
23-03-2025 Vol 19

Half Past Seven #BoTB winner

Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! The weekend flew right out of sight, didn’t it? Last week, I asked y’all to vote in the Boston cover song Peace of Mind #BoTB showdown. It was Half Past Seven vs. Stonecreep. It was nearly a total sell out for one band (they got my vote, too) with the rival receiving only two votes. Do you wanna guess who won?

The winner, as if you don’t already know, is… Half Past Seven! Now, give a listen to a few of their songs.



What mewsic are you listening to lately? I’d love to know what songs are moving you, so please feel free to tell me in comments. ?

This is a quick & painless way for others to find good tunes in Blogosphere by joining my no strings attached music hop, just add your music post URL below and wha-lah… instant traffic directed to your site. Clever, eh? I thought so.

Did you get a chance to listen on Saturday to Mike Bauer #music? If Not I hope you’ll click on over to hear this new-to-me talent. Thanks and have a tunetastic week and I hope you’ll join me for a not-so Wordless Wednesday!


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16 thoughts on “Half Past Seven #BoTB winner

  1. I’m not surprised at this outcome, Cathy. The heavy metal version didn’t suit the song, IMO. Congrats to Half Past Seven!

    1. Debbie, I didn’t think heavy metal suited the song, either. But, I thought it would do better than it did, though. Oh well…it was a fun battle!

  2. I’ve been refreshing and still all I see is a round circle loading.
    I’m assuming that I wont get to hear this song. But kudos on the votes!

    The kids and I have been listening to all types of music this Summer.
    Right now the girl is into Sid Shuffle
    The boy wants to hear anything minecraft! haha.

    Have a blessed week Cathy!


  3. No complaints here! I loved Boston and I’m a sucker for a good cover. Congrats to Half Past Seven. Nice job, Cathy! 😉

  4. Not surprised by this outcome since the heavier bands are usually a hard sell in these battles. Still it was worth the chance you took. Nice job.

    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, I was a little surprised, since I know some BoTBers like metal style music. I thought for sure Stonecreep would get their votes, but instead those gravitated to HP7.

  5. I always enjoy these battles and I believe I voted for this one but I have to look back to make sure. Bad of me eh? As for what I find is moving me musically, I love Enya’s May It Be.

    1. Birgit, yes you voted for HP7. Enya’s music moves me emotionally. I think I need music that moves me physically to get myself out of my chair more often throughout the day. lol

  6. Lol, we had the same battle outcomes, with the underdog only getting two votes! Tis the season for lopsided battles…
    I’m glad Half Past Seven won. Great music. Thanks for introducing me to them!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Michele, yep, our battles were heavy on side of the scale this go around. lol I was glad to introduce you to two new artists. That’s part of the fun of it all, isn’t it?

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    It’s nearly half past midnight and I just dropped in to say hooray for Half Past Seven! I’m happy to know they won the battle handily and that your ears matched mine. The more I listen to this versatile Philadelphia area band the better I like them. I especially enjoyed “Other Side of Me.”

    Thank you for reporting the results, dear friend Cathy, and have a fantastic week!

    1. Tom, Ha, half past midnight and Half Past Seven victory. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the other music. Did you notice you have the option of downloading HP7 songs in the upper right corner? Thanks for popping over, my friend. Have a tunetastic week!

        1. Tom, the music playlist came from ReverbNation. I didn’t realize until today that some songs are available for download. That’s a cool feature!

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