
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Halloween! Recipes. Snow? Encouragement.

Heather from Acting Balanced hosts a Monday Quiz About Me. What’s that? It’s not Monday! Who said? Okay, okay, I’m not losing it or am I? Actually, I decided to go with the flow of things by incorporating Heather’s meme in with today’s random post.

1. Do you consider Halloween a holiday for children or adults? Halloween is a holiday for all ages!

2. At what age should children stop trick or treating? This is a good question, I think by the time our kids reached 12 then they were getting too old to go door to door. From that point, we just did our own thing. I made it fun by making special goodies and we watched some creepy old movies.

3. What are your plans for Halloween? We have no real plans for Halloween. Since the kids are grown, I prefer to leave the porch light off to discourage trick or treaters. I’d rather be in bed instead of handing out candy. Yeah, I’m a party pooper. I know.

4. What frightens you? Politicians raising taxes. That’s scarier than monsters under my bed or skeletons in my closet. The hard-working middle class is who the liberals are out to destroy in America! Okay, I realize THIS isn’t what you were wanting with this question. But, it was the first thing that came to mind. 

I cannot believe how quickly this year has slipped by. Halloween is tomorrow. We don’t do much in the way of celebrating this holiday. Not that I’m against it, we just aren’t big Halloween fans, but I do enjoy having a pumpkin to carve and I enjoy making our traditional goodies: home-made caramels and caramel corn. I tell you these recipes are simple crowd pleasures.

Autumn just wouldn’t be the same without these sweet treats for Halloween.

Our weather has gotten funky wild with the highs being in the upper 40s for past few days. There is even mention of snow in our forecast for today. Crazy, huh? That really is for our neck of the woods. In fact the only time I can recall ever seeing snow this early is on Halloween 19 years ago when I was prego with DS.

Who’s thinking about Christmas other than me? Come on, don’t be shy! I am getting all hyper thinking of all the fun I can get into. I am already planning my cards to stamp and DIY projects. Watch for posts to come revealing what I’m gonna do this year!

My buds in Blogosphere are awesome. I will tell you why, because you know precisely where I was coming from last Thursday when I wrote What do I do?. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for encouraging and understanding.

For now, I’m not ready to skip out on anyone. Least of all… you guys! Your friendship means the world to me. I am just going to go with my instinct on blogging when I feel like it and when I don’t then I know YOU will be there for me when I do return. Trust me, I don’t believe I’ll absolutely jump ship entirely. The worse case scenario will be a day off here and there or scrambling to squeeze in a late blog hop post.

Grab a cup of coffee and follow me (see Daily Blog Hops at the top of this page) as I visit a few of my regular random/coffee chat buds!


Don’t you dare, for one more second, surround yourself with people who are not aware of the greatness that you are.  ~ Jo Blackwell-Preston

Visit this site for more: Self-esteem Quotes


Have a terrific Tuesday!




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10 thoughts on “Halloween! Recipes. Snow? Encouragement.

  1. thank you thank you for the caramel corn recipe!! I think I will try some as a special treat for our Friday movie night this week.
    I have to confess that I love handing out the candy and seeing everyone all dressed in the costumes. It’s when you see that odd, original costume that someone has created that makes it worth it. But mostly, it really is a holiday for the kids. (unless you know an adult who throws a really great costume party – which I did back in my hometown, but since marriage and moving… not anymore.)
    Thanks for chatting!

  2. Halloween is my favorite holiday so I go all out with the tacky decor at my house. My 17 year old is having a party tonight and my 12 year old still goes door to door. My husband and I dress up and scare the crap out of all the trick or treaters. We are a bunch of crazies!!! Visiting from TTUT.

  3. I am seriously looking forward to Christmas! I’ve already bought and wrapped a few presents, and I’m planning in my head where I’ll put everything so the tree will look its best. The year has definitely flown by, but the end of the year is the best part!

  4. I wish the UK took Halloween more seriously? We don’t really take part. I love all the pumpkin carving!

  5. Trick or treating ended for me when I was about 12. After taht I really didn’t do much for Halloween until I had kids of my own.
    We gave out treats from the time we had a house to give them from. Around here the trick or treaters are usually done around 9 anyway.

  6. I was absent from the blogging world last Thursday but I totally understand what you mean. And as it pertains to Halloween, I guess I still dressed up in high school but I do not remember going door to door. I still dress up! But now it’s for the kids.

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  8. I went trick or treating until I was 16 or 17. LOL Although honestly if given the choice and it were acceptable, I’d don a costume and head out door to door again at 23 ^.^ I just LOOOOVE Halloween!

    Although as much as I love it I’m definitely not looking forward to the constant doorbell ringing, especially if this migraine doesn’t go away o.O

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