
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Goodbye Twitter I will miss you NOT with a dose of humor and a bit of ear candy

In case you missed the news, I deleted my Twitter account.  I appreciate those of you who followed me over the years there but honestly I never liked the platform and in recent years it has gotten pretty ugly.  I never experienced the back lashing from others but there’s way too much negativity brewing and my views don’t line with the company’s.  What really did it for me is the aggressive targeting to block conservatives. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.  I’m taking the necessary steps to severe ties with other social platforms that I do not find beneficial who are equally as bad as twitter.  Trust this when I say you and I may differ in our beliefs – political, spiritual, lifestyle.  You and I can like one another regardless.  You and I have a bond, a friendship I enjoy.  You,  I will not disconnect from!

Okay, nuff said on this subject. Let’s move on.  Yesterday on the 4M dance floor, I introduced to you The Star Sisters with an Andrew Sisters Medley.  I really enjoy when modern artists mimic sounds from the past. They do a beautiful job and have great voices. I don’t know why I’ve not heard of them before Mr. Shady’s shared them with  me but I’m glad that he did. I hope you enjoy the ear/eye candy of The Star Sisters!

Song tracks:

  1. He’s the One I Love
  2. Are You Ready For My Love,
  3. The Duke of Dance
  4. Tribute to Marilyn Monroe
  5. Godzilla (Love Theme)



Recently DD#1 sent a picture of our LA playing hide n’ seek that made me smile and tickle my heart. Kids are so precious!


I remember our kids doing the same thing. 🙂

If that doesn’t make me smile then I don’t know what would?

I’m not sure if Tuesday 4 is continuing into the new year. I looked for the questions but there were none to borrow, so if this segment is blank by the time you read it then one of two things has happened. I’m working on them or there aren’t any to answer. 😉

Okay, I’m subbing today’s Tuesday 4s for Sunday Stealing.

1. What are your plans for January?  To get the Christmas decoration taken down and put away, kick start my exercise routine, and to get a few necessary chores done that got put off during the holiday season.
2. What do you want to see happen in 2021?  Like most of you, I’d like to see this pandemic go away. Mostly I’d like for people to open their eyes to the truth around them and how everything we love about this country is slipping from our grasp.
3.  What would you give a 5 star rating? I’m cheating here as I read someone’s response but it certain the best to receive a 5-star rating GOD. He never changes. The only constant in my life and the world will ever know.
4. Do you have writing goals for 2021?  In a way, yes. I hope to continue massaging my writing skills using Q&A sessions like this, use various meme prompts to pull a memory out of  hiding to incorporate into my post, and to  join Kat’s Writing Shop on Thursdays.
5. How do you feel about memoirs?  Mine? I’m at the point to where I want to write more about the things I remember to share with my kids and grand kids someday.  No one is asking anything now but there may come day when they are interested and that’s when I’m afraid I won’t remember.
6. If you could join any musical group who would you choose?  I haven’t really given such thought to being a part of a band. In fact, I’d rather not be.  That’s a hard life to be on the road touring and performing all the time.
7. What are your favorite genres across all media?  I’m stumped on this because I can narrow down a genre for music or movies but all media?  Could it be you’re asking what is my favorite media?   If that’s the question and I’m not 100% sure that is then I’d have to say music. I listen to music frequently throughout the day.  Music moves me in many ways during the day. It lifts my mood and invigorates my body.  Music makes the day better.
8. What candle scents are your favorite? I’m not overly fond of scented candles.  They are pretty and nice but I don’t want them in my home.  That being said, I think I prefer mild scents such as vanilla.
9. How well can you mimic other accents or voices?  I am so-so doing a British accent but don’t put me to the test by asking a Brit how I sound.
10. What books are on your TBR list in 2021?  Nothing.
11. When do you decide it’s time to upgrade/buy something new?  Usually when it’s broken or too old to work efficiently.
12. Why is your favorite color your favorite color?  Pink is my favorite color because it’s feminine.
13. Who understands you the best?  Aside from God I’d have to say my DH.
14. Do you write letters?  I usually put out an annual Christmas letter when I send Christmas cards and occasionally when an old pen pal drops in my mailbox then I will respond.  I don’t write often, though.
15. How do you keep going when times are hard?  I remind myself that God is in control. I can do all that I know to but if things fall through the cracks as they have done over the past year then I cling to Proverbs 3:5 to trust the Lord with all my heart even though I do not know what’s going on.




It’s time to grab a cup of coffee and follow along with me as I head off to visit Sandee for some Happy Tuesdays giggles at Comedy-Plus, then I’ll check out Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy Uncorked, and finishing things up by checking out this week’s word prompt found at Eugi’s Causerie for the wannabe poet buried inside.   That’s a wrap for now but come back tomorrow for Wild Wednesdays where just about anything goes! 😉

X💋X💋, Cathy

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26 thoughts on “Goodbye Twitter I will miss you NOT with a dose of humor and a bit of ear candy

  1. I am on facebook and Twitter but don’t use twitter much. There are some groups on facebook that I find to be good and some not so good. I use it to keep in touch with family and friends I don’t get to see.

    My opinion is if you are abusing your privilege’s on the social media then yes they have the right to remove you or ban you. A few years ago i posted an innocuous picture (I think that’s the term) of my cats not realizing that my reflection in the mirror looked like I was topless (I wasn’t) fb coworkers contacted me and so did FB. Letting me know that one of my so called “friends reported me for inappropriate content. Most of my friends who saw it just laughed. Thought nothing of it. I got rid of it. FB was going to investigate it and said we wanted to review it. I couldn’t reply to them but I felt like saying you really think i am keeping it up? Duh.

  2. Twitter used to be fun in the ‘old days’ – remember those, when we first started blogging? I haven’t been active on Twitter (other than sharing blog posts) for eons… Funny, I apparently signed up for MeWe in December 2019… I don’t even remember doing that!! 😀 I need to keep Facebook, that’s how my family communicates (nobody seems to pick up a phone or even text – just messages or posts on Facebook. D’Oh!) Thanks for the funnies, they were much needed! 🙂

  3. Glad to hear of so many people dumping Twitter. I got kicked off (for a very minor issue and because I’m on the wrong side) last October and I have more time available now that I was wasting on the site.

    I’d love to be in a touring band, but I love being on the road.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Eugenia,

      I happened to set up a MeWe account this morning and I just now sent you an invite. I use my name but if you need my username it’s AmericanETNGirl. I’m excited that this platform isn’t ad-based and they claim to not sell your info.

  4. Wow! We are on the same page! I disconnected my blog from Twitter yesterday and I will probably dump them all together. I also changed my email from Google to Runbox, and I am going to dump them, as well. And, yes it continues – I dumped Instagram and Firefox. My browser of choice is Vivaldi and I love it! LinkedIn is getting ugly, indeed and I have never been a FB fan. I still have beBee, which has become more useful since it is based out of Spain and I recently joined MeWe because they have cool groups – cats, music, and Blue Ridge, Ga. Have a great day! 😘

  5. Social media descended into the sewer several years ago. It’s just moved to a deeper sewer level. Before that it was commenters on online newspapers (a sister in law used to work for a suburban big city newspaper and their management was basically forcing employees onto social media. It was the “in thing”. That didn’t work out that well in the end.). I think there is something about how people can choose a screen name and say the most offensive things without consequences which attracts certain personalities. Even LinkedIn, which is supposed to be a social media site for career interactions, is descending into the sewer with fights between left and right breaking out on the most innocuous posts. I am still using Twitter for now. I abandoned Instagram several months ago and I rarely go on Pinterest. I’ll most likely stay on Facebook because it helps me keep up with some family and do some blog promotion but I’ve had to mute some people recently. People are in their own bubbles and won’t emerge to interact with “the other side”. A sure recipe for something bad happening. I fear that is inevitable.

    1. Alana,

      WOW, an employer forcing its employees on social media! I’m sure that wasn’t necessary considering how fast these platforms grow. Anyone that has that kind of power over you likes to pull their weight regardless if it’s a good thing or not. Oh you’re so right about people hiding behind a screen name but those with the general attitudes have carried it into the real world. I think that’s why we’re seeing such a rise road rage and person-to-person conflicts in passing. People think there is no consequences to what they say or do. What is this the school yard? The teachers in the school yard are now replaced by cops to restore order but our men & women in blue aren’t respected like they used to be which might add even more fuel to the flames. People have been taught to express themselves no matter what the cost. No one is taught to restraint and politeness anymore. That’s why it’s so hard to bring opposite sides together, generally, to have a rational conversation. I’m find my bloggy friends who’s views don’t line up with mine are respectful and kind. Our common interests, usually music, has created a firm bond and we do our best to not purposely step on the others’ toes. I’m willing always to discuss anything with anyone and if we don’t agree and if we can still call each other friends in the end, then that’s a beautiful thing. Oh, well…these are the days we’re living. I will look for opportunities to enjoy life instead of bowing the chaos. Thanks for hanging with me, dear friend!

  6. I commend you for giving up Twitter. All my accounts are connected to my blog so I will keep it despite not liking it and never using it. Great answers, especially #2. XO

    1. Ellen,

      My posts were tied to Twitter but I disconnected my blog from it. If you don’t know how to do that and want to just let me know. I’m happy to help. For now, my posts will auto publish to my FB fan page. I deleted my Bloglovin’, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts. I may remove my LinkedIn account next. The only one of these I truly enjoyed was Pinterest but I can get ideas else where.

  7. I just dumped my Twitter account when I saw you had dumped yours. I had been thinking about it for some time. I feel like I have to keep Facebook for a while because my family is all there, but that’s really the only thing I’m using it for, plus we probably need someone for A to Z. looks like Facebook, as does MeWe, and Parler, if it ever comes back, is like Twitter. I also keep hearing about Telegram as a possible Twitter replacement.

    1. John,

      I have a Parler account. I hope they are able to get back up again. That’s just despicable what Amazon did but what do you expect out in this day? I’m keeping Facebook for the same reasons – family & friends. This is like my party line to find what’s happening with who. I may pop in from time to time with very little status updates on my part. I will check out Gab and MeWe. Thanks for the support, my friend. You rock!

  8. I am totally with you on the social media issue…..when they start censoring folks who they do not agree with I am done! Only was on twitter for a bit years ago and found it ridiculous….same with Facepuke… they are a total waste of time- I would rather pick up my phone and call someone and talk! and at times I am a total luddite…..still have a flip phone and I have texting blocked. I am actually working on a photo project featuring families etc all face planted rather than engaging with each other.
    Enough of my kvetching- have a lovely day creating and enjoying life!

    1. Kathe,

      You know when we got our smartphones I was convinced that we were the only ones yet to do it and now you’re telling me you still have a flip phone. Looks like I was wrong. lol Technology is a wonderful thing but it is a bit over used in our society. One has to know how to govern their time. There’s more to life than the smartphones and computers.

  9. I started my daily journal in March of 2000, so have kept it for 20 years. It is pretty much what you say you’d like to write in a memoir. From what is happening today to memories of yesterday to feelings about current events. I don'[t know that my grandkids will ever be interested, but it is out there in case they are

    1. Bev,

      Oh cool! I wished for years that I had started a daily journal but never found the motivation to do it. Good for you and I’m sure someday the grand kids will enjoy reading yours.

  10. I’m still pondering deleting twitter, I have thousands of followers that was helpful for cat rescue work but now that I’ve retired from that we’ll see. I haven’t deleted Facebook yet since there are some long time friends I only keep in touch with there. You did a good job answering those questions.

    1. Brian,

      I’m on Parler (AmericanETNGirl), a conservative version of Twitter. Apple and Google Play removed the app from their stores. Parler was using Amazon’s server but they cut their service. Dan Bongino, founder is suing Amazon. I hope he finds a conservative server who’ll support his site. My Facebook personal & fan pages are active. I don’t want to cut ties with old friends, family, and bloggy friends. I’d love to see a conservative company design a similar site, though. I’d sign up in a heart beat! I noticed a headline yesterday that read to the effect that Twitters’ stock plunged. You can’t expect to not feel the heat when you burn others. Our country is going to H@%! in a hand basket as my late mother-in-law would say.

    1. Kinga,

      I never cared a great deal for Twitter. It was a good way to share posts or to see what others were saying but the anger generated on social media is awful. People can’t respect different views. It’s either this way or no way. What you don’t agree with me? Oops, you’re blocked or your account is suspended! It’s madness.

  11. I dumped Twitter too and for the same reason you did. Enough is enough. I dumped Facebook yesterday. I don’t have any social media right now. The hatred was more than I will listen to.

    Love all the funnies. I remember hiding like that when I was little and my mom playing along.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Love and hugs. ♥

    1. Sandee,

      I haven’t gone so far to dump Facebook yet and if there was another platform similar geared for conservative minds then I’d certainly give it a try. I believe in the coming months something will open up. The hatred is awful. You and I know who’s inciting this mess and perpetrating the violence. That will never get reported in MSM,though. It’s becoming a one-sided society. The silent majority won’t be silenced, though. Thanks for joining me today, my friend.

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