
01-03-2025 Vol 19

God’s Love on 4M

Celine Dion “I’m Your Angel” ft. R. Kelly

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me 108th edition! This week’s theme is “Love Songs”. It’s interesting how the gears of my mind turns one way and then it does a complete reverse the other direction. Why not lift love to the highest level – God’s love? Love that changes not and is with us throughout eternity!

Chris Tomlin “Unfailing Love”
Newsong “When God Made You”
Steven Curtis Chapan “I Will Be Here”
Third Day “Love Song”

Are you ready to be moved in a special way this week? It makes no difference if the love songs stir your soul or your heart the music is beautiful.

Admission to ride the Love Train is totally doable for anyone.  Are you ready to rock n’ roll with all the other passengers? Then, here’s what you do….

Go to YouTube insert your music video of choice.
Grab the “Monday’s Music Moves Me” Button.
Link your 4M below, follow us, & leave a comment.

Head conductor of the Love Train is Marie of XmasDolly & her co-conductors are the lovely: Callie of JAmericanSpice,  Stacy of Stacy Uncorked , Cathy Kennedy’s Blog (my old blog), and this month’s honorary co-conductor, Rebecca of Everyday Life.

Lorie of The Shewbridge of Central Florida  is taking a little hiatus due to medical reasons. Our prayers are thoughts are with you, my friend. I hope you’re well soon. We’ll hold things up together till you’re able to come to us. God bless!

Our spotlight dancer tops the linky line up in the number one spot – Congratulations, my friend!


Don’t forget to show our featured dancer some love and go ahead, shake your bootie with any of the fellow rockin’ bloggers below…



The Love Train will be pulling into your depot soon and I’m eager to begin by following you. Next stop… your place! What music is moving you?

Psst, Psst….Next week, I’ll be sure to feature today’s theme music – songs from my children’s birth year. Apparently, I am not on the same page as the rest of the dance party. *blush*




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10 thoughts on “God’s Love on 4M

  1. i forgot how much i love Steven Curtis Chapman haven’t listen to him in sometime thank you for the reminder Come Say HI

  2. “It makes no difference if the love songs stir your soul or your heart the music is beautiful.”

    Truer words have never been spoken my friend! Music is all about FEELING whether it’s in the mind, the body, or the soul regardless of the words, genre, or artist 🙂

    Thank you for giving us all the gift of beautiful music today Cathy! Hope you have a musical week ^.^

  3. I totally love Celion Dion and R Kelly’s song. The others were so nice to I’m glad I listened to them tonight. Very soothing. Thanks for sharing my friend. Hugzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. Some beautiful and inspiring hymns. I love, love Chris Tomlin’s voice. Amazing.
    Another great one is Love Song for a Saviour by Jars of Clay. beautiful song.

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