Hello, Kittens & dawgs! Whoo-hoo, it’s Friday, Friday! The weekend is here at last. For a few weeks, I’ve had a lot of trouble with my ears. I’m experiencing the whole stuffy, I can’t hear anything, will you speak louder kinda thing and it’s driving me nuts. I’m doin’ some better but I don’t have my hearing at 100%. The good thing is I decided to use my impaired hearing for today’s inspiration to make you laugh with Hearing Trouble humor!

Let’s continue the fun with Friendly Fill-Ins with Annie and Ellen. Every Thursday four fun and easy blank statements are posted for us to borrow, complete, and share on our site. The point is to simply have fun linking, reading, and meeting others who enjoy this sort of thing.
Here’s my response to this week’s fill-ins:
(1) My guiding word for 2017 is aspiring. While I do not want to set resolutions, I do have certain goals I’m aspiring toward.
(2) Iaeger High School/Powell High School class reunion. What’s with the two high schools you ask. I spent most of my years at IHS and when I got married the summer of 1979 I was a senior at PHS. And, no I have not attended either class reunion.
(3) Truth be told I am superstitious about nothing. Seriously, I don’t believe in bad luck.
(4) Lately, I have been a bit preoccupied playing with the online site AutoDesk Homestyler. This sort goes with question one because one of my goals for 2017 is to be in a new-to-me house. It’s fun thinking about the way I would like for my new future home to look but I know if we get a house that’s on the market then chances are slim it will look like what I have in mind. That’s okay, though.
Hopefully, by now you know I made a change to my Friday posts but if not and you’re looking for my Skywatch Friday and Celebrate the Small Things contributions, I’m now sharing those on Thursdays. Let’s begin celebrating with Friendship Friday and Friday Features linky parties where you’re sure to make new friends and get lots of inspiration!
That’s a wrap for now, but if you like mewsic then I invite you to come back for Saturday Songsuasion. Until next time, have a fototastic weekend!
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Thank you very much for your recent visit, Cathy! Hope you’re well with your health issue! and I enjoyed of your funny cartoons shared with us.
About your request regarding the winter images, of course, you can used them in your fun photo projects! It’s fine with me, now that I know!
So, have a nice time, take care of your hearing and a great week ahead!
Alexa, thank you for giving me permission to use your photos. You’re very generous and kind. I would love to incorporate your images into my photo art and I will certainly give you image credit you. Thank you, my friend and God bless!
Spit out my tea on the “big breaths” one – LOL. Usually when I get that stuffy feeling in my ears it means a cold is coming. Aspiring is a great word!! I keep liking everyone’s word better than my own. I am going to end up with a dozen words for this year. ha. I have a scrapbook that contains magazine or printed photos of what my dream home would look like. I’ll never have it, but I still like looking at all the ideas.
Your comics were so funny, and the “Hearing Aid Guy” had me rolling on the floor laughing — and I really needed it today. Thanks so much for spreading the laughs!
I like ‘aspiring’, it leaves a lot of possibilities and I am not aspiring to go to a class reunion either. I haven’t heard of AutoDesk homestyler, but I have used a number of other programs for what I am assuming this one does too – arranging furniture, rooms etc. virtually. It is a lot of fun and you can spend a ton of time with it.
Thank you for your nice comments on our blogs, Cathy, and also for promoting the fundraiser for my eye surgery. You’re a sweet friend.
I hope that your ears will be okay soon. Are they hurting, too, or just stuffy?
I hope that you will be able to find and get the home of your dreams. Best wishes as you work towards your goals.
Have a blessed weekend.
Years ago, I read about a guy who created a vision board. In the middle of the vision board, the guy had taken a picture of a house out of a magazine. A few years later, he was looking closely at the vision board and realized he was now living in the exact house he had cut the picture of and glued on his vision board. If we can visualize it, we can accomplish it.
Keep envisioning your home just the way you want it. You might not get everything just as you wish, but you may get more than you are thinking now, i’ve seen that happen.
My hearing is being impacted by my humidifier hum, and Mr BC’s oxygen concentrator. If the TV is on I can’t hear anything clearly.
You’re funny! I don’t believe in “luck”, either. However, I do believe that unexplained things happen for unknown reasons. I have had really bed things happen to me on Friday the 13th, including being hit by a car, two miscarriages, and bad life-changing news. That kind of convinces you that it just is not a good day for you. Hugs.
Whew, Annie! I guess if I had those kinds of experiences then I might think bad luck followed me, too. Like you said, the unexplained happens without explanation and with some people more than others. It sure sounds like you had your share of the “unexplained”. Hopefully, you’re now exempt from any more bad stuff befalling you. ??
Love the cartoons and I can so identify. My hearing is terrible. I mean, I can hear sounds, but translating the quick mumbles of my family into sensible words is impossible. I’m always saying, “What? What?”
From one mother to another perhaps it’s a good thing you can’t make sense out of your clan because “Mom” is often yelled in vain which is enough to drive a sane woman mad!
I love the Doctor cartoon- too funny. I hope your hearing improves, I give you credit for joking about it with the cartoons instead of being upset. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I like your guiding word and I hope you do everything you aspire to do this year. Auto desk homestyler sounds like a fun thing to do . I always read that it is good to make vision boards of things you want to make them a reality so that is like the same thing. Have a great weekend.
Ellen, AutoDesk Homestyler does bring my design to life by adding furniture, appliances, and decorations to each room. It truly gives me a sense of what I would like in our next place. Laughing at my problems is the best medicine ever! I try to add humor to all of my crisis, which helps to get me through one before another takes over. lol Thank you for stopping by!
I’m amused at the comics. Love the last one “send me a letter”. haha.
I hope you get to feeling all of the better with hearing improved soon. 
Mandy, I hope my ear gets better soon, too. It’s so aggravating! Thanks for popping by, my friend!
My hearing sucks even though I went for a hearing test and it came out aok. Once I had wax build up…do you think that could be it? I think my. 2017 word is change. Let’s see what that brings about.
Birgit, Nope I get very little wax build up in my ears. It’s actually swollen and drains. I think I need antibiotic ear drops to clear it up but I can’t afford to go to the doctor. I’ll give it a little more time before I HAVE to break down to see the doctor. Yeah, I’m stubborn like that! ?
Hi, Cathy!
Hearing loss is aggravating, especially for mewsic lovers like you and me. I sometimes experience it after a shower when I discover water trapped inside my ears. I hope you can get your hearing back to 100% soon, dear friend. That stand-up comic, D.J. Demers, “the hearing aid guy” is really funny. He has great material and excellent timing. I also enjoyed your hard of hearing cartoons.
It is interesting that you aren’t superstitious. (Today is Friday the 13th – YIKES!) Like you I don’t believe in bad luck. You make your own luck. You can learn from adversity and turn it into success given time, the right plan and the right tools.
Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend Cathy!
Tom, This hearing loss is especially aggravating for me because it interferes with my mewsic listening. I have to be very careful when I shower to not get water trapped in my ear. This is a problem I’ve had all my life. My eustachian tube in my right ear I think is smaller than my left which makes it more difficult to drain properly. Repeated ear infections as a child cost me some of my hearing (high frequencies mostly), so I try to safeguard my ears the best I can. Aging will only add to this problem someday. I’m glad you enjoyed the funnies and yes the comedy is good. I guess it is kinda interesting that I’m not superstitious but that’s just something that never took root with me. I’m not sure why either because coming from rural WV there were plenty of folks who clung to signs of bad luck. Have a good weekend, my friend!