
15-03-2025 Vol 19

Funny Questions

Earlier this morning I shared an edition of Songsational Sundays for those who enjoy spiritually inspiring mewsic.  I had hoped to roll today’s Sunday Stealing (Bev Sykes, hostess) question set into that post but it didn’t happen. Here are my responses to this week’s questions.

1. If You Could Use A Time Machine To Go Back In Time To Fix One Thing Or Go To The Future To See What It Is Like Which Would You Do?  The only thing that comes to mind for past fixes is to not get sucked into the credit card trap. It took us forever to get out of debt but I…we learned the value of never spend more than you can afford as well as paying the monthly balance off on time.

2. If All Of A Sudden There Was A Depression Or There Were No Stores To Buy Food, Clothing, Etc. How Would You Manage? WOW, I don’t know. Clothing I wouldn’t be worried about so much as food. I guess I’d learn how to garden fast.

3. Are You Concerned With What Other People Think About You? For the most part no.

4. How Do You Handle People You Don’t Like?  Gasp, who wouldn’t like me? I like me a lot! 🙂  I don’t think I have to worry about this but if someone doesn’t like me then I wouldn’t loose sleep over it because chances are it would be someone who I don’t know and even if I did it wouldn’t change how I felt about that person.  It’s not the person I dislike ever but often their choices. I had  a horrible headache will attempting to answer these questions yesterday. Obviously I misread it but didn’t catch my goof until after this published. Now to correct my mistake. It’s not the person I generally don’t like but their attitude and follow the Golden Rule to treat others as I’d like to be treated.

5. What Do You Think Of Garden Gnomes? I have no opinion one way or the other. I don’t think garden gnomes appeal to me but what ever floats your boat I say go for it!

6. You’ve Been Given An Elephant. You Can’t Give It Away Or Sell It. What Would You Do With The Elephant?  I’d sell tickets for kids young and old to ride my elephant around the block. 🙂  The question didn’t say I couldn’t make money by selling tickets. 😀

7. How Would You Design A Spice Rack For The Blind?  I think the spice rack needs to be slotted with the spice name in Braille. That’s all I can think of at the moment. 

8. How Lucky Are You And Why?  I don’t believe in good luck or bad. Things happen. Blessings are a different story. I consider myself immensely blessed. God is good to me.

9. What’s your biggest kitchen fail? One time I made home-made buttermilk biscuits but didn’t realize that I had bought all-purpose flour. Without any leavening biscuits are pretty hard. As soon as they came out of the oven I know something was wrong and that’s when I re-read the flour bad. I promptly threw that batch out and started again.

10. What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in school?  The only thing that comes to mind is from my junior year. We were in the library listening to the guy tell us about class rings.  I was sharing a single chair with a girlfriend, I think, and I was leaning way to one side when BAM I fell right off the chair into the floor. When everyone saw that it was me laughs erupted. I turned every shade of red imaginable while I laughed along with the crowd. I know that had to be really funny.

11. If you could kill off any character from a current television show, who would it be?  We stream all of our movies and shows, so we aren’t on any current episodes of anything and I can’t answer this question. That being said, I don’t know that I’d want to kill any character off because generally I like all of them, the good and the bad. The difference in personalities really is what makes a program enjoyable.

12 . If you could make a rule for a day and everyone had to follow it, what would it be?  This has been a rule for more than a day but I not only like to see it be followed to the tee for one day but always and that’s social distancing in public.  When I shop, strangers will purposely without thought or care stretch over, plow me over, or brush against me IF I have my guard is down.  Otherwise, I’m on the defense keeping these things from happening.  People I know is another story and this doesn’t apply but is a general for rule for the general population.  I’ve been like this way before the Coronavirus.  You just don’t what kind of bacteria or viruses someone is carrying on themselves clothing, hands, hair, …  which lives for hours making cross contamination likely. Keep your distance folks!:)

13. Would you rather be a hobbit or an elf for 24 hours? Standing 5’2″ I feel like a hobbit or elf sometimes but I know I’m quite a bit taller than these fictitious creatures. I think I’d like to be an elf. It would be fun to build toys for the children of the world and help ole St. Nick out.

14. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?  There’s been a few things but I’d rather keep those things to myself. A girl’s gotta have her secrets, right?

15. Would your rather shoot spaghetti out of your fingers or sneeze meatballs?  This is a funny, weird question. Who thought this one up? The later sounds painful, so I’d go with shoot spaghetti out of my finger. 

I had little time to work on these yesterday.  We were suppose to get our Avalon yesterday but Toy-yoyo had issues with their computer and they were waiting on a part to arrive.  These things can’t be helped sometimes. I’m grateful for the wonderful mechanic we have there who does an outstanding job making sure his customers are taken care of properly.  I don’t know what we’ll do when he retires.

Hopefully, tomorrow we can pick it up.  Thanks for taking time out of your day to become more acquainted with the gal behind Curious as a Cathy.  I’m gonna leave you with a song that asks a question, “Are You Jimmy Ray”, and if it gets you in the mood to boogie, then consider yourself invited to join me on the Monday’s Mewsic Moves Me dance floor for your choice song picks week.   Maybe I’ll get a chance to add a little Monday Madness to the mix if time allows.  Have a good afternoon! X💋X💋, Cathy







Playing along with JingleJangleJungle annual daily mewsic challenge this month.

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16 thoughts on “Funny Questions

  1. Elves…! I forgot about the elves in Lord of the Rings. Now there are some ELVES! Have fun and don’t work too hard! And you made your answers very interesting. 👍

    1. For someone who 5’2″ then tall sounds nice. Brave and living forever are added perks but I’m not sure about living forever. Do these elves maintain their strength, stamina, and youth? If so, then count me in!

  2. Great questions and you provided some thought provoking answers. I have no idea what I would do with a pet elephant, but I would return to my gardening roots in depressed times. In fact, we are probably going to do a small raised bed garden next year. Love the video Thanks for sharing that tune. Have a blessed week and get healthy.

  3. Great answers!

    There are quite a few characters on the British TV soaps I watch that I would love to kill off. Really annoying ones that have been on for way to long.

    Marie x

  4. Those are really strange questions but you did good answering them. Garden gnomes remind me of TV ads for travel.

  5. Elves in Middle Earth are quite different from Santa’s elves. Maybe they are distant cousins or something.

    1. CD,

      I wasn’t thinking about Middle Earth…well, I did a little but I forgot about the Elves in Middle Earth. They are different from Santa’s elves. I guess I’d still rather be an elf than a hobbit. 🙂

  6. I think being an elf would be tiring, working so hard for Santa. Hobbits can just relax and eat. LOL.

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