
12-03-2025 Vol 19

Here Comes the Sun BOTB Results

Heading out the door on chilly December morning while DH was off work. Here comes the sun!

In last week’s BOTB, I asked you to pick your favorite artist, Christine Perri or The Petersens covering Here Comes the Sun. 

Many of you, which isn’t a surprise to me, didn’t care for the “little girl” vocals of either artist.  Although, it’s been a number of years since anyone has said this to me when I answer the phone, people have said, “May I speak to your mother?” I have a little sounding voice.  All that said, I do get where you’re coming from because occasionally some “little girl” voices can grate my nerves. 

Alright enough of my dribbling. Obviously, I liked both renditions because of the “little girl” vocals. The version I liked the best falls to The Petersens because of their Appalachian-like music vibe. You know what they say, you can’t take the mountains out of the girl.  

Here’s how the ballads stacked up.

Christine Perri – Lee, Patrick, Debbie, Mary, Diedre, Birgit, Brian

The Petersens – Me, Eugi, Granny, Stephen, Ed, Brian, Mimi, Sandee, John

This battle almost ended as a tie. Thanks to John’s vote the The Petersens took the final lead to victory.

I appreciate everyone who played along. You are the “u” in fun which is why I love doing these posts.  Borrowing no unforeseen trouble, I’ll be back February 1st with my next BOTB installment.

For my regulars, you probably noticed a new theme layout. This one is called Tenzin New Magazine. I like that my widgets are now back in my side menu once again. I took the liberty to remove some widgets to reduce clutter to   make things less confusing and more enjoyable for readers. 

Alrighty that’s it for today. You’re welcome to join me on the dance floor next with Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays. Have bandtastic day! 😘

The Petersens the first winner of 2025
Our early rise took us to Pigeon Forge. We toured the Titanic Museum. This is the first room on the second floor photographs were allowed and it’s absolutely stunning!

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12 thoughts on “Here Comes the Sun BOTB Results

  1. Love the new layout, Cathy! 👌 And that was a good, close battle. Oops! I forgot to write my results post. I’ll try for tomorrow.

  2. Nice ‘n’ close Battle, CAThy!
    And, incidentally, I agree with so much of what you wrote in reply to Priscilla. Frankly, mankind is out of truly valuable & creative ideas, which is just one more in a large number of clues telling me that the Big Change many of us have been eagerly waiting for is about to occur. Maranatha!!

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Yep, originality went out the door long ago! It would be refreshing to see new creative talent rise up. Thanks for dropping by, Stephen!

  3. Dolly Parton could do a breathy “baby girl” effect and still sing on key and sound like a responsible, sober adult. Stevie Nicks could. Taylor Swift overdoes the “baby girl” business, and so many more…I would like to see young women demanding the right to perform and record acts they won’t be ashamed to let their school-aged children see.

    1. Dolly Parton naturally has soft little girl voice. That’s the way God made her. Stevie Nicks has a smoky, gritty vibe which I love. Forget Taylor Swift. She’s just annoying, over-rated, and she has a huge fan base. I believe all artists must earn their way to the forefront. No free passes! Unfortunately all the new so-called talent falls short by a mile and all we’re hearing today is mediocre vocals that depend heavily on studio magic. Song writing isn’t much better just like it with movies. What it boils down to is, is this person or band marketable for the person shelling out the backing and I believe the general problem we have in our society of poor judgement is why many can’t tell what’s truly good music anymore. Everything is good because that’s what a friends says or social media tells them. Gee, I’m rambling a bit, aren’t I? lol

      Thanks for stopping by for a visit, Priscilla!

  4. I remember seeing that Titanic museum in Pigeon Forge. In fact I think I took my wife and girls to it many years ago. I remember seeing some Titanic exhibit somewhere years ago.

    I really liked both versions of the song, but my mood at the time dictated my preference.


    1. I wasn’t super impressed with the museum but I’m glad we finally went to see what it was all about. My mood usually dictates how I vote, too. There’s nothing wrong with that. 🙂 Thanks for checking in, Lee!

  5. A great battle. I love it when it’s so close.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥

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