
13-03-2025 Vol 19

Getting over Black Friday Chaos and no Money!

Good morning, kittens and dawgs! Let me see a show of hands, how many of y’all got out on Black Friday to shop? smack forehead  You’re either very brave or very stupid and I’m not saying which one you belong in, either. ?

If the crowds aren’t bad enough to drive you bonkers, then having no money by the end of the day is super depressing and has me singing some of these songs!






One more peek at Black Friday crowds gone wild!



What mewsic are you listening to lately? ?

Thank you for including me in your Monday and I’ll do my level best to respond and make return visits. ? I’m linking with the ? party hosted by the Monday’s Music Moves Me crew and you’re welcome to come with and don’t forget to hop back for not-so Wordless Wednesday!









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16 thoughts on “Getting over Black Friday Chaos and no Money!

  1. Sometimes I’d love to capitalize on these deals, but I have no budget for this. I only get groceries. I think it would work if I also have a job.

    And I can see the point in these tunes 🙂

    It can be depressing, but I try not to think about it too much and just be thankful that we have food and shelter.
    Alas, the world goes on eh


  2. I didn’t spend a cent – so I am still …. well, let’s face it, poor. LOL
    I did do a bit of surfing deals, but honestly, I just basically felt overwhelmed by how MUCH there was, and quickly signed off without buying a single thing. So what little I had, I still have.

    And now I have Dire Straits Money for Nothing in my head. Which is a good thing, so thank you. 🙂

  3. Personally, I never bothered with Black Friday and to me them starting to call it Black Friday disgusts me because YO IT’S CHRISTMAS…LIKE THE BIRTH OF OUR LORD… ya know what I mean why would they call it BLACK! Anyway, those people take all the fun out of Christmas and hurting each other…. NOPE not for me! Love the tunes you picked though! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving sweetie! HUGS

    1. Marie, yeah Black Friday really doesn’t make me think happy thoughts. The word black makes me think of death. I’m all for capitalism and turning a profit but not at the expense of someone’s life or downplaying the importance of Christmas. It is the birth of our Savior and it should be reverent during this holy season. Thank you for stopping by, dear friend!

  4. The whole idea of camping out in front of a big-box store to get a TV or whatever they’re selling cheap has never appealed to me, and the older I get, the more it offends me. I sit and see people knock each other over and get into fistfights over a thing — A THING — and I wonder, are these good people who just get caught up in the moment, or are these people who have nothing more important in their lives than getting cheap stuff? Nothing you can buy at a big-box store is worth risking life and limb to have it. Nothing.

    Good set, though!

    1. John, I agree nothing is worth risking life or limb even to save big bucks! Speaking of which, we read that Target was selling iPhones for more than list price on Black Friday and because the tag showed it on sale people were paying exuberant prices without seeing if it really was a good deal or not. That’s just plain STUPID!

  5. It’s a sad statement that greed supplants the spirit of the season, once again. The Black Friday nonsense has even been taken up by Canadian retailers in recent years. Shopping online is a much better idea. 🙂 Thanks for the “money” concert. Here’s another one:

    1. Debbie, “NONSENSE” is an excellent word to describe the Black Friday madness. We have always downplayed gift-giving at our house, keeping presents simple and not expensive. We reminded our children in honor of Christ’s birth, we exchange presents as a reminder of the Three Wisemen presenting the baby Jesus gifts. I can’t buy into the whole maxing your credit cards out or borrowing money to pay for Christmas. That’s just ridiculous and reckless spending plus it sends a message to people to show no control with money they don’t have. Thanks for stopping in for a visit!

  6. Forget about that Black Friday shopping! We stayed home and did housecleaning in prep for putting up our Christmas tree on Saturday and to get ready for family coming during the holidays. And we ate turkey dinner leftovers for lunch. You won’t find me shopping on the day after Thanksgiving.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Lee, I’m with you regarding Black Friday shopping. It’s just too crazy for me and it has been for years. I know some of the deals are fantastic but there isn’t anything that I want that much to fight the crowds. Speaking of turkey, we finished ours last night but we have still have some ham and sweet potatoes left. 😀

    1. Annie, I’m sure God didn’t intend Christ’s birth to be centered around commercialism. Folks are focusing on the presents and not the gift of Christ – the Saviour of the world’s birth. We all need to make more time to reflect on Christmas’ true meaning instead of being caught up in the hype. Thanks for visiting, my friend!

  7. Hi, Cathy!

    Those scenes of shopping chaos captured by store surveillance cameras are alarming. If you trip and fall while bursting through the door you will most likely be trampled in the stampede and seriously injured or worse. Those clips make the case for staying home and shopping online which is what Mrs. Shady and I do. I can’t help remembering Ed McMahon, Johnny Carson’s sidekick on The Tonight Show. Every year he reminded us how much he loved Christmas shopping and how he always waited until Christmas eve to get it all done. I wish we could return to a time when shopping for loved ones was a pleasure instead of a death defying mission. No waffle iron or Cabbage Patch doll is worth losing your life over and even if you are lucky enough to survive, the spirit of the holidays remains buried under the sea of irritable shoppers pushing and shoving their way through the stores.

    Have a great week, dear friend Cathy!

    1. Tom, We stayed home on Black Friday. You couldn’t pay me to go out in that mess! I’m with you & Mrs. Shady on cyber shopping. That’s the way to go, especially this time of the year. It makes life far more enjoyable to not only buy at my pace but frees me of stress and it gives me more time to do the things I want to do other than being forced to deal with ruin, impatient people. Besides, Christmas isn’t about padding retailers pockets or giving every one you know a present. Giving should be genuine. This gets missed too often despite the intent. Thanks for stopping in today. I’ll be by to see you a little later. I’m helping DH with some chores.

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