Head conductor is Marie from Xmas Dolly. Making sure the passengers aboard the Love Train are happy co-conductors: The Shewbridges of Central, Florida, JAmericanSpice, and Stacy Uncorked are helping out! This month, yours truly is honorary co-conductor. Whoo-hoo!
I love rockin’ on Mondays! I just love it when we can share the tunes rolling around inside our noggins, don’t you? There’s always a lot of music locked away just screaming to get out.
This week’s theme is “Freebie“.
As duly noted this is your chance to pull out any of your favorites you want. I got to thinking about how Marie, our lovely head conductor, on the Love Train really wants to grow Monday’s Music Moves Me. So, I’m asking for a little, HELP!
“What can I do?” I’m glad you asked. It’s simple, just join the fun. If you don’t have time to join in on the groovy fun today, which is sure to get you up on your feet to boogieing, then tweet about this meme. I always find I get by With A Little Help From My Friends.
Are you getting pumped up? Do you feel the excitement? Monday’s Music Moves Me, You Make Me Feel Like Dancing!
Can you feel it? Oh, Lordy I do and ya better call the doctor cause I’m highly contagious with the Boogie Fever!
Admission to ride this train is totally free! Are you ready to rock n’ roll with all the other passengers? Then here’s what you do.
Go to YouTube insert your music video of choice.
Grab the “Monday’s Music Moves Me” Button found on Xmas Dolly’s Blog
Sign the linky, follow Marie & her co-conductors, grab their blog buttons, & leave a comment letting them know you’re a new follower.
Shake your bootie with your fellow rockin’ bloggers on the linky (below) or invite some of your rocker blogger buds to join us.
Thanks for hosting, Marie!
Do you have that good ole fashion dance fever? What music is moving you?
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You know, I’m a fan of music now, but there’s nothing like the oldies-They’re all CLASSICS!
I think you’ve assembled some great picks here (and I’m being a little biased because I know them all)!
Have a musical week ^.^
Girlfriend you definitely get a gold star for this Post! I may hire you as our agent or maybe you just desire a permanent job on our Music Love Train as our engineer! WOO HOO I totally love it. Sorry I’m a bit late running around. Yesterday I had to run to the city to get our taxes done with today being the last day & all. You are the best! I could just HUG you, but virtual hug will have to do! I think I feel a tear of happiness! hehehe LET’S BOOGIE! WOO HOO!
Cathy, not only are you a fantastic guest host, you are a terrific go-getter. I know that this will be one of Marie’s favorite posts of the week. =)
You are so awesome to try and help us get more followers and you did it in a truly magnificent way. I vote you be our permanent co-host as you are always there for us (me especially) and you really are a terrific blogger.
Love and hugs to you!
Oh, I love these songs and must confess Help is my favorite out of them all and yet I haven’t listened to it in a long time!!
Music Monday is the only Linky I do, maybe I should spread the news more
I love your music post and how it all entwines so beautifully! Thank you!
Enjoy your week!
Oh gosh, I remember all of these songs. Thanks for sharing them.
Great Post and Great Tunes!!
Happy Monday!!
Congrats on assisting again this month! Loved your song choices!
Did you Leo Sayer has been singing that song along side with The Wiggles? I love that a whole new generation will know this song.
Your title cracked me up! And your song choices? Perfection!
Thanks for the assist again this month, Cathy! 
Springsteen with Boots On; Hey Pretty Girl Tonight Is The Night