I’m rather partial to December babies because…I’m one! Yep, the 14th will be my…ehem…53rd birthday. Did I actually say that? Yep, I’m afraid I did. *smack forehead*
Anywho, when I was young I knew what it was like to have my special day swept away by the prominence of Christmas and through limited understanding I knew Jesus’ birth trumped mine any ole day, but I thought it would be nice if others kinda gave me a wee bit of attention. Selfish? Yeah, just a little!
Thankfully, DH and my children made up in spades for my big celebration bash each year and now I feel it my obligation to make others of my kind feel that equal specialness. Let’s give a round of applauds to these lovely birthday bloggers!
Be sure to mark your calendar and visit….
Stacy @StacyUncorked on the 9th! Whoo-hoo!
Freda @FredasVoice on the 10th! Yeahaw!!
and on the 26th…Mascha @Masha Book celebrates being 55 years young. Wee, you were almost a Christmas baby, girl!
Please, drop by and say Happy Birthday to my friends. Each one will be glad you hopped by for a birthday visit. It’s not too late, if your birthday is this month, then please let me know. I’ll add you to the list! Thanks for making someone’s birthday a very happy day!
Would you like to participate in my Happy Birthday Club? If so, then simply send your name, blog URL, and birthday (month and day or complete birthdate – whatever you are comfortable with) to: curiousasacathy@gmail.com and I’ll be sure to list you on my special birthday post for that month
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Happy birthday to you all, and happy birthday to me, tomorrow!
Happy Birthday to you and all!
Love the winter revamp to your blog!
Aren’t you the sweet one!