
16-03-2025 Vol 19

Hello, Hello, I’d like to say Hello!

Hello, Hello, I’d like to say Hello.
H-E-L-L-O! Hello from Cathy!

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! Did you know that I was also a cheerleader? I cheered for the junior varsity basketball team in my 8th grade year at Bradshaw Jr. High. During my early years in grade school, I cheered for The Lions Midget football team. My mother probably has a photo of me, but I didn’t think to photograph it when I took these. Not all is lost, I did take a picture of my little sister playing with my pom-poms

Isn’t Pamela a cutie? She’s about 2-years old. I used my Polaroid camera to take this photo. You may remember I mentioned this was my first camera in an earlier edition of Flashback Friday.

At the end of my freshman year, I made cheerleader for my sophomore year, but during the summer I decided to not do it and the gal named as alternative filled my cheer-leading shoes so-to-speak. I sorta regret that decision a teeny bit, but that’s water under the bridge, but I’ve always remained a cheerleader at heart.

I’m curious, did you already have me pegged as an ex-cheerleader? If so, what gave it away?

Were you a cheerleader back in your glory days?

This linky list is now closed.

Today, I  celebrate the small things in my life.

  • I celebrate the warmer, milder spring-like temperatures.
  • I celebrate, a not so small thing, my FIL’s 92nd birthday last Saturday.
  • I celebrate a new determination to slim down before the end of May and the return of summer.
  • I celebrate two amazing women for Women’s History month. My mother ~ she’s my hero and my late MIL ~ who was a truly amazing woman. When I grow up, I wanna be a little like both women! 😉
  • I celebrate the good news that DH got extended at work until mid-April. YAY!!

What are you celebrating?

Friends are a wonderful small thing to celebrate and we all can use some new ones, right? Friendship Friday blog hop is a fun way to grow your friendship circle. Thanks for visiting. Hop over tomorrow for a little boogie session with Saturday Songsuasion!

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14 thoughts on “Hello, Hello, I’d like to say Hello!

  1. Cathy – I never did cheer-leading but was in the letter-girls. Fun times. And yes, I’d figure you as a cheerleader; you’re always so peppy on here! I’m loving the weather here. Glad your’s has improved. That’s great news for DH – happy for you. have a restful weekend. (smile)

  2. I wasn’t a cheerleader (or even a little bit athletic) but I was in choir 🙂 That’s a great list of things to celebrate 🙂 I love your site name btw 🙂

  3. Hi, Cathy!

    I love the title of your blog 🙂
    Thank you so much for the kind comment of encouragement on my post.

    It’s nice to have met you!
    I am your newest follower on G+.

    My sister was a cheerleader, and a majorette. Are majorette’s still around?
    I haven’t seen majorette’s or flag girls in a long, long time.

    Have a great weekend! Stay warm!

    1. I have seen majorettes in parades on TV, so I reckon they are still around. I was also a majorette my freshman year of high school. By the time, I got to grade 10 all these sorts of things lost appeal with me and I keep to a quite life after that. We expected to have mild temps in east Tennessee this weekend, but it’s gonna be a wet one. I’m ready for Mr. Sunshine to return!

  4. Hello, Cathy, nice to meet you. While I was never a cheerleader, my 2 daughters were. It’s so nice to reminisce. I need to slim down for my son’s wedding this May. I wish us both luck!

    1. Oh, I’m telling you losing weight is SO much hardier than putting it on! I guess eating too much is like going down hill ~ easy, peasy and taking it off is like the struggles of climbing Mt. Everest. I keep saying, after I get the weight off I won’t make the same mistake again. But, I lie every time!! Congrats to your son on his upcoming wedding and the best of luck to you with the same pursuit as me! 😉 Great to have you stop by & to meet you, Cathrina!

  5. Actually, I was a cheerleader in high school — pom-poms, saddle shoes, and everything! Just like your adorable picture!

    Yay for spring and celebrating family! Happy Birthday to your FIL, 92 – wow! Good luck with the slimming down. And congrats to your husband for getting extended work!

    I removed your recent link post on the Linky List because you’re already there. You’re number 51. 🙂

    1. Lexa, no problem. I realized after I linked up that I goofed. I loved wearing saddle oxfords when I was younger and would love to get another pair, but they’re kinda hard to locate.

  6. My whole MY FUNNY DAD, HARRY blog is about memories with old pics like this! I never was a “cheerleader” but I did yell loud cheering for my teams when I went to see games. Now I yell loud while watching the Browns on TV. Found your blog on Create With Joy today!

    1. It’s nice to meet you, Karen! Oh, I do a lot of screaming and cheering from the sofa while watching football with DH. We have been Peyton Manning fans ever since he played at the University of Tennessee, but there are other teams we enjoy watching, too. I get really wrapped up in the game. It’s a wonder DH doesn’t boot me from the room, but he says he loves my excitement. 😀

  7. I was definitely not a cheerleader. In high school I only went to one football game that I can recall and nary a basketball game. I don’t think they even had any kind of teams where I went to middle school.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    A Faraway View

    1. Are you kidding me? Grant it, I didn’t go to many high school football games because it was a good drive from home and I didn’t have a car. My parents weren’t about to take me, either. So, one rare occasions that I could go then it was a real treat. However, in my junior high school years I attended all the home games because they were often played during school hours. Of course, I was in the band, so I didn’t have to pay to go. Lucky me, eh? 😀

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