Pearls Before Swine. The song you posted, “To My One True Love,” is indeed soothing, relaxing and trance inducing, and the video imagery and editing style make it even more so. This was a great find, dear friend!

    Turning to your band battle, “Under The Sea,” I clicked over and listened to the metal instrumental cover by Arathrum and enjoyed it. Of the two contestants in your battle, the decision was easier for me this time, because I don’t like reggae mewsic very much. I enjoyed seeing the mermaids and the color and pageantry in the second video, but did not like the vocal style and island arrangement on that version. That’s why I am giving my vote to artist #1 – Jonathan Young. His no-budget backyard video isn’t anything to write home about, but I did enjoy his band’s aggressive hard rock style complete with harsh vocals. I vote for Jonathan Young!

    Thank you, dear friend Cathy, and have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Tom,

      We just got home a little while ago. It’s been a long day. While I have dinner heating, I thought I’d take care of responding to a few commenters beginning with you. I’m glad you enjoyed Asher. I listened to a number of his songs and loved what I heard. Tom Rapp doesn’t ring any bells, so I’ll have to check him out.

      Part of me wanted to go with the metal cover but I knew Arathrum would clobber anyone I put up against them and so that’s why I went with these two guys. They are different and likable in their own way. It’ll be interesting to see how it goes. Thanks for tossing in the first vote for Jonathan Young, my friend!

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