This is my 3rd year to join JingleJangleJungle (Mary) in her annual mewsic blog fest. My objective with this challenge is to try to make new mewsic discoveries and at times I’ll throw in an oldie that got lost in the cobwebs of my mind. In keeping with yesterday’s song theme I found another new-to-me title, Ghost Towns Along the Highway by John Mellencamp.

To round out the work week and kick off your weekend, I’ll leave y’all with a few comics to tickle your funny bone.

Each Friday, Ellen and Lorraine share 4 blank statements to complete and share. Here are this week’s statements and my fill-ins.
Okay, I’m outta here for now but remember the door to CAAC is open 24/7. You’ll find another song selection featured tomorrow for RMF, so do join me if you’re on the cyber block. Until next time, rock on ghouls and guys! XX
, Cathy
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As a huge fan of Halloween and humor, these funnies made my day. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I have never enjoyed alcohol, for a variety of reasons, so I also don’t keep it in my house. Have a wonderful week!
I’m not a huge fan of Halloween. I liked it as a kid but even then I wouldn’t call myself a huge fan. I just wanted the candy.
Honestly I figured we were just about the only people who don’t drink. It’s good to know there are others who don’t have adult beverages, too. 
MOL…the ghost funnies were very funny, CK…MOL..great answers on the fill-ins too
Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday

Thanks for stopping by for some giggles, furriend. Have a good Sunday afternoon!
Love the ghost funnies! I’ve tamed my mouth over the years! Haha! I love walk-in closets which I’m grateful we have 2 and a pantry in our apartment thus the reason we moved here.
Our house is old. The closet in our room is about the size of double hallway closet. It’s not nearly big enough and it’s jammed pack. I hope our next house has very, very large closets in all bedrooms plus a full basement. We have a small pantry. Again, it’s not big enough either. It’ll be wonderful to have more space someday.
Cute collection of ghost funnies. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. We don’t drink either, but hubby makes wine to give as gifts so there is alcohol in the basement. My mouth has gotten me into lots of trouble too
Have a wonderful weekend. XO
I’ve tamed my mouth a lot over the years but sometimes the signals between my brain and lips the brake doesn’t get pulled fast enough.
I know this song. Mellencamp was one of my faves. Himmmmm my mouth also gets me into trouble but it is because I tell the truth on things and some people just can’t deal with that. This has been my entire life. Ya either like me for who I am or ya don’t, most people just think I am crazy. ha ha ha.
I don’t mind someone being truthful and upfront with me especially if it’s done with loving intentions, you know what I mean? Sometimes people can tell you the truth but deliver it an very unpleasant way. I’m sure I’d love you just the way you are crazy or not.
Hi Cathy!
Nice Mellencamp find! Thanks so much for sharing him with us today. Also, thanks for joining in my little MusicFest!
I’m happy to play along again with you, Sweetheart! Thanks for sampling my song pick for today.
Those were good answers and we enjoy the Mellencamp dude! I hope you have a totally fabulous weekend!
Thanks for checking out my fill-ins and enjoying some Mellencamp, furriend. Have a furrtastic weekend!
Love your fill-ins and love the naked gun 2.5. That was most suggestive.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, Cathy. Love and hugs. ♥
The Naked Gun series is a hilarious but it takes being in the right mood to enjoy that kind of humor or at least for me. Thanks for joining me today, dearie!
Love the spooky fun and the song is perfect to go with it.
Excellent answers, i hope you do get to have a nice Thanksgiving with the children, no matter how it shapes up.