Good-morning, kittens & dawgs! How are y’all doing this morning? Last week, I changed themes on my site. Somethings need a bit of tweaking which I’m working on. Meanwhile, track two on the above Flatt Lonesome playlist crossed my ears in recent months and having enjoyed it decided to share it along with 25 other tunes found on YouTube. I’m happy you joined me this morning for another chance to get to know me a little better!

41. What is your favorite childhood memory? I don’t know that I have a favorite childhood memory but I do recall some high points from my youth. I vividly recall sitting by the window in my grandparents’ upstairs living room watching for my parents to bring home my baby brother. I was five years old. Another time, I recall grandma waking me in the wee hours to tell me the good news I had a little sister. I was 9 1/2 years old. These memories always make me smile.
42. What is your favorite way to pastime? Other than watching movies, I’d say sketching.
43. What is your favorite snack? Popcorn but it hurts my tummy sometimes. 🙁
44. What is your favorite sport? To watch, football; to play, tennis.
45. What is something you are gifted at? This is tough. I don’t consider myself especially talented in anything but I have potential. My skill sets need a lot of polishing. I like to think someday I can say I’m a gifted artist or photographer or both.
46. What is something you look(ed) for in a partner? I’ve known DH all my life. Before we started dating I just him as my best friend’s brother’s friend. So, I really didn’t know him. The summer of 1976 after I became a Christian, my uncle and aunt encouraged me to pray for my future mate. My prayer was for God to lead me to a good guy who’s heart belonged to Him. Within a few months, DH asked me out and the rest is herstory! 😉
47. What is something you wish you were gifted at doing? Drawing for sure.
48. Are you a fan of any sports team? At first I thought no but then I thought yeah, I’m a fan of UT football. Other than that not really. When Peyton Manning played for the Broncos then I was a fan but with all this craziness going on in NFL then when I watch I ALWAYS root for the team who has the least offenders (those who take a knee during the National Anthem).
49. Are you a dog person or cat person? I don’t have any pets but I’m partial to both but at one time I would’ve picked a cat over a dog anyday. Now, I can go either way.
50. At what age did you go on your first date? My first date was to a church hosted Valentine’s Day party. I was barely 13. The boy was almost four years older than me. We went study for more than a year but he broke heart and so I had to dump him. I believe that was supposed to happen so I’d be free to date DH at the appointed time. God has a plan! 😉
Previous g2km posts…
Here’s your chance your get in on the fun, feel free to borrow my questions to create your own G2KM post.
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
- What is your favorite way to pass time?
- What is your favorite snack?
- What is your favorite sport?
- What is something you are gifted at?
- What is something you look(ed) for in a partner?
- What is something you wish you were gifted at doing?
- Are you a fan of any sports team?
- Are you a dog person or cat person?
- At what age did you go on your first date?
Final step, come back, link-up, and if you want grab the linky code to add to beneath your G2KM responses!
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Beginning in March I am going to do a g2km post every other week and on the off week’s throw out a random question or topic for y’all to grab. I think I will create a page to post future Cathy Chat prompts. How does that sound?
I’m linking up taking a HOT coffee break with Stacy Uncorked and Eugenia @BrewNSpew this morning and you’re invited to come with and let me remind you to visit again tomorrow for not-so Wordless Wednesday.
X💋X💋, Cathy
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Always great to get to know you even more, Cathy! 🙂 I’m doing the questions this week. 😉 Thanks for keeping me inspired! 🙂
Hi Cathy! Thanks for having coffee with me at the Tuesday Chatter Cafe, Make it a great day!
And, thank you! 😉
Popcorn sometimes hurts my tummy, too! I noticed you said UT football. I’m from Texas! But I don’t really keep up with college football. Glad you came over to my blog. I enjoyed getting to know you better.
Oops, I was referring to the University of Tennessee (UT), Go Big Orange! 😀 Thanks for visiting and have a wonderful day!
Nice learning more about you. Clearly DH was meant to be your soulmate. That is sweet that you remember your siblings being born.
Yes, DH was meant to be my soulmate and he’s the best for me! 😉
41. What is your favorite childhood memory? Riding in the car, taking my newborn brother home. I was 3 years old.
42. What is your favorite way to pass time? Listening to music.
43. What is your favorite snack? Pizza
44. What is your favorite sport? Baseball
45. What is something you are gifted at? Being able to stare at something, without anyone noticing.
46. What is something you look(ed) for in a partner? That which I was staring at.
47. What is something you wish you were gifted at doing? Playing the guitar.
48. Are you a fan of any sports team? Yes. The St. Louis Cardinals Baseball Club.
49. Are you a dog person or cat person? Dog
50. At what age did you go on your first date? Fifteen… Group trip to the fair.
For the record, you are much better at this exercise than I am.
Mewsic is a great way to pass time. Baseball is one of those sports I played and watched as a kid but as an adult it’s one of my least favorite sports. Isn’t that strange? I can’t stare without blinking. I’m hopeless at doing this for more than a few seconds at a time. Your response to something you look for ina partner cracked me up. lol I’d like to learn how to play a guitar but I have small hands. Just so you know, I think you did a fantastic job answering these questions. Bravo! Thanks for popping by!
We are cat people, only because we don’t want to have the responsibility to walk a dog. That’s why we don’t mind when the granddogs visit and we get to play with them.
Dogs do require walking. I would not like having to do that, especially in the winter. I think if we had a nice large fenced property with a garage for animals to retreat to when it’s cold then that would be nice. I can’t see keeping one in the home, especially big dogs.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing more about yourself! I like these question type posts. May have to start doing them myself.
I missed doing these sorts of post. Please, feel free to borrow any of my Q&A sessions. I found most of them from various online sources. I needed a little help. 🙂
I kind of did all the questions. Thanks for providing them and I’m looking forward to linking up with more!
Thanks for lifting the questions and joining the fun. I’m heading your way now. 😉
What is your favorite childhood memory? Going to the beach for the very first time.
What is your favorite way to pass time? Boating.
What is your favorite snack? Cheetos or ice cream.
What is your favorite sport? None.
What is something you are gifted at?
What is something you look(ed) for in a partner? Loyalty.
What is something you wish you were gifted at doing? Crafts.
Are you a fan of any sports team? No.
Are you a dog person or cat person? Both, but we had a beloved dog last and I miss her so.
At what age did you go on your first date? I wasn’t allowed to date until I was 16 so that’s when I have my first date.
Have a fabulous day, Cathy. ♥
I did enjoy getting to know you better!